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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. That city lights thing is an EVE bug. I didn't add anything to Gilly...
  2. Nope. Nope. Yep. Nope. Okay seriously though, Bop's surface is too messed up. Trying to add anything to it won't work. WELL LOOK IT WAS 5AM AND I'M SORRY
  3. ERONA HAS NOW TAKEN OVER DEVELOPMENT, AND TSG HAS LEFT! A NEW THREAD MAY BE STARTED, AND ONCE MADE, WILL BE LINKED HERE. Hello one and all, welcome to the Better Atmospheres release page. Better Atmospheres is mainly an EVE pack, however, it uses other things such as RSS and Texture replacer. Created by the config work of Thesonicgalaxy, the wonderful art by Erona, and some of the stuff EVE comes with. What does this mod do? Well my friend, it uses EVE, RSS, Texture replacer, and Custom Asteroids to improve the Kerbol System. Atmospheres from space Using EVE, atmosphere's from space are much more noticable and have quite an effect on the land below. Atmospheres from ground Atmospheres from the ground are also improved, no more white on kerbin! New Kerbin clouds Kerbin now has less clouds than before, and high altitude wispy ones. Enjoy sunny days and flying through more than just one patch of clouds. Ring Systems with asteroids Jool has been equiped with a Ring System, as well as trackable asteroids to land and possibly set up bases on. Aurora Borealis Kerbin, Eve, Jool, and Laythe all have their own unique aurora. Eve being a Dark Blue. Kerbin being a mix of Green, Blue, and purple. Jool being a mix of Blue and yellow. Finally Laythes being a Dark Green. Realistic white Kerbol with new flares Kerbol now has been turned white, a much more realistic color. New flares are also included. Finally, here's a trailer of it all in action. i04 Looks great! What do I need to use this? The full package comprises four standalone parts: EVE for the clouds and atmosphere effects: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-5-7-3-EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-NEW%21-VolumetricClouds%21 Texture Replacer for the Skybox and Kerbin texture: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60961-0-23-5-TextureReplacer-1-5-10-(7-6-2014)-IVA-Helmets-Removal Custom Asteroids for Joolian asteroid rings. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80483-0-23-5-Custom-Asteroids-1-0-0 KittopiaTech Ingame terraforming tools for the Joolian ring system. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68619-0-24_2-Plugin-WIP-KittopiaTech-Ingame-Terraforming-Tools-V0-18 I also highly recommend Distant Object Enhacement. Alright, installed that stuff. Now where can I download this pack? There are a few places to download this pack. DROPBOX LINKS MEDIAFIRE LINKS CURSE AND KERBAL STUFF LINK ASSET FILE Here's the Asset file for the sunflare FOR 0.25!!. http://www./download/lci8dl4enj8k651/ASSET+FILE.zip Here's the Asset file for the sunflare FOR 0.90!!. http://www./download/767nraop7ducy1f/ASSETFILE+90.zip Here's the Asset file for the sunflare FOR 1.0.5!!. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tto5j1pznowvduf/sharedassets9.assets?dl=0 BETTER ATMOSPHERES MANUAL! And with that, you now have Better Atmospheres! Enjoy! This work is licensed under a .
  4. Alright you guys, V4 of BA is coming tomorrow morning. Hope you guys enjoy it tomorrow
  5. Can i PLEASE know what mod adds that old KSP command pod?
  6. DOE is actually going to be a recommendation. I'll PM you V4.
  7. I'd rather a fresh game, but you can use whatever mods you want. I don't really care Yes, V4. That's the new version. Let me know when you're ready to test it.
  8. Just testing performance, if there's any graphical anomalies. That stuff.
  9. Okay, you know what? Restart. I don't care who you are, what kind of computer you have, the FIRST person to reply to this, get's to test. No bullcrap, no un fairness, just the first person.
  10. Yeah..That's probably not going to help. In that case, since iDan seems really reliable, If he's available to test, He's got the job.
  11. First of all those clouds are amazing! Second of all, this whole testing idea is making it hard to be nice... Okay, I think....um...since he went first, DasBananenbrot get's to test. To keep it fair of course.
  12. Not really. It's just a fun challenge. Actually capturing one for science is a waste of time.
  13. Since you're the only applicant so far, you're on my list. Wanna wait to see if there's anybody else with possibly a less powerful PC. Maybe?
  14. Alright guys, V4 is nearly done! With this, I would like to know if anyone would like to apply for testing? I would like more than my own biased opinion, and to know how the performance is on lesser PC's. Only one though. I use Paint.net and use the grim reaper color remover, and remove all the black from the image.
  15. Yes I have actually. KUS is definitely better. Still too kerbaly but whateves. Not a naming thread.
  16. Gotta give all that praise to erona. Without him I have no clue where I would be.
  17. Well, I've started to recover this faster than i would have thought. I might make the RD to the 22cd. erona has been doing a fantastic job on the CL, and something else we've been working on. notice anything different?
  18. That still doesn't give you the excuse to say that it's crap without bothering to help. No, you're not sorry, you imbecile. You're still treating his art like crap without helping. Don't say you're sorry if you don't actually mean it. "I don't want to be mean now but" "DUUR I DUN WANT TO BE MEAN BUT I WANT TO BE MEAN". Now, I am sorry, and won't be mean towards you anymore. Learn to be a little constructive, and help the guy out. As for me, I really like his style. Not my favorite style, but it looks good. The style feels sketchy and i do enjoy a bit of that. I feel that the paint fill tool causes too much whiteness around the edges, and it would be great if he could fix that up.
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