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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. mythbusters844


    Can't help but post this: Also this: Not really that funny, but still it was a spectacular failure.
  2. 10/10 Smelly works and German stuff
  3. Of billions and billions of boosterings to of into orbitings. How zu anschluss?
  4. mythbusters844


    It might be photoshop, but it can't fail to give me a laugh .
  5. 0/10 Spelling errors and not living in 'M U R I C A Hurr durr I'm totally not joking
  6. I use a B-29 and drop nukes onto that thing
  7. Fun fact: Snails can travel at a speed of 0.015962810982463010947587351058947391616 m/s Fun fact: There's quite a large fraction of people that don't know about the existence of the ISS.
  8. 8/8 m8 str8 appreci8 the gr8 quotes m8. brb gotta sk8 with mah m8s
  9. Because they're illuminiti. Do ( á° Üʖ á°) have 3 sides?
  10. My awesome Kerbals beat your inferior minions
  11. Ooo, I have to do this. I still remember posting that. Wow. It also seems that my fourth post was a 1-month necro. Such a noob hahaha. EDIT: I took a longer look at the posts and I can't stop myself from remembering what I was doing outside of KSP back in 2013. Good times...
  12. Okay, here's your plain in Germany with a cattle ranch nearby! I'll have the HypeSoup.
  13. As others said, I think you should use imgur as they way you're trying to do things is overly complicated for such a small task. However, I managed to find a direct link to your screenshot : Clicky EDIT: Okay, it's not direct, but it's close enough.
  14. Persian (latinized): Kooh can mean both "mountain" and "where". For example, "Oon kooh kooh?" is "Where is that mountain?"
  15. Your name made me crack up a bit more than it should have . Welcome!
  16. Perisan: (excuse my latinization; I don't know how to write in Persian [i can only speak it lol]) "Sheer" can mean milk, a faucet/tap, and a lion. I know, right?
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