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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Mine is the general concept, I will leave balancing to the geniuses! But yes, your question is still valid for the upcoming stock currency exchange. (Ha!)
  2. Options: a) using influence to collect external funds (sic!), garnering a reputation for perceived wasteful spending using influence to gain access to scientific data, reputation drops for perceived inability to do my own research c) starting a marketing campaign, investing money to up my reputation d) paying someone money to do research e) selling scientific data for money f) going public with scientific discoveries to gain fame Thoughts: b+d) As long as I am paying for the data I at least seem to be somewhat competent to lead a space program? e+f) Am I loosing some kind of exclusive rights or why can I not use the data myself (for the tech tree)? Brings up the thought if things should be handled differently: Maybe we should have to gernerally sell science, science being the reward for doing experiments on missions for which we do not have a contract and contracts no longer giving science, as well as certain goals paying out reputation (like the first Kerbal on the Mun, to be combined with the upcoming flight log). So we would be getting funds and reputation for doing contracts, science collected during missions would be exclusively sold for funds or publicized for reputation, additional reputation is gathered by achieving certain goals. The tech tree would be unlocked not with science, but with funds, resolving the old discussion why science from gathering rocks on Duna leads to better engines being constructed. Conversion for the three currencies would come down to: science -> funds, science -> reputation, funds -> reputation, reputation -> funds. Players enjoying contracts gather funds and reputation that way, players with their own mind set gather science and exchange it for the other two. Now, reputation would still need a purpose above making certain contracts available?
  3. Stock. Basically a different tech tree would have to offer loads of stuff (lights, ladders, structural parts etc.) right from the beginning - but as KSP science does not improve existing technology beyond adding tougher engines, this would be rather dull. Even moving all the plane parts to the beginning would thin out everything later ... maybe with the incoming new parts though ... anyone got a tree editor?
  4. "the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain." It was as much a Garak episode as it was a Sisko one, it showed the audience once more what kind of "tailor" he is.
  5. The thread about the best Star Trek episodes spawned the idea for this thread, as while I thought about my favorite episodes many memorable scences/quotes came back to the surface. Please do not (only) simply link a video of the quote - give mobile users a chance. - and try to give the episode. For starters: Both from The Drumhead - as it features Picard in a court room defending a Half-Romulan crewmember against an Admiral conducting her own version of a witch hunt, it is practically loaded with deep quotes, like this scene at the end.
  6. It is hard to decide, because there are so many of them - so many episodes in total and quite a bit really good ones. So I will pick two from my two favorite series: DS9: In the pale moonlight (Sisko getting help from Garak to bring the Romulans into the war against the Dominion) TNG: The measure of a man (Picard defending Data's right of self-determination against a Starfleet cyberneticist, Riker being forced to make the case against his friend) Over the years I more and more valued "moral stories", but there are loads of episodes with very strong character stories/scenes. TNG: Gambit TNG: Redemption II (Data in command of the Enterprise and another ship as part of a blockade) TNG: Face of the enemy (Troi waking up one morning as a Tal Shiar agent onboard a Romulan ship)
  7. What happens if the co-pilot bails it while Jeb continues to land the burning spaceplane? Is he picked up by a cab driver or deleted as junk? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25305-0-23-Vanguard-Technologies-EVA-parachutes-23!-Sry-4-not-fixing-earlier-%28Dec-30%29
  8. You call that failing?! Seriously, yes, I do, I usually stop playing for the day and go to bed.
  9. .Depends on if the source is legal.
  10. Must have had a hard time in school with that name.
  11. KerbMav

    Which one?

    No, he did not, he described his approach to the game.
  12. Sure, the sender could wrap his intentions in many flowery words, but communication works both ways. Maybe the receiver of a neutral message should not read more (negatively) into "there is a mod for this, here is the link" than there is. This or a similar verbalization could come across as rather cold, but it has to be so rare that I cannot even remember reading something like it - could be I am suppressing/ignoring such events though.
  13. In my current save (still .23.5 ...) I use Kethane as the only usable fuel for the LV-N, but it is still convertable into the stock fuels. I learned a bit about fuel usage - as I had to adept the volume and masses of Kethane and its tanks to be equal to what stock LF/O would give in terms of dV - but ultimately it was not as much fun as I expected, although the thought of having more than four different fuels and one/some special ressources (especially for the LV-N) still dances around my brain cells. So I will just drop some of it in here. I would imagine having kerosene for jet engines, LF/O for rockets and being hydrogen and oxygen, monopropellant being whatever it wants to be, and then some special fuels for ion engines and LV-Ns. Hydrogen and oxygen could be found in various places and are readily available on Kerbin/in VAB, as would kerosene. LV-Ns might come in two variants, one using hydrogen and a fissionable element. Kerbin could be bare of any usable uranium or similar stuff, so before one could use the LV-N the element would have to be found and researched at KSC. The other more powerful variant could replacing hydrogen with something more efficient but much rarer/more exotic, being lighter/denser/having higher ISP - although I am not sure it would make any sense, as hydrogen is the lightest element around, but maybe the oceans of Eve could contain some special soup of the day? Ion engines might use an element only found on bodies without an atmosphere and in larger concentrations the closer the body orbits to Kerbol. Again different elements could be used for varying effects. Life support could be fiddled in by collectors/converters for water and breathable air, but could be completely optional/an addon to a mod. In the end the game/mod would need more different/flexible/tweakable tanks. But the player could still do things without having to mine anything first. Everything mined and refined only opens up new options for more TWR/ISP/dV etc. For playability scanning, mining and converting would have to work "offline", meaning without the base being the active vessel. Additionally mining could produce materials to build bases/crafts just like Extraplanetary Launchpads does, and it also could produce valuable minerals to sell/recover on Kerbin - the last part only being useful if the economy system gets a bit more challenging and earning money a bit more difficult.
  14. Tell your boss your religion demands to watch one celestial phenomen before the end of summer and take a day off.
  15. Anyone else being reminded of Event Horizon?
  16. Sent my Mining Lander over from Pol to Vall. It does not have much usable fuel, but a small Kethane converter and enough power reserves (Kerbol is sooo small out here) to keep up with what I need. Still amazed how difficult it can be to to not end up with encounters requiring 1000+ dV to get captured. After three restarts I finally ended up in a very excentric equatorial orbit around Vall - only to realize my mothership is in a polar orbit, as it had to scan the surface for the anomaly there ... After messing up one plane change I noticed rotating my orbit in the other direction would need less fuel - only to realize that I am now orbiting in the opposite direction relative to the mother ship (1100+ m/s speed relative to target at closest encounter ... *Vooooosshhh*). I thought it would be a perfect moment to broaden my knowledge of the save file ... Docking will occur this afternoon.
  17. This alone would be worth installing it!
  18. Am I to dumb to download the most recent version on github? I am only getting offered the source code.
  19. Bob and Jeb landed on Vall after the mothership completed scanning for anomanomalous readings. Landing was in the dark about 500m from the source of the signal, but could not see a thing. After several hours (days?) the sun came up and illuminated the *redacted* in all its might. They are now in orbit again, but very low on fuel. The mothership itself is also low on fuel - maybe the mining drone will have come all the way from Pol to get them. Then it is off to Bop and from there to Duna - to deliver the means of refueling to the Duna Return Mission, those guys will have waited for about three years then. Seems I have problems with calculating my fuel needs?
  20. Ah, so only this one value gives problems? It controls the "Recovered a vessel landed/flyby/orbited body X"? Body { //Body Name = Kerbin Body_Index = 1 LandedDataValue = 0.3 SplashedDataValue = 0.4 FlyingLowDataValue = 0.7 FlyingHighDataValue = 0.9 InSpaceLowDataValue = 1 InSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5 [B]RecoveredDataValue = 1[/B] FlyingAltitude = 18000 SpaceAltitude = 250000 }
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