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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. I wasn't jealous of anything, You made a mistake and I corrected it. But let's not re-activate a dead thread with something that's not even related.
  2. This is perfect. You do not realize how many times I forgot all about RCS on my ships.
  3. I'd like to correct you there, That's my/Erona's pack. Not his.
  4. I can tell you're using a Kerbin Texture with clouds on it. Instead of the actual EVE mod. I would also recommend Texture Replacer. It's much better than UR.
  5. Endeavour docked with Zarya to transfer Monoprop.
  6. Sweet! Always wanted a mod with just new solar panels! Downloading now!
  7. So even if you have one cloud layer remaining(doesn't matter which one), you still get it? Or is it only when you have a certain layer left?
  8. You should add Distant Object to the best not to try section. It requires toolbar, and I had loads of crashes with it installed.
  9. Very cool! Only question, why are you using Universe Replacer cloud textures?
  10. Are you using custom asteroids? If so, how many asteroids do you have in your current save?(TRACKED AND UN KNOWN)
  11. This may not be the most detailed thing in the world, but it gives a rough Idea of what I'm asking. I wanted to give an idea of where I would like the rocket testing facility.
  12. So if you deleted every single cloud layer but one, the problems are still there? You have to delete every single cloud layer in the pack itself, or just kerbin?
  13. So on the topic of the lag, do you guys only get lag when you're at the ram limit, or is it always there no matter what?
  14. I'm trying to figure out the cause of the lag too. I'll post an update if I find anything.
  15. The asset file is already in the OP. Don't need to add anything As for what's planned? Uhh, I mean, I guess the terrain stuff and maybe a few things with kittopiatech, the sunsets if they manage to work in EVE V8, but other than that I dunno where to take it. I've been waiting for Erona who said he had to move and then after that he went on vacation, he said he would be gone about a week and a half, but it's been a little after a month since my last message from him. I hope all is well for him. Anyway, that's a bit of bad thing as that's the art part of this being gone for who knows how long, and don't know if he's coming back anytime soon. Plus it was nice to have somebody else to talk to on the development of the pack. I'm also helping with some sounds and textures for the Component Space Shuttle, and that has me distracted. So all in all, it's just a matter of waiting for suggestions, new things to pop up, and for Erona to come back.
  16. Then you're not trying to adjust it. If it's still doing it you're letting it spin.
  17. Me streaming the construction of the ISS using mods like the bobcat mods, CSS, KSO, and a few other things. http://www.twitch.tv/thesonicgalaxy
  18. It's an effect gotten from putting an atmosphere layer on a Planet in EVE. There is a mod that does reduce ambient lighting on Kerbal Stuff though.
  19. Replace the OMS's with the one that doesn't point left or right.
  20. Your image isn't working, but I saw it by copying the image link. Ever since the Mun was added, people have been seeing Solar Eclipses. It's an old but always beautiful scene.
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