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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Amen. Besides, how the hell is your voting thing suposed to work when 1 of the players isn't playing at that moment? Either his vote is automaticly yes (in which case he'd come back to have his game suddenly progressed 20 years, and missed the transfer to get his crew back home from Eve... yea no thanks. Or his vote is auto no, in which case the whole system doesn't work anymore
  2. That's wrong. Even when you are standing completly still you still have orbitall velocity, as the place you are standing on is orbitting (around the core). Instead, have the navball set to 'surface' and just make sure the retrograde marker is sitting exactly ontop of the navbal (with the entire area blue). That means that you have no vertical velocity (relative to the surface. That's the important part)
  3. My probe on it's way down to Jool. Aerobreaking, you see a solarpannel comming off Funny Science text on the Lab It's hard to see, but that sphere in the background is Laythe. I had it alligned perfectly by pure chance The back off the craft, with the 2 remaining solarpannels as ears on the stayputnik
  4. That's not what he asked though. YES, you need to recover the part that contains the science to get the points
  5. From a landed state it takes very little deltaV to get the orbit you want. If you are already in orbit: Burn out towards the retrograde vector of the Mun itself (but don't escape.) You can now adjust your inclination at apoaps very cheaply (obirth effect), and because the Periaps is still down at low Mun orbit, you can easey add a little bit of extra deltaV to turn your inclined orbit into an escape (for if you don't want to wait for the right moment like with Kasuha)
  6. I think this has enough homework as it is...
  7. And that's exactly why. Most people have NO IDEA how orbits work
  8. You could use Mechjeb to to the main landing, and than take over for the final touchdown, to perfect your landing spot
  9. I don't think we'r going to get something as thorough as deadly reentry though. That would make your first orbit impossible to land, and we do need to keep an eye out of the newbys
  10. Chutes on a girder on a radial decoupler. Good one, I'll have to remember that
  11. Would it help if you removed the jet engines, than adjust the rocket engines, than add the jet engines back on?
  12. What? Different trees in the same game? How is that supposed to work? You know most mods don't add an entire tech tree worth off parts right?
  13. The ones that have oxidizer are ROCKET fuel tanks. Jet fuel tanks don't have any oxidizer, only liquid fuel. You probably picked the wrong tank
  14. Did you try both docking nodes? Maybe you are using the wrong one?
  15. I would not use ion engines with such a big rocket, unles you want your burn time to be 5 hours... Use Atomic motors instead. Still efficient, but atleast they have some thrust. Sounds like you are overdesigning your rocket. You really don't need more than 2 science parts for a landing, that'll net you most of the science. And it's pritty easy to max out the tree as it is. Now your question: Yes, you can construct the rocket in orbit. Just launch the different modules up seperatly, and dock them tougether. I'd suggest you put the engines in the front though, rather than the back. This is because docking ports are not the strongest connections, and pulling the rocket will eliminate any stress put on them by wobble. (in atmosphere though, I'd push the rocket. Just works out better)
  16. 1. You don't have to do anything you don't want It's alot harder to get them all docked tougether, so you may want to start off with just seperate modules standing close tougether. Ofcourse, a fully docked base looks better. 2. There are a few mods out there that add specialized base modules. Without those, you'd need to improvise. I usually make a 'habitat' module by sticking 2 hitchhikers ontop of eachother. You could put up a comunications module (for the fun of it. The entire base is obviously just for the fun of it), a rover. If you have the Kethane mod, you can turn it into a mining base. Than you'll need a miner, a power supply module, and a fuel tank module (those 3 would need to be connected). And ofcourse some way to transfer the new fuel to a spacecraft. 3. There's not much you'd need to escape from on a Munarbase. I mean it's not going to deorbit and crash like a station. But you could put a simple rocket next to the base that can get back to Kerbin. Or multiple, one small one for each Kerbin. A Mk1 command pod only needs a single fuel tank and LV 909 engine to get back to Kerbin, so they are easy to build
  17. If you can keep it connected to the CM module it might work. Note the MIGHT. For future missions, it's actually pritty easy to get back from Minmus surface straight to Kerbin in 1 stage. Ofcourse it's way more fun to do a full on CM+LM style
  18. Serieusly, you put 2 fuel tanks on the ground and they wobble? Right... What I'm saying is: It has so much thrust, that every single tiny, minute wobble is amplifyd
  19. Just because you don't SEE the reinforcements, doesn't mean that they aren't there That thing has WAY to much thrust. That's your problem
  20. Are you using mechjeb or kerbal engineer? They can tell you exactly how much deltaV a craft has. You'd need to start the gravity turn once you are out of the thickest part of the atmosphere, like everywhere I guess. The surface gravity is 1,7G, so (I think) You'd need a minimum TWR of 1,7 on Kerbin, to be good on Eve (note that that is a guess. I'm not sure about this). Kerbal Engineer could tell you the TWR on all bodys, not just Kerbin I believe. Note that none of this is experience. I'm just thinking along with you
  21. How about you show us an example of a rocket that 'should' be stable (according to you) but isn't. Cause until now it's just you yelling about wobble, with the rest of us saying that you are wrong (I'm inclined to believe the guy with the screenshot proving his experience)
  22. Pogosticks are severely limited in vitamin capacity. They do contain alot of iron though
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