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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. In order to do that, they'd need to stimulate physics for each craft. Seeing as the game lags out bad when you have to much parts to simulate, permanently simulating everything would be a BAD idea. Maybe we'll eventually get a way to not simulate it entirely, and only when in atmosphere, but right now, nope. There is a mod that extends the simulation range to 100km, you could try that.
  2. It sounds fun to try, but I'm not going to buy something just for one game
  3. Holy crap I did it. After 4 spectacular crashes, I managed to land the plane on the runway. This is a milestone. Thanks for pushing me towards it. The 4th crash was rather embarasing. I had touched down on the wheels, than instead of B for breaks, I hit G. And the landingwheels retracted. Plane parts hitting the ground at 80m/s gives some funny results. PS: did you lock the space center? I can't go back to space center. Not to much a problem, but still
  4. My bad. I suck at planes. the end. But I'll gvie it my best try
  5. How about we wait with suggesting things for this until we see the base?
  6. Why the hell is everyone so obsessed with realism in a game? It's NOT a simulator And how the hell would a blinding flash that lasts half a second look cool? Cause that's what it is
  7. Both are just as easy as the other one. Just launch an orbitter in a polar orbit, and deorbit it so you land on 1 of the poles
  8. That's not how it works. If you are more than 2,5km away from something, physics stop calculating for it and it goes on rails. If something on rails is lower than 22km, it gets deleted. End of story
  9. There is never going to be random events that could damage a rocket. I'm pritty sure that includes lightning strikes
  10. Amen. On topic: I'm pritty sure the devs said they don't want science over time. Besides, you get MORE than enough science from just sending probes to unlock the tech tree. No reason to give even more
  11. Except for biomes (only kerbin and the mun) science pools are the same everywhere. High orbit, low orbit, on the surface
  12. Sounds like you are in physics timewarp. That messes up the calculations sometimes, often resulting in the chute getting ripped off as it opends
  13. Since we had planes. Or if you want to take it broader to anything that falls... since we had air
  14. When you deploy a main chute, the semi opened version is the 'drogue'. And than we also have dedicated drogue chutes
  15. I never thought off that before. Ofcourse it probably is raven spear, but from now on, I'm going to call it ravens pear
  16. When you load a subassambly, the only attetchment nodes available to stick it to the rest of the rocket are the nodes available to the ROOT part. Since your current root part has no nodes available, it's not available for sub assambly. Start with the stack seperator instead No, that's wrong. The sub assambly uses the starting part to make connection nodes when you load it. It's also the part you pick up when you drag it towards the sub assambly save thingy
  17. Actually kerbals don't have defined gender, male or female
  18. I have no idea on the pulling, but I can suggest you to add a 4th engine to your bottom stack, using this part http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/TVR-2160C_Mk2_Stack_Quad-Coupler That should help with the long burns a little bit
  19. Also Mechjeb smart ASS is great for lining ships up correctly if you want to do it manually. Or half manualy
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