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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. Granted, However, You can only listen to Super-Hyper-Intense-Extreme Dubstep. I wish to have all the new TF2 taunts.
  2. *MODS THAT HAVE SOME ISSUES Environmental Visual Enhancements (Incompatible with Krags Planet Factory - DO NOT INSTALL TOGETHER)* It works just fine for me
  3. It's hard for something like this, they aren't really dependencies as you don't need to install what parts of the mod you don't want. KittopiaTech: Rings Custom Asteroids: Asteroids in the rings. Texture Replacer: Kerbin and new skybox textures EVE: Clouds and stuff. This doesn't use that much ram, and if needs be you can get the 64 bit fix thing. EVE Low res does nothing if you've installed this. That as well just lowers the texture resolution.
  4. So uh...think I'm going to go on a hiatus for a day - 3 days. Very, very serious work needs to be done with my friends. You can download the lastest version of kittopia Tech here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68619-Plugin-WIP-KittopiaTech-Ingame-Terraforming-Tools-V0-125 It fixes the inclination bug, so the wobble is back! Now if You'll excuse me, Gonna go do that..serious work.. *Loads up new TF2 update and buys conga taunt*
  5. You might wanna try re-installing eve and the eve section of this mod.
  6. Are you completely sure? Can you tell me exactly, maybe even a picture of your cloud folder? I've tested it and the only known reason for this happening is an extra cloudLayers.cfg.
  7. The animation is beautiful, really can't wait for it!
  8. Yeah, we haven't heard anything from you in a while.. Hope everything is going well!
  9. I was actually starting working on a medium res version, but this will save a lot of time. Thanks, though I'm not sure if asset files are share-able, are they?
  10. Can you direct me to your source? If you're going to give me feedback, actually tell me how to improve please. :T
  11. As a Car Enthusiast, those colors are....Not the greatest choice, but they look amazing!
  12. I have to go to the movies soon, but I managed to quickly make this. Laythe Stormy It's not really finished(As in I could put in more detail), but I have to go in ten minutes, so this will do for now. Also, for asheft:
  13. That's a problem I know about, and I thought i fixed it. Guess it didn't save. I'll update the config in the download.
  14. I've worked around it for now, will make a proper fix later.
  15. I've updated the low res download to fix the particle issue. I've also started work on some alternate configs. I'll also create a Medium Res download for those who can handle more than low res, but not high res. Do remember that everything in here is optional, just don't install what you don't want.
  16. I would recommend replacing the Earth texture with this texture here. The current earth texture is a map with atmospheric coloring.
  17. https://www./?cichmnuyzsc5wu9 JUST HAVE THIS GEEZ WHY IS THIS HARD DROPBOX AND CURSE http://www./download/g1p048dvv5y1e1i/Better+Atmospheres+V5+Low+Quality.zip
  18. I guess if you want, I am working on the curse link now though. EDIT: Curse link works now. Those rings, sadly, don't have particles, but will hopefully be added. It's also impossible to add VC to Jool until the new EVE update. I've also updated the download to fix the Sun issue. Just replace the cloudlayers-better atmospheres.cfg
  19. Derp. Fixed now. I really am sorry about all these "dependencies"(You don't really need them except for EVE, but they are designed to be used with them). If I could I would get rid of them all but EVE. And don't worry, a stormy laythe config is coming up probably tomorrow. I just don't feel like it tonight.
  20. Mac has problems with high res textures with EVE. I don't think it's possible to fix.
  21. How? Would you mind telling me what you did to make it work? Also, I will. In the mean time, I've updated the download to make the rings more noticeable. Just re download and only place the Kittopiaspace folder in.
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