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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Other sentient life elsewhere would in no way diminish our reason or purpose.
  2. To learn all that can be learned, and return that information to the creator.
  3. Get Civ IV ... and while you are at it, SimCity 4 ...
  4. For me it is in the night from friday to saturday at 01:00 am - I tend to miss it for one reason or another. I used to watch the recording, but now I rather read the summary and only watch into the recording when something new is being shown - which is rare and often in the form of screenshots (also shown in the forums afterwards) instead of actual gameplay, so ... yeah. If Max would upload a recording of 10-15 minutes and tick off a list of changes, answer community questions etc. and afterwards answer questions in the forums, the time would be better used I think.
  5. And BANANAS! Oh yes, any chance we can get a short animation walking loop, even if only taken from the modelling software?
  6. Where do I sign? Either all exploration "contracts" are displayed in an extra tab and can be done at any time - kind of like a achievement system, I guess - or they should start to pop-up after you attain your first orbit around Kerbin or Kerbol - and be "randomizable" by rejecting offered contracts as usual. Also, contracts for moons should always (do they yet?) appear together with their parent body!
  7. Even more disturbing: hiding the navball in MAP mode disables the selection of displayed craft types on the top of MAP mode?!
  8. I think the realism mode being mostly all-or-nothing is a bit un-funny. Although I could imagine kerbonauts always costing a bit, based on their stats or even experience - so later in game you could hire level three pilots for a higher sum than the always cheap level zero recruits.
  9. I have a completely (at least I am building it that way) mirrored plane, no differences from left to right, no weird attachments ... but it just wants to roll ... will get pics up this afternoon, but wanted to get this question out just now: Are there parts known to influence aerodynamics badly if control surfaces are attached to them?
  10. There are DLCs and there are DLCs ... Civ-V had smaller packs with new civilizations or new world wonders and bigger packs introducing new game mechanics - which also felt like they might have been purposfully left out of the initial release. (I bought them after the price dropped and when they were on sale, but actually Civ-IV felt more complete somehow.) The Sims starts the whole addon story all over with every new version of the core game. (I never bought any of it, as I do not support companies that bleed dry the pockets of children, their helpless parents.) Payday 2 delivers new weapons, missions/heists, characters and skill-sets - all of which you do not really need to enjoy the game, because players that do not own a mission/heist from a paid DLC can still join teams started by a player owning the content and weapons still work no matter how many different ones there are. (I buy all of them when they are on sale, because I think they are a bit overpriced otherwise.) IF Squad decides to release paid DLCs and they add something significant to the game - even if it is something a mod also provides, but is as good then integrated seemlessly and into the game - I will most likely pay for it. Different skins for the Kerbals ... mmh, only if they do a really good job and the price is really adequate. New models for the Kerbals ... more likely. New parts ... if they add something new and not just one more rocket engine or bigger sized tank, maybe. In everything it comes down to the price of the DLC - if I feel ripped off and getting milked I will most certainly turn my back to the store. Ingame stores are OK-ish, if they do not open up themselves or are mentioned anywhere in the game - and if they sell nothing like in mobile/flash games, but I am sure Squad would not fall that low.
  11. Some contracts request surface experiments from different locations very close to each other - I have not done one of these yet, but I reckon they would be the ideal use for a rover?
  12. OK, I give up - what am I not seeing?
  13. I gave planes another go - but they always turn out to be screwdrivers/ocean-darts/... Can it ... do?
  14. Listen to the old man! Although I would like to add that every software has bugs and that most of the (more popular) mods for KSP work 88.5% of the time as intended.
  15. You also have to take into account costs arising from the operation of a power plant, e.g. impact on public health from exhausts, safe disposal/storage of residues etc. (Dodging the politically disputed impact on global climate ... oups ...)
  16. Can the arm patches (ahm, where do they carry the flag again??) of kerbonauts be customized?
  17. The trips to Moon were rather short to be comparable to a mission to Mars and even the tours to the ISS are only a few months long and actually just in our backyard. While onroute to Mars you cannot just turn around and go home if something happens and I gather the ship will be less luxurious and much smaller than we are used to in movies, it might very well be even smaller than the ISS which is rather spacious for its small crew. Some have mentioned it and although it might be a bit touchy for the forum masters, it is really something to be taken into consideration - for you may entertain the mind with all the travellers like to do (movies, games, books, music, Super Bowl viewings, private mail etc.), but the human need for intimacy will come up at some point of the voyage and should be planned for during the selection and training process, whether the crew is comprised of couples (which would have its own complications) or open-minded singles. I am also quite sure that the times in which astronauts were required to wear medical monitors all day are over - during launch, landing, EVA etc. maybe, but regular exams is sufficient when the crew is in a controlled habitat.
  18. I always assumed FAR computed all drag and lift values from the parts physical form and thereby accounting to the lift of the planes body etc. too. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/110432-So-are-you-practicing-Pointy-Rockets?p=1731918&viewfull=1#post1731918 Reading this - will I get into trouble with unsupported mod parts then? Hm ... ?
  19. I will dedicate a few hours to this tomorrow - whenever I manage to get something from runway to orbit I have no clue what I did differently than the countless times I made ocean-darts ... So, this is what I did in KSP today: made one last round of updates for my mods, zipped the whole game onto a stick for the weekend and will copy it to the PC of my significant other who will be at work for some hours tomorrow. May Aeolus, Njord, Stribog, Amun, Enlil, Ehecatl, Shinatobe, Fei Lian, Tawhirimatea and Vayu have merci ... maybe I should make some offerings in the form of chocolate by digesting it in full devotion of them?
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