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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. What would be a good value for @landscape = in a 10x stock system? I can see the mountains at value of 0.5 from KSC, but they are either just far far away or really small.
  2. I guess so. The contract system is fairly flexible and chooses parts and planets as it finds them in the game instead of only preprogrammed contracts. Some might not work with total system revamps - especially those with a "story line" - but most should be good. Just try them out, you can always finish them in the ALT+12 menu if they kerb out or remove contract packs should they behave strangely.
  3. Totally wild guess: have you tried playing with these? (found in SigmaDimension configs, here: Ike) &flyingAltitudeThreshold = 18000 &spaceAltitudeThreshold = 50000 Or:
  4. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/179445-14-17-ferram-aerospace-research-continued-v015111-mach-230619/
  5. A bit of rescaling and resizing is enough for my physics speed to take seven times longer when under a certain altitude above ground arouind Mun - landing and landed the same. No "new" planets needed it seems. I also deactivated Terrain Scatter and set the slider to 0% for good measure - not been to any ROCs yet. Interestingly the issue is - so far, didn't do too much yet in this save - not happening on Kerbin, or at least not consistently because my first launch from Woomerang was sluggish as slugs as well, now it is as smooth as a modded KSP can be.
  6. xkcd 1314 Have a good start into the next week, y'all!
  7. @5thHorseman Yeah, maybe I am combining two things here. T'was so long ago.
  8. I also would not be against a stock RSS like system by size of bodies and orbits, with rebalanced parts - as an optional selection at the start of a new game.
  9. Upgradable engines were very loudly argued against by the community. Never using the system for anything (e.g. upgrading "old" probe cores with new SAS capabilities as they are unlocked in other probe cores along the techtree) is sad though.
  10. Does that affect the new science scatter thingies? About to go on a search for my first specials and rock collection run.
  11. But do we still have a working mod with Pathfinder-like airbags? There was one once, but that must be like five years old by now ...
  12. THIS cannot be said enough - with Comnet regular antennas do not bounce signals, only relay antennas do. It is kinda mentioned in the KSPedia in the game, but only in the positive that relay antennas do this, not in the negative that normal antennas do not.
  13. Yup - answered my own question ... maybe this post will help someone at some point in the future ... It has been to long since I actually played it seems - and my memory is cluttered with mods as well ... ^^
  14. This craft right here has a visible connection (lines in the map screenshot), but no probe control available and I cannot figure out why. The four comm-satellites have each four Communotron-16 that can reach KSC (and/or other ground stations). The HG-5 antennas on the craft were previously covered by a fairing - something rings a bell for me here, but not sure? Kopernicus is installed and the system has been rescaled to x10 planets and 7.xy orbits - SigmaDimensions has extended the antenna ranges by the app. multiplier. I am also using DMagic's ScienceRelay. Couple other mods, but those are the only ones that I would suspect to influence comms in any way. If I choose ComNet in the settings, do only Relay satellites act as hopping-points to the ground stations etc.? So, do all Direct antennas only work for the vessel they are installed on? Do multiple antennas even extend the range of inactive vessels - or do multiple antennas only combine their ranges for the active vessel as well?
  15. So 1 AU gets based on Kerbin's position each time, no matter where a system rescale puts the orbit?
  16. I have a years old comment in the back of my head, that solar panels output (input?) is based on the homeplanets position and rises/drops from there when going towards/away from the star. How good is my memory, is this anywhere near the truth? ^^ Does that mean that my x10 system has normal solar EC generation at Kerbin and does the amount scale towards the further-away-Jool, or does it drop by distance the same as in stock and will be more like stock-Eeloo-distance at further-away-Jool already?
  17. 7.834784327285280 for year length equal to Earth
  18. Curious ... it must have worked at some point, because I had to dig deep into my backups before I found a version that handled each experiment seperately. And regarding my other problem - Squad updated the Stayputnik, but kept the older version - so the name of the part changed ... So, catch all version in first line: The localization stuff leads to silly entries in the TechTree (AUTOLOC***), but that doesnt bother me as much. ^^ Thanks again!
  19. Digging through the config now. What are GPP and FeatureSignal? They seem to be NEEDed acc. to the ModuleManager lingo in the file to set Kronometer and antenna ranges?
  20. Did stuff change? My old tweaks - months, 1y+ old - stopped working (partially). Swapping "biome sensitivity" of EVA and Crew Report does not work anymore. Changing SAS availability of probe cores to "grow" with TechTree progression - does not work completely. The "Software Update" appears in the TechTree, but does not change even new crafts, not even the text in the VAB. Silly enough, it works in a Sandbox game, but not career.
  21. "What good is a relay network - if you are unable to speak, Mr Kerbalson ..."
  22. Oh, so it is a contract? That would explain it.
  23. Rather minimalistic result of asteroids "Intentionally" (gamecode) created as impactors?
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