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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Same. I’m having an urge to see it again. It was one of my uncle’s favorites.
  2. They did have propulsion though. They were ordered to take their ships back to Earth at the beginning so they could be used for 'commercial service' and towards the end, Lowell takes the ship into the rings to hide.
  3. The center engine was shut down to reduce accelleration but that's not going to settle the propellant any more than it's already settled. The reason for limiting acceleration is to reduce stress on rocket and crew which otherwise would have been pushing up to 5g
  4. I’ve only ever had localized swelling due to bites being crush injuries. Then again we keep antibiotics on hand and I probably took some just after. (I say probably because I don’t remember but if I get bitten with a deep puncture then I usually take some amoxicillin for a few days) I should mention I work/live at a cat sanctuary so these things do happen. More often than if I was just a guy who had a few cats as pets.
  5. I have lots of cats and I don't get sick from them. I've never even come down with so-called cat scratch fever and I have on average five new scratches every day. (five at least and that's just how many fresh ones I wake up with every morning)
  6. If you're going to compare with SpaceX, consider that it took multiple attempts to get them where they are today. Now, we hear a SpaceX booster returned and landed back at the pad or on the drone ship and we don't even bat an eye. But remember all the failures that came before. So, no, getting something like that right on the first attempt isn't the norm.
  7. SE: the words are random SP: I gain the ability to cast the spell Crushing Despair” on anyone no matter where they are in the world.
  8. Whenever possible, use ModuleManager patches instead. I too make lots of changes to my game including to the installed mods and those changes are immune to any reinstallation. Those patches lives inside a folder named zzzMyTweaks and it has been with me since at least KSP 0.25 and it's the first thing added to every new KSP install when the game updates.
  9. There is such a mod for KSP 1. I forget what it's called but it does allow for thrust when on-rails. Designed primarily for the ion engine but it works for anything. (AFAIK)
  10. It downloaded for me just fine. The link that says Download: MFT v5.13.1? It works. Try right clicking the ilnk and then clicking 'save link as...'
  11. It looks like they modeled the nozzle after actual conjectural NTR. Some of which did have extensible nozzles planned but those didn't have mixed atmospheric/vacuum use. They were vacuum all the way and the extensibility was only to make them more compact when stowed during launch.
  12. Updated for KSP 1.12 Real Active Radiators version 1.1 Scale up radiatorMax (only for parts that do not explicitly define it) Don't scale down maxEnergyTransfer as it can interfere with ModuleCoreHeat's ability to move heat to the radiators. Clamp CoolingEfficiency lower value to 0 Clamp radiator energyCap lower output value to 0 Compensate for conducted heat of Real Fuels tanks even if if part looks cool enough to not need cooling. Information document on refrigeration systems Refrigeration throttle tries to leave a 0.1 kW buffer when under low power conditions. Renamed zzz_radiator.RAR folder to zzz_radiator Reduced maxCryoEnergyTransfer on deprecated parts. (just in case any are still in people's installations from Heat Pumps mod) Update zzz_radiator thermal characteristics Added NASA document quantifying research costs for space qualified cryocoolers Use radiator temperature instead of skinTemperature https://github.com/Starwaster/RealActiveRadiators/releases/tag/v1.1
  13. @Nertea question, can this handle very low temperatures such as cryogenic?
  14. Don't let this stop you from reporting future issues; as you say, English isn't your first language so this sort of thing is to be expected from time to time.
  15. @Nertea should the Titan and the Atlas have the same cargo capacity? Doesn't seem like it.
  16. Deadly Reentry update version 7.9.0 Some bug fixes submitted by @NathanKell and some other minor adjustments. Don't type cast to object when checking for null references. Damage internal flux fixes (see PR #56 for details) Moved several config patches from :FINAL to :LAST[DeadlyReentry] Register part destruction causes with FlightLogger Fixed negative damage issue when internal temp over maxOperationalTemp Changed behavior when max operational temps are incorrectly configured higher than max temps. (max temp is now increased to match configured max operational temp)
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