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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. That's how I learned to do things without mainsail and nerva engines Turns out it's pritty easy
  2. It's quite easy to turn off autoupdate actually
  3. I believe rover wheels only have traction when they are facing down, rather than at a 90 degree angle
  4. There are no biomes on planets except Mun and Kerbin. I believe that's on purpose, though we may get them eventually
  5. Is there a solid booster on top of the rocket? why? Those things are heavy and inefficient. It's better to bring a small fuel tank and liquid fuel engine, less weight
  6. Mount lights on your lander, so you can see the surfance while landing
  7. Yea, I'm pritty sure that's what it is
  8. Did you copy EVERYTHING? If so, why? Just backup the original save, edit the old one and see if it works. Either way, without knowing what you changed, we can't help you
  9. Now I'm probably mis understanding this. But isn't 1200 kelvin way to hot for a probe?
  10. Very nice story. Would you mind sharing the design? I'd love to look at it myself.
  11. Welcome. That sounds like a very Kerbal like trip, impressive. I especially loved the 'SO, we landed on Ike.' part
  12. Really? You can't lose money if you can't crash? Ever heard of overenginering? It's pritty easy to make a craft 5 times bigger than it needs to be, because making it big is easier than making it small and efficient. And WHY exactly does there HAVE to be an unavavoidable punishment? You can revert to an old save in almost every single player game in existance, and that doesn't make it less fun. Dissable your saves if you want ironman, most of us don't I really hope you are being sarcastic...
  13. Click on the little arrow above the navball will toggle it up/down, both in normal and map view
  14. Make sure you are using the biggest lander legs you have, and remember that the gravity on Eve is 70% stronger than Kerbin. So you need 70% more legs on Eve than you'd need on Kerbin (I gues)
  15. Actually I meant quicksave to help with Mun landings. And I always thought revert went away at quickload. Never noticed though, I always do both things at the same moments anyway. Docking, landing, just trying something stupid...
  16. My kerbals like living, but I informed them that they are willing to die for science, so there's that. I haven't had any deaths yet though
  17. That was an interesting read
  18. No, there's nothing there. Are you using physics warp? That might screw over the rover, physics warp does weird things sometimes. Use http://tinypic.com/ to upload
  19. Why watch someone play if you can just play?
  20. That's what the revert button is for... If you crash your rocket on takeoff, you revert back to the VAB and fix it If you want to crash test a lander, drop it from height at the lander pad and note the speed at which it breaks. If you want to test landing a lander, test it on Minmus/Mun and do the math with gravity.
  21. What, you think they put that revert flight button there for the show? You should try it some time
  22. Wait, you want to drive a rover halfway acros a planet, and than you think it's weird that takes awhile?. Biomes are the size of countrys, or continents sometimes. OFCOURSE it would take awhile to drive there No it's not. This is NOT a sim game dude. Going 200km/h in a mun rover would still be crazy though
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