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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. I believe you need 12000m/s deltaV to get into orbit on Eve. That's more than you need to get anywhere from Kerbin surface if I'm correct
  2. That's not broken. That's simplified for gameplay reasons
  3. Right thanks. I don't really concider the 64 bit version of windows atm. No reason to be whiny about something that simply doesn't work. I'm sure they'll get to it when they start optimizing Just because the career mode didn't add awhole lot of bits, doesn't mean it's a small update. Correct. My rockets are not spagetthi. Infact, they are extremely stable. I wonder if it has anything to do with the design. You are cute. Still not pointing out what's broken though
  4. When is a rocket EVER going to fire it's engine while pointing said engine at another craft while 500m away? And radiation isn't a factor in outer space anyway. There is already radiation out there
  5. Not currently possible no, unles you attetch it to a commandpod somehow, and allow the rover to detatch, so you can get the Kerbal out of the pod, into the rover, and than detach the rover. Which is kinda annoying
  6. Well someone forgot to read the terms. You din't pay for the finished product. You payd for the CURRENT product, and are getting all future updates for free. I'm not saying they have any reason to stop working on it. I am however saying that you have exactly ZERO right to complain about them not working fast enough
  7. They did, with the SAS upgrade. If your rocket wobbles, it's designed bad. No they can't. Engine doesn't support it. Fix what exactly? I don't see anything broken.
  8. I think it's because the way the surface is generated, the poles is where sever terrain types come tougether, and than this is what happends. Personally I kinda like it
  9. You could crash it, also just for the fun of it Does it have solar pannels? Otherwise it's going to die soon anyway due to lack of power
  10. Well I'm very curious of how you define 'loads of content'. You do realize that some things take more time than other things right? So what's your point? The devs should keep working on this like slaves because you are impatient? Right, SAS fix adds no content. Ofcourse it does fixes a load of things. And ofcourse the career mode, that's worthless. Anyone could have coded and balanced that in a spare weekend right? Just because you think it should happen and Squad hasn't done it yet doesn't mean they can't do it. Maybe it means they have decided not to do it. If you don't want your rockets to break, open the debug menu and select unbreakable joints. Yea, some people actually want this game to progress. Weird isn't it?
  11. Actually I don't like butter on my bread. How about a tosti without cheese?
  12. This is because of the way the build system works. The first part you place is the root. That root is what you pick up when you drag the entire rocket. That root is also what you pick up and drag the rocket (or sub rocket) to the sub assembly building. That root is than the only one with connection points when you load up the sub assembly part. A way around this would be to let us change root part while we are building. (I believe there is a mod that does this, but I'm not sure) Until we get that, the work arounds are: Design something with the specific idea of it being a sub assembly. So start with a decoupler (or a fuel tank), that you are going to attach below the thing you want into orbit (for example if you design an atmospheric lifter) Take a small root, attetch your sub assambly to this. Once it's attatched, all other connection points become available
  13. Gameplay ballance and Realism are 2 terms that never work well tougether. You shouldn't try mixing them The Atomic motor in game is great. High ISP at the cost of low thrust. 300KN thrust is more than most atmospheric engines we have. Why would you use anything else if you gave a NERVA that much?
  14. 1. Exactly, the team is limited. They can only do so much in so much time. They are humans you know, not robots? Besides, it's not about the size of the data, it's about what it adds. 2. Nope. You did NOT buy a finished product. You bought an ALPHA RELEASE + any future updates. When squad finishes the game, than you will have a finished game. But if they tookthe money and stop working on KSP right now, than the current version is the game you have. They have 0 obligation to you to finish this game. The only reason they are working on it, is cause they want to. 3. Sometimes the smallest changes take the most time. There is no cheat sheet that says 10mb of code takes 1 week to make. 4. This is an ALPHA release. So it's not been optimized yet. That comes later, when all the features have been added. Otherwise they just have to keep optimizing. And 580 parts? That's freaking HUGE. Unless you have a supercomputer, that is going to lagg. No question about it
  15. They can even do a.xxxxxxx.yy.zz If they choise to
  16. I may be weird, but when a dev claims something can't be done in the game he is developing, I'm inclined to believe that
  17. No, I'm pritty sure the devs are already planning to add vulcanic activity to Laythe
  18. Welcome. Start with landing on Minmus. The reduced gravity makes it alot easier PS:
  19. Yea, I play this game on and off a little. It's basicly how I play all my games
  20. Well, the middle one is Jeb. So there's that
  21. I asume you don't actually have landing legs, which would be the reason it doesn't have landing legs. You could try building a cage from Girders, they can take quite alot of punishment. Maybe land it on it's side. You could also try to use the engines to help slow you down to a better touchdown speed. From the screeny it looks like your touchdown speed is 10m/s. Landing legs can take that, but some other parts can't. When you are almost on the ground, fire up the engines a little bit to help slow you down even more. PS on the turbojet: An extra step: Going faster means the airintakes can take in more air
  22. If your rocket keeps failing over and over and over, it's time to stop trying to fix it. Just throw it away and design something new, that'll be faster
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