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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. The problem is I have no idea if the Assets are share-able. You might be able to get the regular clouds working(I don't use AK, so I have no clue.), but the atmosphere effects will take your own custom editing to work.
  2. Just as I exchange my Android for an iPhone..
  3. Two from cockpit flights of the American Space Shuttle. Both are 8 Minute flights. From Launch to Orbit, I begin to realize that we not only are becoming as Visually good as Space Engine, but also becoming as in depth as orbiter. NIGHT LAUNCH(DISCOVERY STS-131) DAY LAUNCH(ATLANTIS STS-135) Thanks for watching!(Believe it or not, I found this quite fun. I also wish KerbcastLive.com was real :c)
  4. I usually sep them at about 2:06-2:10 during the flight.
  5. Yo Dragon, wanted to ask if it's okay that I upload a texture for the crew compartment that fixes the window color.
  6. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-22-Universe-Replacer-v4-0/page38?p=577857&viewfull=1#post577857
  7. So after taking small break to wreck my friends on TF2. I decided to get back to work on BA. I'm doing some work on kerbin, keep in mind this is not final, but this is what I've done so far. Would like some feedback. Nice find btw. I was worried about that, as I get really nervous when something's gone wrong and there's no obvious reason as to why it happened. I really wanna find the cause though. I'll look into that again.
  8. You could just use the boulderco folder in the BA zip. I would just recommend replacing though. You don't have to use anything you don't want. KittopiaTech for the rings, CustomAsteroids for the asteroids in the rings, EVE/Boulderco for the clouds and atmospheres, Texture Replacer for the New skybox/kerbin.
  9. You might wanna put this in the PF link instead. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE
  10. Don't play RSS much, but might as well give it a test. Plus I love to look at the work of other people <3
  11. Sorry about that, Packaging for MR went wrong but I'll get to fixing it.
  12. What RES are you using? If it's Med Res, Try downloading high or low res, then copying the cloudlayers.cfg from it into the clouds folder.
  13. You need the High res version then. He's still out of date and hasn't updated to V5 of BA.
  14. I almost couldn't believe it was KSP either. And I made it.
  15. Active Texture Management. Just copy that into a search engine and it should be the first one.
  16. You're running out of memory, get ATM or use the KSP-64 bit hack.
  17. All though I just started work on this, and made it in 5 seconds, it almost feels necessary
  18. No, Columbia is there. It's the one without the name, as it was IRL.
  19. Granted, but the rocks are in socks, which have locks. I wish to be a bee that could see into the sea.
  20. Been playing around with the overhaul and am having quite a good time with it. Is it still planned to make it to where A layer can stay in one spot no matter where the planet is in Kerbol orbit?
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