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Everything posted by WooDzor

  1. Haven't had any trouble with it since I figured it out. Though I might agree with you tomorrow: let's see how my mission to Duna goes tonight. It's an orbital science station and it comes with a Duna glider. Unfortunately I didn't like the wings sticking out so they have to be docked to the fuselage in Duna orbit. X-)
  2. What's with all the easy docking? If you can get in reach of the arm you might as well just dock with your station... #just saying
  3. Unintentional Futurama reference?
  4. Thanks, I will try to post an update later this week:)
  5. I've been thinking about a mission like this ever since I saw the youtube movie by @katateochi ( ) but wanted to do it completely stock. This mission is still testing the concept and see how much fuel I need, learning how to pinpoint land on Duna(I manage 1200 meters at the moment), etc. Yesterday I managed to dock the DRV(Duna Return Vehicle) With CM (Command Module) which is still in orbit and had some fuel left that I could pump to the CM. I've got slightly over a third left and hope it's enough to get back to Kerbin. Fingers crossed
  6. that is just too cool.. close up of your lander?
  7. 9 hours building testing and flying:D http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71225-Consternation-Mission-to-Duna
  8. ..*And hopefully back as well Launch of Consternation I - Duna Lander The Crew and Command Module (Consternation II) are launched to the Consternation I Docked together nicely in LKO An 8 minute burn will send our heroic Kerbals to Duna After a few trial and errors I discovered that aero breaking at around 11.000meters works best. One of the two Artemis probes is de-orbit by RCS to explore the surface of Duna. Unfortunately Artemis II was lost when the the chute failed to open in time. Crew transfer to the Consternation I Landing Module. Ready? DE-ORBIT!! The parachutes open and after holding their breaths and (possibly due to a snack being stuck in Bill's throat) they can finally breath again It's time for some exploring and getting some sweet science. After a rover ride of about 2 km our Kerbals decide to go back to the Landing Module. To be continued..
  9. I decided to simplify the Roman counting system since the alphabet messes it up. It puts 9 after 4 which is rubbish when you want your rockets in chronological order in the VAB the only way to stop this from happening is write 9 as VIIII, so to use the same standard for 4 I started writing 4 as IIII. Hence 14 being written as XIIII There's always a good reason for anything. :-) Otherwise thanks
  10. Slighly updated Gemini Space Craft and a Titan II that actually fits the space craft :-) DOWNLOAD
  11. I would have given you rep. for this..(but ran out) Merry Christmas!
  12. Thank you Jeb! But the princess is in another castle!
  13. And once again sarcasm was lost. As for coolies; I wasn't aware of the history behind the word. My apologies if I have offended any Chinese laborers:-P so this F117 flies great as long as you go staight do some minor turns etc. Do something silly and it spins out of control or starts flying sideways. It's driving me cray. I've been trying to get it right for 2 hours now. yes.. impatient much :-)
  14. Which word? Africa? It's prolly different when you've been working and living in Uganda (which happens to be somewhere in Africa) for 4.5 years.. Anyway Thing is; Internet connections here are rubbish and the easiest way to send life mission updates to somewhere else is whatsap. So i take a picture send it to a friend and fuggeettttaboutit. Next morning wake up upload some rubbish image to dropbox and dump it on the folder. In the exchange part of the forum I am more than happy to upload nice images and as long as you guys don't kill puppies over it I can't be bothered, deal with it. Don't think anybody complained when NASA send some rubbish image quality back to Earth in 1969.
  15. Not when you live somewhere in Africa and you show off your KSP coolies with to a friend in Europe who also plays... also obviously you didnt read my sig..
  16. I've thrown the cat through the living room a couple of times for the same reason. 'oh so you're almost in orbit.. Let me sit on your space bar and quickly go through all your carefully set up staging' WRAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!KSP not cat proof, at all :-/
  17. Ah nice! same here, I enjoy sending probes to the other planets but keep the Kerbals close to home. (where I can happily fly them to Minmus and the Mun and get them back without too much trouble) I have send 2 manned missions to Duna in older versions, but they all turned in to long term Dunar bases which all were unfortunately destroyed when the new surface models were implemented.. Problem sorted:-)
  18. Currently? I crash landed on MOHO.. last few meters were on fuel residue and fumes in the tank.. but I managed
  19. So last night I successfully crash-landed my first probe on Moho (2000+ sweeeet science spamm!) but got dizzy off all that interplanetary fast forwarding so decided to play around in the SPH: F-117 8-) Still WIP but quite happy with the intermediate result
  20. Coolies, let me bang a Block D under my lander and see how it goes. I did do something similar with my Lunakhod rover when I visited the Armstrong Memorial.. bit tricky this last minute jump (especially between the two craters surrounding the site) but it went quite well So I guess I (re)invented the Block D already but never thought of using it for the LK :-$
  21. Ah ok, Thanks! Never really bothered to look into how the Soviets were planning to land their Lunniy Korabl, I just assumed they had come up with a similar scheme as the Americans. So I just build a good looking LK landed it nicely on the last drop of fuel next to my Apollo style lander (which has enough fuel, but becomes reaally unstable during the ascend) So I just send a rescue mission and turned the whole site into a museum :-)
  22. How did you get enough fuel in the LK, it's driving me mad.. yes I know how to land properly, but this thing is so tiny I just can't get enough fuel in it and make it look right at the same time :-/
  23. I was about to throw my laptop through the burglar proofing with it.. imagine my state of mind without the engine :-$ I will never build a shuttle again..
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