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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. I havnt played around with them yet. But I would be really happy if I could move all KAS and IR parts into their own tabs exclusively.
  2. I am going to blame all the new plane parts, but KSP has become more memory hungry since the last update - either its these parts or Astronomer Interstellar pack uses somewhat bloated textures. Whatever it may be, ATM seems to come to the limit in my case. I use mostly plugins and visual mods, the only bigger part mods are KAS and IR at the moment.
  3. You are either very young or do not get out much. The movie was entertaining and had wonderful pictures, but there are better movies, which is not to say this one was bad.
  4. Sorry, I got a strong Little Britain flashback from that! Am I the only one who would like to know if those voting both or other are just jokers? And why someone would rather not say in an anonymous poll?
  5. Fought memory problems with a new texture pack - after that seemed to be worked out, I still had problems with a visual mod not working - during testing in sandbox by flying the Kerbal X to Mun I encountered a strange bug, my center of mass/camera focus moved hundreds of meters away from my craft ... navball flying ftw, all landed and reorbited safely, but the bug persisted.
  6. Waaait a minute - docking mode changes the behaviour of SAS? Or do you just mean that the linear controls are safer? I usually remap the keys under the rover tab in the settings to the arrow keys (unbinding the camera too of course!) and use them to drive around.
  7. This sounds much to reasonable, but I will try it anyway, thanks! Edit: So far it is working - the trick also seems to be, to not touch the computer at all - as soon as windows tries to do anything with KSP during the first ATM launch, it realizes that it is not having fun and kicks the game out of memory ... I am fascinated as well about which files seem to take the longest - seemingly small files can take as long as a planet's texture. Another problem I am having is that I do not get any clouds since I changed my old astronomer pack for the interstellar pack - the cfg files call for a clouds folder, but the textures are now in a folder called atmosphere?
  8. I too lost all ribbons - only noticed it today, but it must have happened yesterday, because the three Kerbals I launched and docked yesterday have the appropriate (only) ribbons. A few files for you: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7aff7pswqe4zrc9/AAB2E1yJEYeru3djrAX9fK49a?dl=0 I cannot find a halloffame.ksp file anywhere. (Did a Windows Explorer search on all KSP folders.) Is this here still the case?
  9. This - or at least use a prefix/suffix for the name to determine the profession. But I would rather have it as another attribute, like courage, stupidity, EXP value and some time in the future gender (because ... will get censored ).
  10. Make the rover longer, disable brakes on the front wheels (not sure if this requires TweakableEverything or some other mod), use an anti-lock braking system (do not keep the key pressed ), add some reaction wheels and a probe core/pilot with SAS capablity.
  11. For it being completely in RAM it for sure takes its time to switch scenes or load crafts entering the physics bubble.
  12. Are the main station computers connected to the internet?
  13. Well, if there is an earlier version and a new one - there have to be some changes? All I know is, that there seem to be problems with ATM and I am not getting clouds with the latest version. But I have not tried a lot yet. For me ATM hangs up while loading, it crashes with many files before, but relaunching gets me one file further up until joolLayers1, it will not go past this one. I created exceptions (leaving me with little RAM to spare) for the folder, but I am still missing the clouds. Is the new EVE version incompatible with the cfg from AVPIv2 maybe?
  14. Launched my "Moon Bus" (via probe core) for frequent visits to Mun and Minmus from my space station at Kerbin and docked it to said station. Launched an orange tank with a science module for the Moon Bus (combined with a part for testing on Minmus), accompanied by The Three and also docked it to the station. (Note to self: Install TAC Fuel Balancer - to many small tanks on the bus ) Launched a Minmus mapping probe and planned a transfer in a few days. Launched a Mun mapping probe and brought it into Munar orbit directly from a lucky launch without stopping in Kerbin orbit first. Both probes will also fulfill a contract - final orbit for mapping with SCANsat will be/has been achieved after its completion. Launched and dropped some expensive hardware - the contract paid well anyway, so ... Accepted a Minmus Base contract that would have been fulfilled by landing the Moon Bus - but it will not count as "launch a NEW base" ...
  15. If the science reports were more fleshed out, providing "real" science, a background story for each planet/moon, describe curious events etc. then it would be worth to "grind" every experiment in every situation to, lets say, complete a scientific library to visit and read back at KSC. (Downloadable to a phone for reading maybe.)
  16. It is not, but I am not in the mood to argue about it today.
  17. Hm, it was less a suggestion, more an inquiry for the opinion of the community - like the "Should Squad drop backwards compatibility with the new aerodynamics" poll.
  18. It would be interesting to see how the community would react if there were 909-MKII and 909-MKIII as well. Pilots making machines work better was (rightfully!) rejected, so how about tech nodes unlocking better versions of engines and stuff?
  19. It would be interesting to see how the community would react if there were 909-MKII and 909-MKIII as well. Pilots making machines work better was (rightfully!) rejected.
  20. Yup. In a game with RemoteTech the first step is clear. Else I go for Mun landings, Minmus, a Kerbin Orbital Station and probes to other planets/moons. Every update all over again. I still return to my 23.5 save to get my Jool mission done. It is the save I set out to visit every (real, not graphic glitched) anomaly. Plane problems got me to cancel the Kerbin ones and do it later, but the crew is still out there picking up the Duna expedition. My current save in .90 is the first I really play career with money and all - I skipped a few updates and tended to other games for a while - but I do not have a real goal yet apart from visiting more bodies: Had no manned mission to Moho yet, only probes. 23.5 marked the update I visited all of Jool moons. Although I visited Eve and Duna, I have not been to Gilly or Ike (trying to get the latter done in 23.5 still). Dres and Eeloo have not even seen a probe from me ever (though playing since 06/13). So having visited every planet and moon in either one save or in my total KSP career is something I plan for. I have not done a Grand Tour with a single ship to every body. Not sure if I would do it with a ressource system, refueling drones or one massive fuel tank under my trailer. Also .90 will most likely be alive as long as I have not managed an Eve manned return (with the old aerodynamics and without FAR), it requires mostly high tech, so it could be considered an end game goal. A Duna colony with one of the life support mods installed, trying to get it self-contained, is something I have considered for quite some time. Compare KSP to Sim City (lets say SC4, not the abomination that came afterwards ...) or X3, for some games you have to find your own end game - not because it is a design flaw, but it is part of the design. All three start out with building a foundation despite some obstacles (lack of money and/or tech) to start your own adventures from. And there is always the option to start a new fresh game with different mods and difficulty settings, trying to do better still with what you have learned before.
  21. Quick and dirty link for an answer. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95159-CPU-impact-of-non-active-ships
  22. Looks like they wanted the contracts to work independently from the tech tree and also also mod parts, so they set up the system to not look at researched tech nodes or specific parts available, but instead to check whether parts having certain modules in them are available.
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