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Everything posted by TranceaddicT

  1. This is all under maritime international convention (1910 and amended in 1989). In your case, the UK probably has something similar to the US. US passed the Abandoned Shipwrecked Act in 1987 which gives title to the United States of any finds within U.S. territorial waters (typically three miles from the coastline) and not the discoverer. With regards to nation ships, it codifies that no governments ever abandons the S&R efforts for their own vessels.
  2. Not sure under another OS, but under linux the console is RShift+F12 (maybe alt+F12 for windows?). Look under cheats and the second listing, Set Orbit, should have what you need. Just set the simple orbit altitude and apply
  3. Nope. Under the "Law of Salvage," the "salvor" (either by contract or implied agreement) is required to return what is found to the original owner in return for a reward based on a mix of: the degree of risk, the difficulty of recovery and the value of goods. (This is not to say that he couldn't study during transit.) What you are likely reaching for is the "Law of Finds." This is what is commonly referred to as "Finders-Keepers". Unfortunately for Bezos, he would have to prove the property was abandoned.
  4. In case anyone is trying to track down the MM error for this, it's on ln246: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[RWSaturatable]]:NEEDS[RWSaturatable]:AFTER[RWSaturatable]:BEFORE[SETIrebalance] Since SETIrebalance is after RWSaturatable alphabetically, it will naturally be processed after RWSaturatable. I think it's safe removed the :AFTER[RWSaturatable]
  5. @eberkain I have an alternative to the previous configuration. If you haven't solved your situation try this: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]:HAS[!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]]]:FINAL { !MODULE[TweakScale] {} } It's it different from my previous based on the 'Engine Type'. This one should remove TweakScale from any parts that have 'LiquidFuel' WITHIN 'ModuleEngines*'
  6. @slaintemaith Your difficulty is a result of increased drag forces. It's like this, you can drive your truck 100km on a full tank of gas. But, tie a 1t rock to the back and you can only go 50km. In both cases, you are still driving until your tank is empty; it's the additional drag of the rock that's reducing your mileage.
  7. I didn't realize there was a "Lite" version. But, yeah, if that is the MODULE you find in that part patch, you're good. Don't know what OS you are on, but finding which files modify what parts and where they are is as easy as a terminal search.
  8. Before you do anything you should make sure the tanks are fully loaded. The configuration provided by FASA only has the tanks at 87.5% capacity. If that isn't enough for you here's a step-by-step MM config. Start with the Command Module (.. /GameData/FASA/Apollo/FASA_Apollo_CM.cfg) 1. Create a folder called /GameData/Mike089_MMConfigs 2. Open notepad and paste this in: @PART[FASAApollo_SM] { @RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { amount = // 315 maxAmount = // 360 } @RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { amount = // 385 maxAmount = // 440 } } 3. fill in values for amount and maxAmount as you desire. 4. SaveAs "MikeO89_MM_FASA.cfg" (or whatever.cfg) Note: '//' denotes a comment; so the values afterward are provided as a reference for the actual values provided by FASA.
  9. You can opt to use TextureReplacerReplaced. TRR is 1.3.1 ready.
  10. Sorry, read that completely wrong. Anywho, try replacing 'SolidBooster' with 'LiquidFuel'
  11. @aquist I'd say the first one initially filters for anything with ModuleCommand and then of those any with CrewCapacity=2. The second filters for the reverse case CrewCapacity then ModuleCommand. If you want to target both try this: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]&#CrewCapacity[2]]:NEEDS[USILifeSupport]:FINAL
  12. This says find any parts that have any variant of ModuleEngines and do NOT have the resource SolidFuel. Try this: @PART[*]:HAS[#EngineType[SolidBooster]]:FINAL { !MODULE[TweakScale] {} } Unfortunately, this will also include any LES or Sepratrons.
  13. First thing is that ModuleParachute is StockKSP. That module gets deleted by RealChute and replaced by it's own RealChuteModule. Next, you need to target the actual variables; these too are changed by the mod. For many mods you need to find the .cfg file that creates the part and dig deeper into the file to find the correct names for the modules and variables. The file you would need to view is: /../GameData/RealChute/ModuleManager/Stock_RealChute_MM.cfg That said, try this: // Change the default parachute settings for RealChute-Lite included with FAR @PART[parachuteSingle|parachuteRadial|parachuteLarge]:FINAL { @MODULE[RealChuteModule] { @minPressure = 0.5 @deploymentAlt = 800 } } @PART[radialDrogue|parachuteDrogue]:FINAL { @MODULE[RealChuteModule] { @minPressure = 0.25 @deploymentAlt = 2000 } }
  14. For TestFlightFailure_ScienceXmit & TestFlightFailure_ScienceBroken can experimentID = Random?
  15. TextureReplacer has been superseded by TextureReplacerReplaced. How does this factor into the dependencies? Can we do a straight-up replace? Or, are we locked into using TextureReplacer? After a bunch of testing, it seems as though replacing is perfectly acceptable. I've not had any errors in a STOCK setup.
  16. FYI, for those who don't follow the github page .. I noticed that SR parts have no entryCost; so, I created a MMConfig to add this . It also stays with KSP's standard of Entry cost being 3x part cost. @PART[SR_*] { @entryCost = #$cost$ @entryCost *= 3 }
  17. Update: Figured it out. MM maths requires operations to occur over multiple iterations. So, it's this: @PART[SR_*] { @entryCost = #$cost$ @entryCost *= 3 }
  18. So, I'm delving into the deeeeeep end of MM and that means maths. USI Sounding Rockets (the Aerobee series) specifies entryCost = 0. I want to modify all SR_* items to reflect an entryCost equal to 3x the cost value of the part (Squad standard). This? @PART[SR_Payload_*] { %entryCost = cost * 3 }
  19. Yeppers. That will do it. I believe you can add preconfigured amounts by doing this: @PART[Size3TinyTank] { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 1800 type = Default RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 810 maxAmount = 810 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 990 maxAmount = 990 } } }
  20. CKAN: 266 mods installed ModuleManager: 102042 patches loaded from cache
  21. ... you've gone off the deep-end with mods.
  22. Installing mods is more than drag/drop. There can be dependencies that the mod needs to function properly, e.g. nearly EVERY mod requires ModuleManager as a dependency. Additionally, there are mods which conflict with one another; CommNetConstellation and RemoteTech come to mind. CKAN handle these. Create a Drakomis_LEGACY folder and move those parts to that folder. Then delete the offending mod.
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