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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. 10 chars blah blah Again, I would like some color suggestions on the rings. I also think I found a solution to the atmosphere color problem.
  2. He might've taken a screenshot and drew over it. Either way this is amazingly awesome!
  3. I would rather if you post any development suggestions in the BA thread. But sure, I'll look into adding it.
  4. No, because the darkside shading is a result of the atmosphere effects.
  5. I'm unsure if your kerbals like rings. Do they?
  6. No. it does not add any physical properties of an atmosphere. Here's an album of all the auroras. Feedback is still greatly appreciated.
  7. "Super skating robot, SKATERMAN!"♫♪ "Super skating robot, SKATERMAN!"♫♪
  8. Yeah, Jool's is going to be the hardest by far. How about this? I would also like color suggestions for this:
  9. I really can't thank you enough rbray for one of the greatest mods ever created in the history of mods.
  10. Since A and B all seem evened out, I think I'll just include a separate config for A. Just opened up the textures in paint.net. You know, one of these days EVE and BA are gonna make you open up KSP and think you actually opened up Space Engine.
  11. That's an EVE bug. It's getting fixed in V8 of EVE. I recommend hitting alt+n and turning off volumetric clouds. Going into GameData/boulderco/clouds and then resize all the textures would also be a great idea.
  12. Don't worry, the new and improved GUI will fix this silly "Doesn't save my tweaks for everyone." nonsense. In the mean time, hit ALT+N in flight, go down to layer 3, then hit advanced settings then under SETTINGS(Not scaled settings) change FadeDist to 100.
  13. Granted! However, one of the conspiracies turn out to be true, and it's that you are actually a pumpkin. Everybody get's really hungry and feasts on you. I wish that that I had skating abilities and couldn't die. The whole world is just as glitchy as Skate 3 as well.
  14. Rim power and rim scale I'll include a alternate config for Laythe, a much more lethal laythe. Anyway, since there are a few thing's I'd like to share, but don't want to spam my forum page. Here's a tumblr dedicated to the development of BA. I already have a few things there. Here it is: BA DEV TUMBLR
  15. The current GUI isn't the greatest. For me it's crumbling. I can't add anything unless I change it in the config. so \_(._.)_/
  16. I don't know if anyone's getting this, but i CANNOT upload to curse. Every time it gives me's me a 524 error, saying that a timeout has occurred. All day I've been trying with no success.
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