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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Sirrobert


    Labcoats and glasses for everyone!
  2. The target marker should be aligned with the prograde marker in that case I agree it would be nice to get a little more tools for this though
  3. Does it? A flight in procces is nothing but a point moving along on rails. All the parameters of those rails only take up a few lines
  4. Sirrobert


    Amen. You could ask if she's a tiger in bed. Sounds like a nice icebreaker (or a good way to get slapped, depending on the girl) Anyway on the rest of the topic: The human brain always wants to be right. It's bred into our evolution. You don't get to reproduce by admitting the other guy is right, so your brain will refuse to admit defeat, sometimes going even as far as to convince itself of things that have been unquestinatly proven wrong right infront of you. I'm pritty sure that's the reason everyone is so quick to debunk things they THINK they know. Your brain has convinced you that you DO know If I understand it correctly, it's actually impossible to prove something impossible (ironic much?). Just because we never seen it happen, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Especially if you take the effect observation has on an experiment. The perfect example is God. You can never prove that god doesn't exist, you can only NOT prove that he exist (until you do prove that he exists ofcourse, but let's leave that part out of the discussion)
  5. The reason Kerbin, and the Mun, have a 0 degree inclination, is to make it easy for starters to get out to the Mun, and other planets. I think we should keep atleast the Mun's 0 inclination, for this very reason. Orbital mechenics are hard enough to grasp when you start this game
  6. I did a suicide probe. It fell slowly enough that the panels stayd on just fine, without chutes deployed. Got a gigantic crapton of science out of it
  7. With docking mode you can switch between strafing and rotation with the spacebar. I just use normal staging mode while docking. Rotation with QWEASD, and strafing with IJKLNH N is back, H is forward
  8. Long live the youtube automatic copyright system, screwing over small time people since it's invention
  9. Probably just a crater under a funny angle
  10. Are the icons each in a different stage? It sounds obvious, but it's a very easy thing to miss when you begin. Mouse over the staging bar, and a + and - will show up next to it. Click the + will make an extra stage. Now drag what you need in that stage to that stage with the mouse. Repeat until your staging is correct
  11. To high timewarp causes havoc on the physics engine, so I don't think that's possible
  12. Polution has nothing to do with religion dude. And global warming is a real thing. But let's just stick to the game part of this discussion
  13. More efficient engines wouldn't do crap on a polution cap if each launch adds to the polution you put in the air, it would only delay when you reach the cap. Which you would still reach if you are building anything in orbit. Maybe it's amount of fuel burned? Nope, still ganna hit that cap FAST if you want to launch some big rockets for your station. Or maybe for that interplanetery stage you are assambling in orbit. You want a station around Duna? Well better timewarp 10 minutes between launches, or you'll hit the polution cap. Or is it going to result in a cap per lauch? Then you are just limiting players to a weight cap on their rockets, and have no extra effect. If you limit me to weight on my rocket, for one I will hate you for deceiding what I can and can't do, and second, I'll just launch the same rocket in multiple parts. These things are not a hard mode. They are an artificial limit to how much you can play
  14. You lauched to many rockets in this game about launching rockets! Now here's a fine in the game that you got for playing the game. Makes sense...
  15. How the hell is this a usefull question? You can figure it out WAY faster if you just try it out yourself
  16. Tinypic.com works good to
  17. I like my game to NOT shake and give me a headace, thank you very much
  18. It might not be if you are doing it purely to grind science, but some of us play for the challange of it. For fun
  19. I got quite alot of science from the probe I droped into Jool, atleats 500 from that one alone I think, might even have been closer to 1000 Sirine: That's very wrong. Other planets give way more than Minmus. I believe it gives more the further away it is
  20. Your first landing on a different body is the biggest milestone there is in KSP. Congrats. The only other big milestone is docking, everything else useles those 2 skills (orbital randevous, and getting to and landing on a different body)
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