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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. Are you possibly crashing? I don't have a mac, so I can't test BAv5 on one.
  2. Yes, Replace. Just hit ALT+N in the tracking station then go to the sun and click the remove button until everything is gone.
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lh5T21T6EcyXq8vbIUG6BWEK-iZuk_Iy2YuYG6NgHcY/pub Here's the install guide from the OP. Just install everything then drag the V5 folders into the GameData folder.
  4. ...did not know that was going to be an issue. I have no clue. The best you can do is just remove anything about the sun. It depends on what you want. If you don't want the new textures, you don't need TR. If you don't want asteroid rings, don't install Custom Asteroids. If you don't want Rings, don't install IGTT. If you want all of them, then they are all requirements. I am very sorry.
  5. Sorta fixed this thread too, will fix it up better in the morning maybe.
  6. Well, there is a spot. More towards the southern pole though. However, the layer for that can actually be removed. So the spot is an option. Give me a minute guys, gotta hit the save changes to thread button.
  7. EVE 7.3. I have no clue if it works with the latest beta. I'll check some time. One bug I'd like to announce is that the rings inclination no longer works, so they may appear a bit dull. However, they are now transparent. Making them much more realistic and way better to look at.
  8. Here's the final Trailer before release. Release should hopefully be later today.
  9. It's trying to load the layer that had the file, so it bugs out. I wouldn't delete the file, just put it back and hit alt + n in the tracking station and remove the layer that has it. Then you can delete the file if you want.
  10. You remove them and wait for the next EVE update. They don't work, as they don't stay in the same place when kerbin move around the sun. It's something Erona and I learned when making the Sunrises/ sets. Speaking of which, Erona will be gone for a week and a half, so anything that would need new artwork won't make it in the new release.
  11. Alright guys, going to go through some checks to make sure everything is in working order, should be done with that by tonight. If everything goes accordingly, there should be a release by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow depending on the weather. Had a tornado warning with severe thunderstorms last night, but it should all be clear now. Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-15-1-09MAY2014?p=1201976&viewfull=1#post1201976 That problem was fixed a while back. It has the thick look but it fades away as you get closer to reveal the ground. Sure, I'll make an additional config on release.
  12. Threw together a quick teaser after making a few tweaks and playing RCT3 all day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSZ-9S7WjTc&list=UU6XZ0FgHfP5ckk8TTftIcfQ
  13. zomg guys i made it back safe and sound. Spent most of my days at Disney World, 5 of them in fact, but managed to get to go to KSC, riding the Shuttle Launch Experience, taking one of the bus tours, got two signed autographs, got some model rockets, and overall had a great time there too. I've seen some questions about release date, so I'll go ahead and ask now, would you guys rather us wait for the new EVE version so we can implement the new Sunrises, or would you rather a couple of days, then I release it anyway? The only thing that will be missing if I release sooner is the sunrise/sets. Work will resume as normal tomorrow, for now though *Falls back into bed*.
  14. Yo KC, would you mind if I use your editing tool for my pack? The rings are fantastic and wanted to double check with you if it's okay that I use it.
  15. Sure, I'll work on making them tighter around Jool. The ring's lighting is a bit funky right now, so the best way to make them more noticeable is by making them have an inclination, however they look a bit weird..Though from Laythe they look amazing!
  16. That's because the atmosphere is turning blue. The Tacking station also for some reason hates light. As seen here:
  17. Could not allocate memory: System out of memory! It would appear that you are running out of memory. You might wanna try using the aggressive version of ActiveTextureManagement if you aren't already. 1. I'll ask Erona, see if he can produce another texture for a yellowish band. 2.The ring asteroids are track able. So if you don't alot of them you don't have to track alot of them, or even install them if you don't want it. I've also been messing around with the rings. Would you guys like different colors like this, if so, what colors? IMO I didn't like the one color.
  18. Yeah, I was going to change it but I'd rather wait until people are good with this idea instead of spending all my time on something people don't want.
  19. So, this is a thing i can do now thanks to the Kittopia ingame planetary editing tools. Would you guys rather rings look like this?(This isn't the final product, I can change it. I just want to know if people would like it better like this.)
  20. Get the creator edition, it's available. Krag has been gone on the forums for quite a while now, so don't expect this link to be fixed soon unless he comes back.
  21. Yes, I've been to Orlando before. Sunscreen is quite a must. We had plans to book for the UKP, but we we're too late. We have another place booked that will hopefully be just as good. Thanks! Anyway, I've uploaded it to curse, now that spaceport is down( :C My heart will go on) http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220913-better-atmospheres-v4
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