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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. There's Freedom's awesome part texture pack and also blackheart's cool textures as well. And I assume by the pack with Saturn-like textures you mean Ferram's Saturn/Nova textures, but I'll link it anyway.
  2. Yup. The user below me is currently in space (either in real life or in KSP).
  3. It would be this: I don't know if it counts though.
  4. I underestimated my life support requirements for a Duna mission and accidentally put enough to get there, but not enough (~30 days short) to return with an optimal trajectory. At first I was convinced that my Kerbal would die in the cold void of space and started thinking of ways to at least recover the science. Then I remembered this launch window calculator that allows you to select trajectories based on time, and I started looking for the fastest one that I could take with my limited fuel supply. After some clicking around, it gave me one that would leave me with about 10 days of breathing room but would require most of my delta-v. Here's a screenshot during the burn (compare the maneuver node delta-v with my total delta-v in the bottom left corner): Here's a screenshot after the burn. Note the number of days to the Kerbin encounter, the number of days of life support remaining, and how much fuel/delta-v I have left: The encounter ended up having a periapsis of 7km, which I wanted to refine as I got closer. Unfortunately, he never returned, as this was in 0.90 and I didn't timewarp far enough to have him return home (I ran multiple missions at a time) and this save was utterly broken in 1.0.
  5. >tfw I joined only one month after you yet I only have half as many posts >tfw r4pt0r joined four months after I did yet he has almost four times as many posts than I do and over three times my amount of reputation
  6. There's also a city in Iran named Kerman: Coincidentally, my mom went to a university there (Shahid Bahonar University).
  7. Here's a punny one: Red rover, red rover, send Lunokhod 2 over!
  8. Banned for no longer having more rep than me
  9. 9/10 I've seen you around many times.
  10. 1241: There's a small campfire burning in the corner.
  11. I hope this happens, but what I was saying is that there's a chance that it could happen. Resources were working in-game when they got scrapped (and was replaced by a resource, note the singularity) so it's slightly reasonable but worrying to suspect that multiplayer might get canceled. Because if I disclose that conjecture I'll be met with a formidable retaliation by fellow forum members and infractions from moderators.
  12. Touch - ee, but it does make sense in some way. You're just saying "you make no sense" because you don't want to hear the truth. The updates you're talking about aren't guaranteed either so there's a chance that multiplayer will be canceled for the same old "unity not us". It'd be hilarious if the Unity 5 update was scrapped for this reason.
  13. I wasn't mad at Squad when I bought the game. I was happy with them and thought they were amazing for a while. I started getting annoyed at them with the announcement of beta and got mad with the release of 1.0. I arrived at where I am today when the rushed thing known as 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 (at least they fixed the bugs eventually) was released. Touchie. I'm mad at Squad for...erm...complex reasons, but a PS4 release viewed objectively is obviously going to benefit tons of people. Squad's not developing it though :^)
  14. You're still misunderstanding my post. I'm not impatient, I'm just mad that a developer I paid with my own money isn't giving us urgent bug fixes for our game. I'm tired of your perseverance right now, so I can't spoon-feed you on what I'm talking about. Those aren't guaranteed though and have just as much of a chance of happening as...say...something like Squad ditching us completely with all of our money. Next thing you know multiplayer is canceled for the same old "unity not us".
  15. You misunderstood my post. Please re-read it. That has all the meaning in it. You're not trying hard enough. Here, I'll try minimalism: KSP 1.0.3 now? KSP bug. Early access, no 1.0.
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