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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. Thanks guys Anyway, I've done a re-do on it, to reduce the part count and save some frames. I've also added some other stuff and plan to add a few new things.
  2. The blue seems too strong and too high on Mars. Mars doesn't have that large of an atmo.
  3. The textures for the windows/cargobay will be included with it when I release it. The mods I'm using are B9(Just the structural Elements, everything else is deleted), LackLusterLabs, Infernal Robotics, and Hullcam VDS.
  4. It taught me that you don't need food, air, or water to survive!
  5. I've been working on the Mobile Launch Platform, and figured getting this would be good for my Computer as the MLP is 500 parts. However, when I weld it, I get this..mess. When it should look like this: If it's needed, here's the output_log.txt https://www.dropbox.com/s/784skcm7i4mfa58/output_log.txt It appears to be flipping the b9 parts around, anyway I can fix this? Thanks in advance.
  6. It's still not finished but I think it's in show able format right now. Here is my Mobile Launch Platform designed for the CSS. Fitted with Launch Cameras, Gaseous Oxygen Vent hoods, and Lag!
  7. I had this in mind while thinking of creating the custom Solar Flare. I then settled down with my own horrid logic of "Everything in KSP is down scaled, so why not the science as well?" and just said that a red dwarf would need to be even smaller. I've also created a Kerbal Stuff link. Way better than Curse. http://beta.kerbalstuff.com/mod/29/Better_Atmospheres
  8. I mean, going on a quick look here doesn't even say much as I don't think we know enough planets in the first place to say.
  9. It happens as I'm uploading my mod, after a while it takes me there and /create/mod is in the address bar.
  10. I already LOVE the idea of this, and I'm loving the site. However, I encountered this and wasn't able to upload my mod. "Not Found The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again." I'll try again in the morning. See if it works then. I am still loving this way more than curse though.
  11. Had a problem, fixed it, now this post is no longer needed. Thanks for the wonderful mod.
  12. Nobody said it was shockingly new stuff, he was just sharing something really cool.
  13. That's what we're working on. EVE currently doesn't allow us to make this effect work, but hopefully in the new version it will.
  14. As you may or may not know, Erona and I have been planning to add Sunrises and sets. We managed to find a speed in EVE 7.3 where the layer stands still. The problem now, is that as Kerbin rotates around Kerbol, the part where it transitions from Day to Night changes location. Of course this means that the Sunrise effect does not move with the Transition, and thus messes everything up. There's also the problem that when I load the game up at different locations of Kerbin's orbit, the location of the layer changes. We were wondering if you could add this in an update, if it's even possible.
  15. Here are some gifs of my Shuttle Launch from the cockpit. We are go for Main Engine start! Launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis! Booster Officer confirms good SRB sep! Alantis rolls to a heads up position to get better communication from the Tracking and relay Satellites. M.E.C.O! The SSME's fall silent for the final time. Space Shuttle Atlantis orientates itself to get photography of the EFT. I'm also creating a launch pad for it It's still a WIP, but here it is compared to the actual thing.
  16. He could use KittopiaTech, which can add atmospheres to planets.
  17. Just put the SharedAssets10.assets into your KSP_Data folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/txljqzh94c7qw1j/BAV5ASSET.zip
  18. If he put it in there, and he was on Modding Mondays, then it's probably safe to do so. Though if somebody who knows if it's legal or not says otherwise, I'm taking it out instantly.
  19. Didn't see an answer to my question, so thought I would ask again.
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