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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Has anyone actually tried this mod in .25 - I recon FireSpitter has to be patched out first?
  2. Playing .25 a little bit - but I will return to my mission in .23.5 and finish them, I promise ...
  3. One might say "you can play the game the way you like to do", anotherone might say "KSP still needs balancing and polishing" - but as always: Squad/KSP is not done yet. Although being able to "sell" all our science makes sense after unlocking the tech tree. But I concur, this belongs on the list of "things to look into".
  4. No?! Yay! Used the command line options? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/916-The-Power-of-Unity-s-Command-Lines-arguments Have you already installed all your mods? Both have been updated for .25 and FAR seems to work fine for me.
  5. What I missed to check yesterday, is transmitted science being converted?
  6. Hm, then maybe disable it by default and let the more rational users have a switch in a config file?
  7. Well, and this is what I call patch notes.
  8. But you can - EVA out and pick up the experiments from mat/goo and store them like any surface sample - same for any gravioli readings etc. If you are returning the data anyway, then there are only two instances transmitting makes sense: 1. You are not going to a. land the lab back on Kerbin or b. land two capsules with doubles of each experiment - here, transmitting an experiment after processing it in the lab and then packing one more and bring it back to Kerbin nets you more science than just a single return. (Without modding (using new parts or changing existing ones to hold science reports) you would need two capsules to bring up two different surface samples.) 2. You are establishing a colony/base and do not plan on returning any Kerbals (soon) - here, tranmitting is the only way to make use of the science gathered at the colony/base. As of now you can get all science points a certain experiment offers by returning it (several times) to Kerbin. What if: Certain physical experiments (surface samples foremost) would require a lab to properly conserve the samples to get full science, instead of returning these experiments granting all points?
  9. Lets hope they managed to get around the situation of not being offered a mission to "the next" planet if the player skips a destination/prefers a different order.
  10. What happens with science transmitted/recovered or reputation from recovering successful crafts, are these covered? We get to decide, if we get more a than b from missions/contracts - but we cannot actively trade a for b (buy science from money in our pockets). Rationalization needed? The Kerbals are in the rocket business, if they are not doing rocket science they get no rocket science - Kerbals are hands-on, less theoretical. No one on Kerbin is interested in a marketing campaign for space travels without something travelling to space (on a big flame of boom). Crowdfunding something in early access is unknown on Kerbin.
  11. What is this Addons&Mods all about? It was not there in .24, was it?
  12. OK, thank you! Now, if I enable Funds to Reputation and Reputation to Funds - what happens if a mission gives me 1000F and 10R? Which strategy goes first, which goes second? If one takes 50% No, I have to think more on this ...
  13. Every human being that ever lived as a slave had free will. Only they were denied to act on it. Sorry, but I think such nitpicking is necessary here. If we program a true AI, but limit its "wish for pursuit of happiness", it would not be a true AI anymore, imho. Is programming a ships AI to have a strong sense of duty and honor to protect its crew and follow every order (oh, Asimov, I hear to snickering already) to its own destruction if needs be the same as indoctrinating children to become soldiers? You made my sarcasm center smile.
  14. Ahmmm ... I meant the eight strategies from the four department heads.
  15. Has someone already assembled a list of the available strategies?
  16. Das ü in Mün ist ein u, das den üblichen Ausspracheregeln nicht folgt - ob das jetzt etwas offizielles ist ... ? Meiner einer spricht die Namen englisch aus, weil meiner einer das Spiel auf Englisch spielt - oder jedenfalls so, wie meiner einer es als erstes gehört hat (quasi Scott-ish). Kerbol - körboul Moho - mouhou Eve - iiv Gilly - gilli Kerbin - körbin Mun / Mün - muun Minmus - minnms (verschliffene zweite Silbe) Duna - duuna Ike - aik Dres - dress Jool - djuul (weiches "sch") Laythe - läith Vall - väll Tylo - tailou Bop - bop Pol - poll Eeloo - iilou
  17. Eh eh eh - Maxmaps said he would write a devblog for .26 after the .25 release, so they will be working on .26 and have something to tell us one way or the other. I just had a thought ... If I have more than one strategy active in the admin building - one giving more money for science and one more science for money (or any such combination) - which is handled first? Or did I forsee a bug? Or is it even possible to generate such a "circle"? (Have been watching the videos on my netbook, resolution/screen size was not reader-friendly regarding the text in the admin building, so I would not know.)
  18. Got around to land next to the ****** on Bop in my .23.5 save that should find its resolution by visiting every "real" anomaly - but somehow other games got in the way - as it looks, I might be skipping .24 now.
  19. Really?? That would have made so much more sense!
  20. Nevertheless the director factored in the brains of his audience?! The Star Trek answer to this would be a special converter that takes the heat and does something with it.
  21. He only flies on full moons, they offer a larger area to pick a landing spot.
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