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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. While testing on Laythe, I found this nice little hole in the cloud layers, and it seems like an interesting idea to try and fly a plane through that gap. I've also started work on Eeloo's atmosphere, it's going pretty good actually. I'll post some pics of that later. Also, more ideas! When Nathan replies, hopefully all the RSS problems will be fixed. Would you guys like me to get rid of the white in kerbin's atmosphere on the ground? It kinda bugs me, you guys? Any other atmospherefromground changes that would be good? I don't explore outside Kerbin much, so i really don't know
  2. Here's a video demonstrating the storm clouds at the surface(sorry for no audio). Oh and the spaceport mirror is fixed.
  3. Woot! Can't wait to use your textures, effects, chatter sounds, rings, and all that other wonderful stuff! <3
  4. Actually, the land seems to pop out more the lower you get, so a nice LLO could help you determine a landing site. You could then calculate where the land is going to end up and land accordingly. You could also use scansat to map it out, then land.
  5. The KSO shuttle is a killer. That's for sure. Anyway, here's some more pics, and this time it's doing even weirder stuff. I have added no clouds to Vall, but i keep getting a laythe colored box from vall orbit.
  6. Feel like this is a little too dark, but how about this?
  7. It seems to be happening from both ways of entering.
  8. I think it started when I left map view, but now it only seems to happen when i enter HLO(High Laythe Orbit).
  9. Based off of some of your suggestions, this is what i've come up with so far. - Feedback is always nice.
  10. I can answer that, ALT+N, then for each cloud layer un-check the Volumetric clouds option.
  11. All of the atmo layers should have a 100 fadedist in ONLY settings. I don't know why yours is botched up.
  12. You must delete ONLY the cloudlayers.cfg included in Environmental Visual Enhancements, TR = Texture Replacer.
  13. One of the cloud layers has a copy pasted great spot, but can be removed. The layer pretty much only adds that anyway
  14. Was there any specific spot you landed on? Day side, night side, Sunrise, sunset? I just tried replicating it, and I got nothing wrong. No, infact you need eve to use this mod. Be sure you have TR too. Oh btw guys, working on laythe as we type. How is this looking so far? I tested flying a ship through and the clouds go all the way to the ground. I'll probably wanna change that, or would you guys like clouds the whole way down? Or maybe the stop at about 2,000M, or higher.
  15. Alright you guys, thanks for all the feedback on the ideas. Laythe will be getting a Titan-esque makeover, Aquamarine style. Ike will be getting a very slight glow, and Eeloo/Vall will be getting very thin atmospheres. Thanks so much, was kinda struck for ideas Now I have 3 extra planets to work on, and a make over for Laythe! Thanks for the site about Titan, czokletmuss. Will help a lot when trying to get good pics of Titan As for the tiling effect, I'll look in the settings and see if there's anything I can change to make it look a bit less tiled. For the dust storm problem, can you maybe PM me a pic of your cloud folder?
  16. Been experimenting with colors in paint.net, and (NOTE NOT THIS EXACT COLOR BUT CLOSE) Seems to look nice in paint.net, but as you said, It would be nice to get someone here more educated in the subject to give us a realistic cloud color.
  17. That's what I plan. However, colmo informed me that laythe is too warm for the color orange. So another color must be chosen.
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