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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. As long as we DON'T acknowledge it's existence, we should be fine, right? DOESN'T EXIST. DOESN'T EXIST. DOESN'T EXIST.
  2. V5 PROGRESS UPDATE GURGLREWERQAFASFSf Last time, we talked about sunrises and sets. Well, we're going to wait for EVEV8 SO Mun! Better? Jool!1!1 I've made the atmosphere of Jool to be a little bit more noticeable than before. What do you guys think?
  3. oh my god. Now i have to make a Plane that uses the ARMS for landing gear.
  4. attach it to whatever is below the Command pod and make them climb the ladder
  5. Here's Laythe. How's a beachy vaction look for laythe, but still have a titan-esque look from orbit?
  6. Ha. As if BA V4 is going to work with the overhaul. There are way too many changes in both config and folders that it's a huge no. I'd rather wait for V8 of EVE first.
  7. It's beautiful I'll keep messing with some textures and atmosphere colors. I've been looking at some pics and I'm quite satisfied with this color. I've also noticed I lost some of Laythe's layers. Might be time for a make over. Just something about Laythe turns me down.
  8. Hit alt+N in map or the tracking station while focusing on the Mun. Then remove all the layers from the Mun.
  9. Obviously you didn't try hard enough because they're dead. You murdered them. For science. You monster.
  10. Be warned, that was a CUSTOM TEXTURE. Not the texture that comes with the dev build.
  11. As long as I'm going below somewhere around 70-80 M/S, I won't fall through. I've also noticed it's alot easier to put the camera through the ground. It's never made me fall through the ground unless I'm going something like 400 M/S on stock. I really don't know what other info to give you.
  12. Wanted to make note that in the new dev version, at high speeds it's really easy to fall through the ground.
  13. No, I highly doubt this mod is coming back. TR Does so much more and has had a lot more development time. I saw your post and all you did was post a screenshot and said that it causes the game to stutter and you used UR before with no issue. Maybe posting some actual useful information would help shaw fix the problem.
  14. The point of the RSS folder is to get rid of the white in Kerbin's atmosphere. There's no actual planet changing or anything going on. You can remove it if you want the white atmospheres.
  15. V5 PROGRESS UPDATE! As you know, I talked about Sunrises and sunsets being a new feature in V5. Me and Erona are working very hard to implement this and the odds are not in our favor, but is still completely possible. I thought I might as well post a picture to show what we've done so far. THIS IS STILL BEING DEVELOPED. THIS IS NO WHERE NEAR THE FINAL VERSIONS AND YOU SHOULDN'T EXPECT IT TO LOOK LIKE THIS. A feature we've put on the side is Rings. I don't have any pictures to show, but as soon as we start really working on rings I'll post an update on that. Erona has made a few tweaks to the CL. The City lights detail texture is more dynamic, and the Main texture is less hazy and looks great from LKO and low fly-bys. I've also made some color tweaks. Such as making Jool not as bright(It was hurting my eyes), The mun's colors are more grey and dark. The colors match more with the ones of our own Moon. Minmus isn't as super green glowy as before. These are all the one's I can remember off the top of my head. As BA is getting back to normal development, we'd like more feedback/suggestions on what we can do to improve the pack. Be sure to be detailed on what you want. Stuff like "Make X planet less buggy looking" doesn't help. If it will help get the idea across, provide example images of what you're talking about. If it's basic enough to not require an Image, or you can't find an example image, try to explain it the best you can. Thanks in advance.
  16. How were you harsh? Infact that was great feedback! EVE 7-1 had a saving issue, I should put that info in the OP later.
  17. I'll actually try this, but i have no clue what I'm going to be achieving.
  18. You need to set the fadedist on the Mun to 100. Hit ALT+N in map view/tracking station when you've selected the Mun, click on advanced settings, then under SETTINGS(not scaled settings) Look for the fadedist option and change it's value to 100. It should save for you but of course EVE always screws up saving for some people.
  19. detail.tga is the citylights, DetailCity is the Daytime cities.
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