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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. You all want this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53192-0-22-TreeLoader-Custom-Career-Tech-tree-Loader-1-0 Let's you make and load your own custom (or someone else's) techtree
  2. If you rocket falls over, it's inballanced and you need to redesign it. And you get decouplers at the VERY FIRST thing you research. You don't even need them that early. First rocket is a parachute, pod, solid booster. Where the hell would you want need to put a decoupler? Or a clamp for that matter
  3. Really? Begging for imaginary points that noone sees anyway?
  4. Land on Duna and Ike? And Gilly, Eve's mun. Put a bit extra fuel in your Duna orbitter, attatch a lander that can land and take off from Duna to it with docking ports, and head over there
  5. How are you going to disconnect the different bits than but still keep them tougether?
  6. They look like they are ready to concour the Mun, for the glory of Kerbin. And than the universe! TO WAR
  7. I don't have the link handy, but use searchterm 'infiniglider' along with Scott Manley
  8. You know you can move files to other spots than just the desktop right?
  9. How about we flesh out the basic career mode first, before we start thinking about special modes?
  10. You don't really need to target Kerbin to return from the Mun though. Just burn out of Mun's SOI and get the periaps down
  11. It usually doesn't go up that much more after loading them all up
  12. Really? There's a quicksave file in each game save map, so it would make sense they are different. I don't know myself, I only use 1 save game. Plus I never forget to make quicksaves, and only use them on the same mission to correct any horrible crashes
  13. A few things: Don't try this in 1 ship. Assamble in orbit and refuel everything. At Eve, send down the accent craft, keep the transfer stage in orbit
  14. Isn't there already a quicksave for each persistance?
  15. Download Mechjeb, and let it do the randevous for you. Observe what it does at each step, so that you may replicate it
  16. Why is it that some people asume you are afraid of a change, just because you don't want it? Maybe, I don't know, I actually don't LIKE to be forced I have a better idea: How about we 'balance' the fun/frustration factor to 1. NO frustration Why the blody diarrhea would someone want to intruduce MORE furstration? "O sweet, a launch window to Duna is coming up, let's prepare. Sweet almost done. Now just connect the engine module, and we can begin our journey. O look, a tropical storm. Gues I can launch my egines in a few days than. SO MUCH FUN, TIMEWARPING. Wait what do you mean the launch window has passed? Now I have to wait another 200 days to get to Duna" Sounds like fun... Great. So at the start of my career, I might aswel NOT send out probes, as they'll get completly dissabled at the very first random event. And when I finally DO unlock the shielded ones, the RNG might still deceide to screw me over and turn my extremely expencive (remember, we'll have money at this point) science probe into a very big expencive piece of debris. SUCH FUN Great, I'm already looking forward to reading weather reports in my game. Cause there's nothing more fun than watching the weather channel right?
  17. "This mission that took me 10 hours to prepare is going awesome, everyting according to plan. Wait what? Where did my torque go? What do you mean I got hit by a solar flame? There go 12 hours of playing in 1 random crash." Yea... no
  18. If you concider that unplayable, you must have one HORRIBLE computer. I have dozens of flights on progres, and notice nothing different. Craft on rails (as everything that you are not currently controlling) are nothing but a single dot to the engine. Not even that, they are just a bunch of numbers detailing the position. The physics engine does absolutly NOTHING with them. They have no effect on your game. Unles maybe if you'd have thousands, but even than hardly
  19. Personally I don't see the point as that 3 seconds is insignificant compared to the actual loading time, but if you want to switch between save games it would probably be pritty significant. So yes, I don't see a downside to this
  20. Which is constendly recalculated anyway, based on what engines you activate/shutdown. EVA is just switching to a new ship. New ship, old node gone. May be something to fix later on though. But node going poof on staging sounds stupid. You are still opperating the same ship. It's just a little bit smaller now
  21. My Kerbals live, and die, for science. Every minute they are on the surface, they are just waiting for the next lauch
  22. No, it makes perfect sense. Rotation means physics calcuation. There is no physics calculation if you are not manually flying the craft. The alternative is to simulate EVERYTHING. Which would melt your CPU faster than Wackjob could
  23. Try pitching up slower? If you suddenly pitch up your CoL is going to be below the CoM (since you are still going forward, rather than up)
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