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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Actually, the vaccum AROUND our own sun is a few million degrees in temperature. Scientists aren't exactly sure why
  2. Like like a fine rocket. No fuel lines though? If you use fuel lines to drain the fuel from the outer tanks into the inner one, you can drop the outer tanks with the inner still being full, even though all 3 engines were on. This improves your deltaV without adding any fuel You also forgot the lander legs
  3. Were you pushing against flat surfaces? Maybe lack of that got him flung of?
  4. I don't care about dificulty of implentation, if you add a dialog to the quickload, it's no longer a quickload. If you can't remember if you saved, don't load
  5. You can just save the fuel you have by not burning at fuel thrust
  6. For some reason the image isn't actually showing, but quoting did reveal the links and they work. What is your Thrust to Weight ratio? Looks like it has to be MASSIVE. To much thrust is actually a bad thing
  7. Nope, I get a 403 error from it. Try right click the picture and get the actual url of the picture itself. It should end with .jpg or a similar extention
  8. Could you try that again without a font color that hurts my eyes? Also we have a website that can already create any shape of fairing, so not really needed
  9. Sounds like you need to put some struts on the boosters. Distance between the rocket and the booster isn't going to save you On that note: PICTURES. We can't help you improve your rocket if we don't know what it looks like
  10. What? What does missing parts and autodeleting craft to do with eachother?
  11. Yea, I rather have my quickload to stay a quickload. WITHOUT annoying dialoge
  12. My god... Did someone clone Wackjob again? Welcome!
  13. Can you show us a screenshot of the craft you are trying? I'm a little confused off what you mean with a seperator under an engine and than firing the engine. I'll try to guess it though The idea of stages is that you first fire the lowest stage, than seperate, and than start up the stage above it. The seperator should be gone when you fire the engine above it. In the case of the seperator still being there when you fire the engine, flip the seperator around. It's pointing the wrong way, and thus sticking to the engine, instead of sticking to the spent stage (that is now falling down to Kerbin) as it should
  14. It's not to dificult once you know how orbits work. For example, start burning when you see the Mun come up on the horizon (while you are watching the rocket in Low Orbit), and you'll end up on a Mun encounter. Still impressive offcourse
  15. Well now you know why they are called that. Pritty silly necro though
  16. Welcome. 500.000km is actually pritty close for a first noobish try on Eve after a week My first tip: That cockpit on your Mun rocket (it's the Mun here, not moon. Small details) is an airplane cockpit, not a rocket cockpit. Not to big a deal, but it looks silly Second: The way you discribe failures sounds like you are not using manouvernodes. Click on the orbit (blue line) and it'll open a manouver node. Now drag one of the icons to simulate what would happen if you burned in that direction for that long. It'll draw a dotted line of your predicted orbit. Play with that until you get what you want (you can also drag the manouver node around by clicking in the center and dragging it) until you get what you want. Than excecute that node. This is how you get a Mun encounter. Make a node, drag prograde (in the direction you are traveling) until you get an encounter. Than excecute that node. Boom, mun encounter. Same thing for interplanetery. Firstly, get towards it. Burn towards either a prograde, or retrograde escape from Kerbin, depending on if you want to go to inner planets, or outer planets. While you plan the node, get the predicted orbit as close as you can. Than once you escaped Kerbin's SOI, put up another node and finetune the encounter. Do this a couple of times along the path, and you'll get an encounter. On the different plane between Kerbin and Eve: Click on Eve and hit 'select as target' (or something like that. Not sure what it is as I'm not in the game atm). If you have it as target, a node will open up along your orbit. That's the accending, or decending node. Mouse over it will tell you how much degrees you are off. That node is also the spot where you need to make a correction burn to get on the same plane. So put a manouver node on the accending, or decending node (just pick the one you get to first) and drag the purple icons to remove the difference. When you have the manouver node open, the accending/decending node number will you what it is AFTER you completed the manouver node. So just drag the purple icon until the node sais 0 (or something close to it). Excecute that node will get you MUCH closer to an encounter. The mod Mechjeb will give you an autopilot that does all these things for you. If you let it do that for you, and watch how it does these things, you'll soon learn how to do them yourself (and how to do them better than Mechjeb. Cause it's far from perfect) Finally: Tuturials. This one is an awesome explantion on how to transfer to a moon. In this case Minmus, which is easier to land on than Mun This one is an awesome explanation on how to get to other planetsGood luck
  17. 1) In the VAB you need to be able to quickly move up and down, while zooming is less important. Which is why we have up and down at an easy to reach spot. While it takes a little getting used to, it makes things much easier once you have. 2) Right click to toggle the different things on and off 3) Map view or not, the rocket will still need to be rendered so the physics can be simulated
  18. It's possible, you'll need to edit the persistance, or quicksave file for it. That stores the exact makeup of each ship in the game. You'd have to replace the skipper part with a Poodle part. Open the save file in notebook, and look for the ship you want. Than look for the part you want, and replace it with the part you want instead of that. Don't forget to backup your saves though, as I have no idea if that actually works.
  19. Probably the bay directly east of KSC. That spot is pritty crowded for me to
  20. No difference, they do the same thing. There used to be a difference, in that SAS only added torque, and ASAS only operated control surfaces, but now they both do everything and it's just a left over reliq
  21. The kraken shows up if you are in physics warp while driving the shuttle and enter the simulation range of Jeb. Or atleast that's how I got it, and that's what I changed to fix it End time is in the first screenshot 9 days 8 hours 1 minute 1 second I had a hell of a time, very fun challange Fun extra on the final landing: I got it down 5km from the shuttle once, but figured I could do better and reloaded. I never could. I also once got it right next to Site 1 flag, but ripped off the chute with timewarp. That was really frustrating
  22. Well that was a very eventfull run. Turns out I horribly suck at trying to land at a spot with atmosphere. I eventually ended up settling for a landing 7km away from KSP. Which meant driving 14km with the shuttle. At half battery Pay special attention to the top right corner, which shows that I somehow EXACTLY made. I went about 7m/s when I bumped into it. So if I had been a little less carefull about batteryballancing, I would have stranded somewhere halfway. Your save game is pritty infested with the Kraken. I could not exist to space center the entire trip, and thus I have no screenshot of the tracking station (hell I couldn't even enter the tracking station when I began. None of the buildings let me in. Except the kerbalnaut complex, which wouldn't let me out again). Special mention to the kraken: I don't think Jeb is feeling very good
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