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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. I'm going to try this. Not really to compete cause I suck at spaceplanes, but I would like to see what you have setup. Though who knows, with a properly build plane XD
  2. That's the computer, or a third program doing that. Not KSP itself. The fact that it also happends with Chrome should have tipped that off for you already
  3. Nah, the fixed SAS a pritty long time ago already. You can now control it with SAS on, it simply takes over again as soon as you let go of the controls (making rotating a small craft in orbit much smoother, as SAS automaticly stops the rotation as soon as you let go). So that leaves timewarp (I quite often have my ships in 5x warp without noticing, if it's in deep space. Once I tryd to put a manouvernode 1 minute ahead, and it kept hitting the node so quickly, and I just couldn't understand why. Took me like 5 trys before I figured it out). Or maybe a mod
  4. Sounds like you need to check your game files (steam has an option for that, if you use steam), or you have some mod that messes it up. Are you using the old Mechjeb? That replaced the command pods with it's own, and those aren't coded for the techtree
  5. Cool. Shows how much I know about Linux Or are interested in knowing
  6. Certainly would look alot better than covering the entire thing in ladders. Nice station btw. Pritty colors
  7. Really? Give me one example off an achievement that adds real game content. And getting an extra achievement for doing something in a different way doesn't count, cause I can do that same thing in as many ways as I want without the achievement
  8. I track my ongoing missions with Kerbal Alarm Clock and the tracking system. I leave flags on bodys for Milestones. That's all the tracking I do
  9. Shouldn't recovering give you money, rather than cost it? If you recover a part, you can use it again
  10. Welcome. As abit of practice on things, I'd suggest looking up Scott Manley on Youtube. He has tuturials on everything you can think of in KSP (and more). Also some mods could help you. Mechjeb is an autopilot with tons of usefull information the stock game doesn't give you, such as deltaV. DeltaV can be translated directly to distance. You need 4500m/s deltaV to get into orbit around Kerbin for example. Also: let mechjeb do a landing on Minmus for you (start with minmus instead of the Mun. Lower gravity makes it easier), observe, and than try to replicate it
  11. If I had a hat, I would raise it. I couldn't even learn french words in highschool
  12. That may be true when they are there anyway, but in this case the implention of achievements would take away time to develop actual content. Which is the part everyone who is against achievements is against
  13. Right, that might be it. It's hard to see though. Anyway, even with RCS it might be very difficult to get it to apply exactly enough thrust to counteract the gravity and hover against the docking port so you can dock. Best just put it on handbreak and leave it there
  14. Yes I think that's a reason. It's their game. If they deceide they don't want a feature, they don't put that feature in. You can suggest a feature, and if they like it they might adopt that feature, but it's still their game. Fun fact on achievement: The original goal of an achievement is to abritrairy lengthen a game without actually putting any effert into lengthening the game. Instead of putting in more contend, you just give some people a title for doing the same thing in a funny way. Not something I would call an awesome advancement in game development
  15. Did you memorise it by looking it up all the time and sending alot of ships out ot other planets, or did you just sit down one day and deceide to learn it?
  16. The rationale is very simple: The devs don't want achievements. End of discussion Those little badges are meaningless anyway, if you need it to feel good about a game, than the game is boring
  17. If it comes off, hit F3 to check the mission log to see where it breaks. Than see if you can fix that point
  18. Gratz. I'd suggest reinstalling it for the information readouts though, they make life awhole lot easier Even if you don't use the autopilot, knowing your deltaV is awesome
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