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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. • I'd like to make note that for things like this I am now stealing your center dot idea. • I don't think it's actually possible to make the clouds appear better on the night side. • A higher res cloud texture/detail is going to be in V5. I'm currently working on a schedule for next week to see if i can work BA into it so I can get out of this hiatus. • Really? XD Oh my god. I'm so stupid! •Will do!I'll admit I should have made the install a little easier on the city textures.
  2. \_(. _ .)_/ I just apply my crappy cloud layers to planets and save it and hope it works. That hope is based on EVE's saving. You'll have to ask rbray about this unless it's my fault then sorry :c
  3. Erm. I can tell you haven't been watching the updates..
  4. 1.That's EVE's fault. It should save but of course no it doesn't as usual. You can hit alt+n(You can also tweak many other settings to your like), there should be an advanced option, then under SETTINGS(Not scaledsettings) set the fade dist option to 100. Be sure you have EVE 7.2 or later. Same for issue 2. 2. I'll look into making the darkside less dark when school, and my Driving test are both done. Right now this mod is on hiatus.
  5. You shouldn't be clipping through a blue layer. It's just EVE's saving being crap as usual.
  6. That's not something I can avoid. Sorry. Plus I put this on hiatus for IRL reasons.
  7. This is a bit of an update, pretty important actually. I think I'm going to slow down development on this pack. It's been taking a toll on real life. I haven't been getting as much school work done as I should, I haven't been spending a lot of time with my friends, and I have a driving test coming up soon. EVE also bugs out a lot and has been making the creation of this pack un-enjoyable. I've also ran into some computer problems which don't really help. I will continue to work on and update this pack, but don't expect a brand new huge update soon. I do enjoy making this when it all works well, but real life comes first. I hope you all understand. Thank you.
  8. Okay. Not exactly sure on the entire point of this post. I mean, it's not like you're actually going to tell me why the look bad. As I haven't been told this before, so I can't know why they look bad. Seriously, learn Constructive Criticism. That would help a lot.
  9. Proots female kerbal in RC. It looks way too exaggerated on the female aspect.
  10. That looks a lot better than proots Female Kerbal. I love it! Are those the same heads as the OP or are they different ones?
  11. You can change that Adjust the speed setting in the ALT+N menu.
  12. Can you give us more insight? It's hard to work with "IT DOESN'T WURK PLZ HELP".
  13. Sorry, I do love your mod. I understand I'm sort of breaking your mod by doing things that wasn't even intended to happen.
  14. Welcome to Visual Enhancements. There's not much I can do about that I'm afraid. You'll have to edit the DayCity image and move it to fit with the land.
  15. Jeez. I wish rbray would really take his time to fix the saving. It should be saved at 100 on the fade dist, but of course for some people it buggers off to 8 or whatever it wants. Go to the atmo layer and change the fadedist under advanced settings/SETTINGS to 100.
  16. Feel pretty good about these rings I've made in combination with the config that uses RSS + PF.
  17. It's hard because I can't tell if that's an EVE issue or a my pack issue. I've lowered the resolution of the atmo.png thanks to pete pointing out it's oversizedness. Stuff like that comes from a PC not being able to handle high res textures. You might wanna try re downloading BAV4 and replacing atmo.png with the new one. If that doesn't fix it then idunno.
  18. Thanks. Because "Bugged out" Is the best kind of feedback I ever could have. Oh and because cartoony is the best way to describe something.
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