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Everything posted by WooDzor

  1. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76481-Tsar ...Took it a step further about a month ago though Thanks, It had to be compact to fit inside the nosecone and heat shield. (it's quite the squeeze) I am a bit annoyed that it's 'head' isn't on a stick like the real one and that i forgot to add an arm (extendable antenna). I might still flip it upside down on top of the rocket (like the real one) and add this extra stage with RCS thrusters. I am also rather content with the skycrane.
  2. Testing my stock Curiosity rover on Kerbin
  3. my minirover pretty much take one with me where ever i go. It even fits inside my LEM behind and explosive hatch
  4. AAAAND.. an internet ban at work... some NSFW tag would have been nice :|
  5. BTW I barely recognized your youtube account with the beard.:'D
  6. @Jim; Your MEM&CM must be unbelievably lightweight.. I built a similarly sized rocket under my MEM&CM and only managed to get it into a suborbital trajectory to.... Kerbin.... Back to the good ol' calculator and the drawing board
  7. Loved that ring after the first stage... I am all excited to KSP again *Waits to go leave work to upgrade the Springbok*
  8. [ IMG]http://i.imgur.com/dx7HBHb.jpg[/img ] ^^ it works when you add .jpg to the links..
  9. So this is my latest Craft I am working on, 3 launches to get it into orbit and then 2 extra for the crew. Though I need a proper launcher for the 4 orange tanks I only had 25% of their fuel left by the time I docked them to the Copernicus Also I want to use the same Interplanetary drive for the lander (the good ol' Consternation(which will be renamed) but it still needs a good looking fairing (of at least 72 small square steel plates.. which is a hassle :-/ The plan is to set it up in a similar fashion as the NASA Constellation Mars Mission, test it on Duna and a 2nd flight to Laythe and maybe a permanent(for obvious reasons) base on Eve. After that the Copernicus will be redesigned and will have a lander for the smaller atmosphere-less Moons and smaller planets of the Kerbalian system. WELCOME TO THE WOOOORLD OF TOMORROW!
  10. I noticed that sometimes it continues to be part of your ship and the whole point of gravity of the craft moves kms behind. (resulting in being unable to see your spaceship in the normal view). Only by pressing space again and get rid of the empty stage which is still there I manage to restore normality again..
  11. Hmm don't even ask me what this is all about; Anyway I thought that it would be lovely to have Kam the Kimpanzee to test rockets instead of the Jebs and Bills, and maybe let him do some stuff by having strategically placed Kananas (guess we'd call them unripe bananas) on your rocket. I've never build a mod in my life but I might actually give it a go download the Sketchup file
  12. Excuse me.. I love clipping. I'd clip my two dogs together with my cat if it would make something decent looking. It just allows you to make things look nice and give a bit more personal touch to whatever you build instead of launching the same old CM on the next asparagus rocket.. I like realistic looking rockets, if that means I have to clip and mess around with the spacial dimensions of parts a bit.. meh
  13. A kink in the hyper angled armor.. It sure looks like it could use ironing out of some of the last wrinkles ;-)
  14. docking the external tank to the constellation MPV Docking the Dragon Checking whether i could squeeze the Dragon between Hab and some other bit I am not quite sure what it's supposed to be used for. It fit:)
  15. As I said before I am not a big fan of this big new NASA parts. It feels like playing with playmobile and i am a lego fanboy.. So I decided to make things a bit more interesting by mixing them up.. Behold the Saturn Ia(for testing the lower stage) and Saturn Ib (orbiting) rocket! Saturn Ia DOWNLOAD LINK Saturn Ib DOWNLOAD LINK ^^little preview of the Springbok XIV.. Which will probably be renamed to Apollo XIV in my new save (because due to my silly African Savana Animal (ASA) name convention I have no clue what craft I am going to launch from the launchpad most of the time . *I even have no clue what I am posting either: this is the Skylab WIP, because I need something to launch my Saturn Ib to.
  16. Updating my Consternation mission with the new 23.5 parts; Enough room for 10 Kerbals (+3 in the Dragon), a Sciencelab, 6 launches incl crew and **** quality imagery as always. :-P
  17. clipped 4 nuclear engines into the new structural fairing part (put them on top of 2 these square strutty things so you can decouple the new decoupler ending up with a massive explosion.. It's tricky but it works and it is pretty my tiny asteroid base based on a tinier asteroid (Carl Sagan 140402) and the dragon like asteroid tug that sat on top of the 4 nuclear engines.
  18. Also I realised that if the old parts are lego.. the new parts are playmobile
  19. landed a tiny base on an A class asteroid, Carl Sagan 140402(first try went perfectly) in a 200x200 orbit around kerbin.. the asteroid is a tat bit to small and the legs of the lander are sticking out on all sides
  20. It was late last night and couldn't be bothered to start up dropbox :-/ the Copernicus I was talking about earlier Hab and Return module approaching Duna little unmanned exploration rover to find a nice landing spot.. Science Module Landing Hab Module catching up 4 Kerbans on Duna messing around a bit.. I landed another small return vehicle next to base as well with another 2 Kerbans @astropapi.. 'if it's good enough for nasa.. it's not good enough for papi.. ;-)
  21. My latest Consternation II mission: Three ships were launched in the same launch window including a Copernicus like craft which is still in orbit and will be the return vehicle for the 6 Kerbals on the surface and the 5 others still orbiting Duna. I guess I know how to Duna now.. Now I have to come up with a pretty way to go to EVE and back :-)
  22. I've been putting together my new Interplanetary flagship, more like a good looking space station for Jool, Laythe, Duna or Eve .. 250 parts, 90 Tons, 17 Kerbals. It was quite a struggle getting this thing into orbit to be honest It could use an extra couple of nuclear engines, but I think I'll just add an intercontinental stage(I am not patient enough) and use these two engines to change orbit and for emergencies.. no seriously I could use a reliable 90ton launcher :-/
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