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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. The whole point of a Demo is to make people want to play the full game. You do that by giving them a taste of the full game. A taste here is making a rocket/plane with limited parts, not an Airplane simualtion with an extremely weak aerodynamics model
  2. Part of this game is sometimes timewarping through YEARS while flying towards other planets, or waiting for a window. So no
  3. Well in that case, enjoy praying you have enough fuel to make the trip
  4. It stays hacked if you hack gravity, than go back to VAB, or go back to launch. So even if it'd fall over, you hack gravity, and then go back to launch, and you'd also be fine
  5. Well you're probably going to need Mechjeb or Kerbal Engineer or something to calculate deltaV if you want to reliably make something that can make the trip. Besides that, it's probably just a matter off nukes with alot of fuel
  6. If you timewarp physics get turned off, and the Kerbal can float through the ship to safety. Note that if you turn off timewarp with the Kerbal still inside, it'll probably destroy the ship
  7. Nah, they already knew. It was just never a priority
  8. True that, but I'd prefere 2 systems over just 1. A proper push outside of the Kerbin System. We already have a first step towards that with contracts, but I'd like science to also push it Well, the new parts that get added also add to sandbox. Though it was always supposed to be second to career Yea, is there actually a list with the options? I couldn't get the video in proper HD, so I couldn't read it
  9. I hope they also rebalance the science gain along with that. More biomes usually means way more science gain, but you can already unlock the entire science tree without even going outside the Kerbin System
  10. Always turn off addblocker on sites you want to support.
  11. The thing is, there are actually only a few actions you do in this game, in different ways. There's Getting to orbit, Getting to Muns, Docking, Getting to other planets, Aerobreaking to capture, Capturing on planets without atmosphere. Landing on Mun sized targets without atmosphere, Landing on Kerbin sized targets without atmosphere, Landing with atmosphere. Then there's also basic construction skills. Thrust to weight, deltaV, building stable rockets that don't fall apart O and there's spaceplanes. But I can't do that, so I don't have a clue what skills that involves Everything you do is just an extention, or combination, of those skills
  12. If you transmit through the lab, only a limited amount yes. But you can also use the lab to store all experiments, collecting all possible science, and than landing the lab. That way you get 100%. You'd only need 1 set of experiments, because, while with the lab you can't use the Material's Bay/Ooze more than once, you can clean them out with the lab and use again. So you land, collect science, dock with the Lab. Store all experiments in the lab, clean all science parts, and repeat until you got all biomes. Than you land the lab. Note that this also requires alot of docking and EVA, which is pritty difficult. Also note that doing this will result in WAY more science than you could ever use. So it's really only worth it for if you want to grind out every last drop
  13. Don't blame yourself for not being able to do some of the things the people you see here can do. Don't forget that most people here have been playing for months, or even years. Skill comes with experience. You to will learn to do those things.
  14. Actually when we talk about how much fuel you need to go to Mun/Minmus, we usually asume that you aerobreak to land. So it only takes like 200m/s deltaV to get from Mun orbit to landed
  15. Note that radar altimeter is, as I recal, only available in the lander cans, not in the MK1 pod
  16. I'd definitly pay some 50 bucks for the game if I knew about it and was buying it on release
  17. No, that's actually a very basic lander design that almost always works. You could make it a little more stable by having a wider base. So in the middle a FL-T400 tank, and directly, radially attatched to that (without decouplers) 3 fuel tanks (FL-T100 is fine, you could do a 200) with 48-7S below that. Fuel lines that feed FROM the inner tank INTO the outer tanks (also with symetry). Now 1 lander leg on the outside of each of the outer fuel tanks. This creates a wide base, which is more stable and thus harder to tip over. This means that you can still land with a little vertical velocity without tipping over
  18. It's a fine question, don't worry I'm pritty sure he assambled the ring in orbit. Because of the tree structure KSP uses to build crafts, it's impossible to make such a ring in the VAB. As for the question: If the game claims they are docked, I'd guess that means they are still linked, and thus you can fly it around. Offcourse, quicksave before you go crazy
  19. Not a clue what you're talking about. If you want your suggestion taken seriously, you'll need more than 'fix this'. Give examples of when and how this is a problem
  20. If you are new to the game, what is easier? Seeing a big button that says 'tuturial' right in the menu, or having to search for it in some random building inside a game you already started?
  21. If a tiny amount of thrust throws you off course, at what speed are you trying to land? Sounds like you're aiming for extremely slowly. The lander legs are actually pritty sturdy, and they'll be fine if you touch down at speeds up to 10m/s (they might even be able to take more, but I usually take that as a max)
  22. It is already effectively impossible to go bankrupt, because of the front payment contracts give, combined with the extremely long contract duration. If you're still short of cash, you need to rethink the way you build your rockets
  23. We'll need more info than 'it doens't work'
  24. Regarding Pullers, something I've never tried but do wonder: Could you just set the Claw to free gimbal and start pulling? Would it automaticly pull the asteroid in line with the COM? I imagine it'd be next to impossible to properly line up the Asteroid's COM with the ship if it's that big
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