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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. I really wouldn't know much about what KSP does with saving memory, I'd suggest go asking in addon support.
  2. THat shouldn't be....I'll go back to eve and see if it's been fixed already or not. Hm, are you 100% sure it's my pack that's doing it?
  3. Very nice! Can't wait to see the wonderful job you've done
  4. So, this is what the Atmosphere on kerbin looks like stock Oh god, look at that white! let's fix that. BA, destroying white things since since V4...wait...now I sound like a racist...crap. Okay, seriously though, this is what the new AFG looks like. How does it look? And i was thinking of making Duna's AFG a little more....I dunno what word to use, but make it look more like this: as apposed to this: What do you guys think of this idea? Thanks so much to nathankell for his RSS, allowing me to make this changes.
  5. I've given Dres and Tylo a darker dark side, like the rest of the planets. It's mostly erona(city lights detail), pingopete(multiple cloud layers), and rbray(fix for Gilly, Vall, Bop, and Pol) I'm waiting on now. If rbray fixes those moons before the 20th, and the CLD and CL aren't finished by the 20th, I'll go ahead and release V4. They can be added in when i get them. Altough the CL and Clouds would be nice, I don't think they're worth delaying the mod. Then add them in like, V4-1.
  6. So you are asking for a way to Kerbin the only one with changes, and Laythe have a similar atmosphere to kerbin?
  7. Only on Gilly, Vall, Bop, and Pol. It's a new layer. It's like the altitudes are all messed up. You can see on the first one(gilly), I've set the altitude to 1, but it's way higher than that. it's also only from space.
  8. It's definitely the dark clouds at the surface. I removed the atmosphere for a test, it was still brighter than the sky.
  9. Actually, oh god, it is bright, not un bearably bright, just bright. The sad part is, that's not a change in MY mod. Eve's always been like that.
  10. Erm. Yeah, my land is all fine, I don't know why your land is all bright like that..
  11. Ah, alright. I was just saying, to make auroras before, you would set minlight to 1 to make it bright on both day side, and night side. But as you can see, my layers have minlight to 6...You can probably see where I'm going with this. Oh also, I think vall has an altitude bug on cloud layers. Anyway, I've used AFG to get rid of the needless amount of white from Kerbin's atmo, and I'll continue to think of some new ideas, for now, we wait on erona(City lights detail) and pingopete(Multiple clouds layers). Then I'll probably release this sucker unless we get some new ideas
  12. Oh, and when auroras come back, will they be made the same way as before, or will it be a different way? Some of my stuff needs a high lighting on ONE side, but if they come back the same way as before, then that will screw all of my stuff up.
  13. Yep, it will still get worked on, but it will go full release. Eh, it just looks amazing and makes minmus spoopy.
  14. Pretty much what my mod is doing. Basically making the planet have a tint like mine does. But way more complex or something i really don't know. Here's the settings if you want to see: How about some Jool phases from Vall?
  15. Minlight + 6 + completely white PNG = Terminator. I dunno, probably just atmospheric shading.
  16. You guys are WAY more awesome than i could EVER be. Infact, if it wasn't for you guys, this pack wouldn't even be here. You guys are the best, and are some of the greatest human beings I could ever get the chance of meeting. Unless you're kerbals, then you are the best kerbals I could ever meet. Anyway, back on topic. I think I'll start AFG changes now, so, what would you guys like to see in terms of Atmospherefromground? - - - Updated - - - Distant object enhancement.
  17. I'll certainly credit you for whatever you do. Thanks, a bunch. EDIT: Was testing out the new Mun, and just had to make a gif of Kerbin Phases.
  18. Could you post a screenshot? It doesn't seem bright in my game..
  19. I think the main problem is getting my hands on a cloud map with certain cloud types. I'm not good at that kinda stuff.
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