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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. @4x4cheesecake there is internal to internal heat transfer on radially attached parts but at a slower rate than stack or attachment point connected parts. I don’t recall what the percentage was though
  2. @4x4cheesecake Interesting, your skin temperature is a good bit lower so where’s the heat coming from?
  3. I replied to @4x4cheesecake and DRE is a definite possibility. I’m looking into it but it’s going to be very slow going because I am browsing the code on github on an iPhone which is all I can do for the foreseeable future. the TL;DR is that you would have to be high supersonic with wings that aren’t thermally protected. I don’t think you’re experiencing an actual bug other than lack of feedback that the wings are sustaining damage. look at the wings PAW. It should tell you they are damaged. An engineer can repair the damage. I don’t recall if I made that require repair parts or not. The damage is in levels and the higher the damage the higher the skill required. edit: the way it’s coded is that tolerances are degraded commiserate with damage level. The greater the damage, the less resistant the part has to withstand forces. It’s actually supposed to fall off before destruction but that never worked right Something else occurred to me. Those wings might have TPS upgrades. If you’re playing career, check for upgrades and research/purchase them. if you’re playing sandbox, go into stock settings for that save and make sure upgrades are turned on. They are off by default. If the wings DONT have a TPS upgrade then that should be considered an oversight on my part.
  4. @4x4cheesecake Part damage is a feature in DRE. It could be the cause of what you’re experiencing but I can’t say that definitively without more troubleshooting and that’s not something I’m able to do very easily right now. I don’t have a PC anymore and I don’t know when or if I can rectify that. What I can say is this: the damage feature in DRE is gradual and it is thermal. I might have also coded it so parts take damage from g-forces too but I don’t recall. I’m looking over the code on github but it’s slow going on my iPhone screen. I can also say that I was never happy with the level of feedback to players that their ship was taking damage. If you look at the PAW it should tell you if it’s damaged. An engineer can repair the damage. (For free I think) STILL also, thermal damage was coded to be directional to simulate burn through. That was the primary purpose of the feature. So you would have to be going high supersonic for this to be happening. Maybe adding wings with thermal protection is what you need to do. I don’t think I coded it to allow the player to disable the feature.
  5. Depends on how much data persistence there is. I no longer have a computer so I can’t verify. Im a little on the fence as to whether density would have to be persisted to the save file level. My instinct is no. Density changes probably carry over. Radius will probably not. Pretty sure there’s a a radius field besides min/max that gets serialized
  6. @shoe7ess so, what’s not working is its stack nodes won’t attach to the stack nodes of another of the same part? Did you check the console to see if any exceptions are being thrown when you try to attach? I’d also think about moving this to that mod’s thread. Definitely sounds like something is going on with it.
  7. @shoe7ess it’s alphabetical too so you could have a file name with lots of zzzzz in the file name :FINAL that’s pretty brute force. You’re probably better off nailing down what mod is doing it and targeting to go after it in order. you should also verify for sure that something else really is doing something to the part. Read the ModuleManager.ConfigCache and find the part config in there. That will show you its final form
  8. @shoe7ess hmmm looking at that mod on its github and it already has those attachRules defined. read your log and see what is patching it.
  9. Docking ports can optionally be configured to dock only at specified angles. Not sure when that was added and I don’t recall what the parameter is or how to set it and can’t readily check that as my PC is down and out and I don’t yet have a replacement yet.
  10. 1) there is a mod that will let them speak (chatterer? Not sure of name) 2) they speak in the official videos. The Kerbal language sounds remarkably like Mexican spoken backwards. I’m sure that is coincidence.
  11. The MM thread is a good place to start. I’m wondering though if you’re not having some conflict somewhere though too. From looking at your picture you posted above. Maybe post your logs and see if someone can go through them?
  12. @Conn9823 that’s strange. RF used to convert all stock tanks over. It was not dependent on other mods or packs for tanks, only engines. Last I knew it still worked that way. It’s easy enough to make a patch to catch stragglers if you know how to write MM patches though. I’d throw something together for you but I no longer have a working PC. Only an iPhone.
  13. @Spacescifi metallic shields like that have been considered before. There are two forms that would take. one would be as a heat sink. It would have to have a lot of mass to be effective (so it has more thermal mass). There are several problems there. First: that extra mass you’ve added. Spacecraft designers try to go the opposite direction: less mass. Another problem is after reentry you now have a lot of thermal energy stored up than if you’d used ablative or shuttle like tiles. All that energy has to go somewhere and the inside of the ship is one of the places it’ll be going. That’s bad. you CAN design lightweight metallic shields but you’re basically back to tiles again and I’m not sure they’re really any better than silica based tiles. The X-33 would have used metallic tiles as part of its TPS. They were to have been made of titanium and Inconel (a steel nickel chromium alloy).
  14. Yeah I suppose I shouldn’t say things like that before taking into account that it could get a lighter payload into orbit.
  15. It was probably just a stunt to send something to mars for publicity. It was a bad idea that wasn’t actually planned out. The ICBMs in question were Russian and by their very nature are strictly sub-orbital. So we’re talking hypothetically about a small payload that would have then had to get orbital AND do a TMI to Mars. Or some kind of direct launch to mars. I don’t have my PC available, just my phone so I can’t spreadsheet anything but I just can’t see anything but a small lander with a transmitter saying ‘I am here’
  16. This mod is only a set of configs for Real Fuels. If you’re getting a serious FPS drop then it’s from RF. Which seems to be getting increasingly bloated with RO hooks. I doubt if anyone tests RF outside of an RO environment
  17. @Syczek That error is in Real Fuels itself. I’d report in the RF thread or create an issue on the RF repository. (that said, there could still be a config error in a specific engine in this mod but RF should be handling it better)
  18. I thought (could be wrong) that the components of the chain had to be calculated. Computed? edit: what I thought was happening was that ‘mining’ was just you contributing processing power and being rewarded in crypto.
  19. Hmmmm not sure what’s going on and I don’t think I can’t be of further help as my PC is out of action until my new power supply arrives.
  20. Do it from the RealChutes menu from the space center screen.
  21. 220 mb video. I have to wait 25 minutes for it to finish downloading. I gave up streaming it.
  22. try this. I think it will do what you want. Can't guarantee that there won't be unintended consequences. @PART[*]:HAS[~RSSROConfig]:AFTER[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = true }
  23. Liquid oxygen is paramagnetic, not diamagnetic. And I'm not sure its antimatter equivalent would be different. Assuming that it would in fact be repelled, the repulsive force would be very weak. Probably too weak to overcome inertia whenever the craft accelerates. Definitely too weak to overcome planetary gravity. Edit: Also, just keeping it away from the tank walls won't be enough to prevent boiloff losses through radiation. You need to keep the walls cooled and this magnetic containment scheme is also generating heat.
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