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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I personally prefer to land a fuel lifter directly onto a Sr. docking port on the surface. It takes a very steady hand and a good amount of practice to get down, but it feels awesome to nail it and even better to realize you're actually comfortable with it. Another option is a claw-enabled car or hover-tug. Claw it onto the refinery, fill up, claw to the lifter ship, fill it up, and then head into space. I suggest if you go this route to use the Stock Bug Fixes mod. Speaking of mods, a lot of people (myself included) have used Kerbal Attachment System to hook everything up. I've not used it since Kerbal Inventory System came out so I can't really speak on its current implementation, but back in the day it was - in my mind - THE way to do ISRU bases. And the final option is the simplest: Lift the whole ISRU refinery off the surface and into space. It's not the most efficient and you gotta land it again to be useful, but hey it's the simplest method, so it's not expected to be the most efficient.
  2. Oh also some sort of date/file number limit so it auto purges old files.
  3. I like all these things except #2. Year should be first, followed by month, then day. That way the files, when sorted by name, are also sorted by time.
  4. While true, I also see the opposite a lot. Realism suggested simply because "hey it's realistic so it must be better than the garbage we have now, amirite?" Add to that people who don't actually want realism suggesting realism be added (see: any request for "realistic" entry heating) and we may as well just throw in the towel
  5. Very well said. This most closely matches my feelings on the matter. And this goes beyond realism. EVERY change to the game should be looked at with that metric in mind.
  6. And Heaven forbid you go into ragdoll mode. May as well go out to dinner than sit there waiting for him to stop.
  7. This is one of the oldest bugs in the game. There have been reports that HarvesteR has been working on Patched Conics for 1.1, though it could be pushed to 1.2 (Because it's looking like 1.1 will be almost exclusively Unity 5) and we have no guarantees that what he is/was working on will correct these kinds of problems. Also, this is one of my 2 or 3 most hated bugs. Sometimes I have to actually quit playing for a day or two after they screw up a mission, simply out of ire.
  8. Two things: Oops! Double oops! But this time I blame you. Your "modlets" are far too useful to all be in one thread.
  9. You should use the survey mission hopping strategy. No doubt. Not to complete the contract. Not to get the science. For practice. Do them until you you don't feel the need to qualify your piloting skills. My current usage of the "merge" feature is not not use it. Instead, I suggest you learn sub-assemblies and use that.
  10. Sadly I can't answer this, as I haven't really used any huge ships since like 0.25. 1.0.4 seems the most stable version so far, though the earlier iterations of 1.0.x were less stable than 0.90 was. I don't know offhand if 0.90 was better or worse than 1.0.4.
  11. That's not what needs fixed. What needs fixed is that holding F9 not only loads the quicksave, but erases your current save as well. There's no going back after making that mistake, unless you (like I) make multiple saves archived by a external program, or use the clunky Alt-F5 interface (that is disturbingly close to Alt-F4, among other problems).
  12. I'd trick everybody out the airlock, for sure. And I'm sure nobody would call it homicide.
  13. I don't think I would, to get the DLC. I might buy it just to give Squad some more money. Not regex, but I'm gonna answer anyway. How on Earth (or Kerbin or wherever) can a ship designed to be played in a different game than the one you own be "perfect" for you?
  14. May I suggest the first of my 3-video series on Rendezvous, Approach, and Docking?
  15. I find I never go back and play old versions, so I tend to delete them. Of my 5 installs, the oldest is 1.0.2 and I think I'm going to wipe it out right now as I've not touched it in months.
  16. How he became homicidal doesn't matter. "HAL, set the thermostat to 67 degrees." "No, HAL, set the thermostat to 65 degrees." "I'm sorry, Smith Family. I can't do that. Setting thermostat to 5,000 degrees and locking the doors." Me personally, I'll take a holodeck please.
  17. I think it's all due to the fact that Kerbin's a bigger target. It's easier to shoot a bullet out of a rifle into a barn door, than it is to shoot one out of a barn door into a rifle.
  18. I wonder if that's in any way related to how much easier I've found it is to get back to Kerbin from Aptur than the other way around. I've found I can pretty much at any time and in any orbit get a minimum-dV ejection from Aptur that gets me an encounter with Kerbin that is also pretty low dV to capture. Frequently, in fact, the Pe is within Kerbin's atmosphere.
  19. Not only possible, but that's just what happens. Hire a Kerbal, exit your save (you don't need to exit the game), edit your persistent.sfs, change the name from Glebbart Kerman (or whatever) to Zeepjod Kerbalman (or whatever) and reload the game. He'll have the new name and any one of the 3 professions. Not only that, but Zeepjod will be that profession in ALL games in which you insert him. There is even a mod that - using a trick - modifies the Kerbals' professions independently from their (displayed) names. I can't think of the mod's name off the top of my head, and am not using it anymore as I'm not changing names in the series. Due to all the above doohickery required to get a specific name/profession combination, it is just too annoying.
  20. What MD said. I've never clicked the VAB (except when I click it by accident ) and not had some sort of end-goal in mind. And I mean a specific one. "I want to make a cool station" isn't what I'm talking about. "I need a refueling station for LKO, now that I've got my Minmus operation all set up. It also needs a ferry/tug to bring fuel down from Minmus." And I've never had brain farts in the VAB because of it. Mine come earlier, starting at the entire space center wondering what to do and where to go now, or how to get the science to unlock what I want to take me where I want to go.
  21. I have many ideas, actually. You have no idea how Statistics works.
  22. No it's more like taking hundreds of buckets of water all over the world from different depths, including as many as possible where we've figured life was most likely, and not finding any life. Still not sure but far more than "Welp, may as well throw in the towel now" after a quick glance.
  23. True, but it would still be awesome. Nothing will save people from screwing themselves over, except hijacking autosaving and turning into quicksaving - that also autosaves - and also saves iterative dated backups. Which would also be awesome.
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