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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. There are a few mods that will tell you in game when one is comming up, or you can calculate it yourself based on the angle of the planet and Kerbin. A of the mods are Kerbal Alarm Clock and Protractor. Mechjeb also has a mode to plot a transfer to another planet, and that plots the manouvernode at the next window automaticly, even if it's 200 days in the future (I do not recommend trying to warp 200 days in Low Kerbin Orbit at 50x)
  2. Amen. For me personally, it's more that I love picking apart ideas. If you do it constructivly, they can only grow. Kinda like snipping away branches of a rose, which allows the rose to grow bigger
  3. We have ladder segments that you can place on the module/station yourself, wherever you want
  4. In the career mode, with the lack of real stationparts, I designed a small ship that I can lauch to refuel crafts, rather than a station that the craft docks to. Easier to dock a small tanker to a big rocket than a big rocket to a big station
  5. No, they are rigid in both directions. On your question: You can't build things in a circle, only as a tree. The result is that you can attatch a part to only 1 other part. You can't connect anything to 2 attatchment nodes at the same time, 1 of the 2 will not stick
  6. I know. But asuming they still like us enough to expand KSP more, let's follow the alpha beta thingy. First finish the game, than optimize it
  7. The current EVA is hard to control. In first person, not being able to see most of the space around you, it would be impossible
  8. I have a good idea for a priority: finishing the game Not exactly. You need to pull them toward you to open, but after that it still swings outside. Or atleast that's how airplane doors work, and those are also airlocked
  9. That's what the quicksave is for. Revert is loading an old save. It's not a magical 'go back to the launchpad' button, it's just a reload. That save file is only kept until you move on to something else And yes there was every reason. The reason was: Necro
  10. Alt click on the 2 tanks you want to transfer fuel from, and than just click the aproriate button
  11. How the hell was .22 at the wrong time? That makes no sense And just because they are not implenting all your suggestions right away doesn't mean they aren't using them. Remember that this is still in development, so the devs still have theyr own plans for the game. Suggestions might add to that if they love them, or they might put them on the list for things to get once the core game is done
  12. Parts suddenly not being attatched sounds like they simply failed due to to much stress. Hit F3 to check the mission log, see what it sais
  13. We humans also had ladders before rockets. Stop trying to bring some alternate dimenion into this, this is Kerbol, not Sol. I like it. Maybe let you discover the moons of different planets by sending a probe (or rocket) there. And most importantly: Not having any detailed information about the surface gravity, or atmosphere in game until you did the related science
  14. First person EVA sounds like an epic pain to manouver. It's already a pain when you can see the rocket around the Kerbal, rather than just infront of him. It's not like you are walking on something and just move forward. PS: you don't have to remember the list, just check it before you make a suggestion
  15. Nope, your kerbals always have a suit. You probably have some mod installed that you forgot about, I have no idea what it could be though. Never heard of it
  16. The fuel lines inside struts are there automaticly. If you mouse over a part in the VAB, it sais 'fuel crossfeed capable'. That means it can carry fuel through the part. Only a few parts are not capable of fuel crossfeed. Mostly the stage seperators, which prevents fuel from flowing between stages. You can manually pump fuel from all parts of a craft to all other parts of a craft (that can hold fuel, obviously), regardless of fuellines or fuelcrossfeed. For refueling stations, you just need a few relativly full fueltanks with a docking port on it. Dock whatever you want to it, and alt click 2 different tanks to pump between them
  17. You know you can throttle up before starting the engines right?
  18. The effect of the Oberth effect is simple: Acceleration is most efficient at Periaps, and deceleration is most efficient at Apoaps Having a to low TWR in space won't prevent you from accelrating, but it will make your accelration extremely slow, and even without the Oberth, noone wants to burn for 20 minutes. Count an Orbital period of 40 minutes, and you'd be pointing the other way than when you started if you burn prograde
  19. Most people I've seen use some form of lander legs as anti roll bar. They can also help flip the rover back on it's wheels after it rolled.
  20. During the first 5 minutes maybe. If you still can't find a folder after it has been explained to you, I don't think steam has anything to do with it
  21. It's pritty expencive to change inclination. More expencive to enter the atmosphere and deply chutes atleast XD
  22. I don't know about that, I just use the Yargnit tree. I'm sure the tool will eventually allow easy edits though
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