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Everything posted by drtedastro

  1. Hello @linuxgurugamer just wanted to say thanks for all of your work keeping this mod going. and thanks for ALL of the work you do on ALL of the mods. Cheers.
  2. just wanted top stop by and say THANKS again for this mod. What a difference one mod can make. this fills in many, many missing parts and makes it possible for great looking craft. Cheers.
  3. All young whipper snappers... lol. just tried the new dev, and the landing guidance works like magic. Looks and works great. Many, many thanks. Cheers.
  4. 1. download mod 2. open zip file 3. open the GameData dir in the zip file 4 copy the ReenttryParticleEffect directory into your GameDataDir 5 restart ksp 6. profit That is about as straight forward as it can be.
  5. All is working as it was before. 1.4.5 with Win64 system and KSP win 64 and pizzaoverhead, thanks AGAIN for bringing this back to us. crashing through atmosphere or even just normal re-entry can never be same without this. Cheers.
  6. After more testing, I am staying with #800 #801 seems to have addressed some issues, but looks like many new issues have come in.
  7. many, many, many thanks. life is good again. all hail, pizzaoverhead... woot.
  8. thanks for all of your great work. I look forward to checking this out and getting it into my various setups. much enjoyment has come from your work. Cheers, and again, thank you.
  9. I have / had this same problem as well. I went back through the previous versions to try and find out where it started or came from. From my testing, I am now using #799. #801, with all of the changes to landing and such seems to have borked. The problem manifests itself, as stated above, during the transition from de-acceleration flight to final vertical descent. the "show landing predictions / show trajectory" shows a wicked inflection point at the transition from powered descent burn to final vertical descent. The projected descent path shows what looks like a polynomial fit curve that has too many degrees of freedom. Thus the craft hits the transition point and most times actually goes back up before starting final descent. And there certainly is the major point/problem with the desired landing point starting to move on its own as you do final vertical descent burn. to the point of the craft crashing due to horizontal speed. I have been able to get around this, same as stated above, by killing MJ and doing final part by hand, but i much prefer MJ handling this for me, thus why i went back to build 799. I will retest 800 (don't know why i am not using it, must have just missed it) and i am guessing it will work as 799. Thanks to sarbian for making this mod and to all who are working together to keep it going. From the time i found MJ, it has always been my first mod to add to new installs. cheers to all.
  10. Just wanted to say thanks for all of the work that you do / are doing / have done. Much appreciated. Cheers.
  11. Hello to all. quick question, i hope. For the NearFutureTechnologies, orbitalEngine-0625.cfg, this engine's plume is in correct position for non-realplume but the plume gets moved to way behind the expected position when RealPlume Stock is applied. if someone could let me know how to 'fix' this, then i can take care of any future 'features' that i might find and i can submit the update. i have never messed around with this mod's configs and i am stumped. Also, i have been trying to find the 'other' engines such as the orbital-engine-25-1, and they are not being shown / not found. please let me know if you wish for the logs or if there is some known adjustment that i have missed in the previous posts. cheers.
  12. Thanks for all of the great work. This mod has saved many, MANY little green things. Best wishes
  13. thanks for the update. cheers.
  14. OK, whew thats better. I was pulling out hair. I don't know if it works or not. I really liked this mod so it would be great if it would. if i have some extra time i will 'test' it, or you can test it with the new version(s). remember to add the extra config as listed above. post results back here and if i do test i will do same. cheers.
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