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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. My mod of choice is GPO Speed Fuel Pumps. Set the top tank to 0, the next down to 1, then 2, etc, and then turn "pump" on for all of them. Don't pump out of the bottom tank, though, or the engine will sputter because it thinks its tank is empty. Bonus: You can do this in the VAB so it remembers it for every launch.
  2. The easy way is to separate your launcher into multiple stages. Usually 2 is enough. Another trick is to disable the top fuel tanks until the bottom ones have drained. That's a bit harder because you need to use the right-click interface on the (literal) fly. These are of course general answers, as I don't know what your rocket looks like. Or (as sal_vager implies) if it's a rocket at all
  3. Oh, and if you put a thumbnail of yourself in the video it cuts the chance of me watching you by about 90%.
  4. A SUPERMOON is 30% brighter than a normal Moon! So a SUPERECLIPSE will be 30% darker! I science. I science well.
  5. I abhor Twitch. The only thing I watch from there is Squadcast and even those I download so I don't have to actually watch anything ON the site. YouTube, though, I do watch a few people though most of the people I watch don't play KSP. When I'm looking for something to watch, I look for people who are good at the game I'm interested, are entertaining, have good quality mics, EDIT OUT THE BORING STUFF, and upload at least semi-regularly. Invariably, the people wander away from whatever game I started watching and, if they're entertaining, I tend to stick around. For that reason, I chose option 2 over option 1. (The fact that by design, you can't edit out the boring stuff makes Twitch a no-go for me. I happened to be sick the day the big 1.0 streams were going so I actually watched a few and was shocked at how boring they tended to be. And this is coming from someone who plays for 90 minutes to get a 20-30 minute video most of the time).
  6. I prefer what Sensible Screenshots does: Date/time in the filename. No need of leading zeroes, no screwups when you delete the 5th-8th screenshot and take an 18th screenshot that gets named "5". No wondering when you took the screenshots. This is what I want stock to do. Digital cameras have done it since... ever. KSP should too.
  7. Yeah the arrows point at what will detach, so just make sure when you put on the decoupler, the arrows are pointing down.
  8. Which pretty much happens for everything in the Sonnah system I've found that from a 100km circular orbit around Kerbin, it takes 760m/s to escape. 759, you don't escape. 760, you escape and can easily get outside Serran's orbit. I didn't try, but suspect you may even be able to get down to Mun's orbit from there as well. Of course, leaving Kerbin's SOI at 760 means buggy patched conics and you're going to get recaptured as soon as you leave. So I suggest 765, which is easily enough to reach both Serran and Mun. I've found it's easier to just eject at Serran (or Mun) An/Dn put your eject velocity at around 5m/s over minimum (765 for a 100km orbit), and then just adjust the time you burn so your Ap is at Serran (or your Pe is at Mun) and then go. It takes a very short time to orbit Sonnah.Transfer windows are for wussies
  9. I would rather send 100 probes to other targets. Okay probably not 100. But however many we can get for what it would cost for a Pluto lander.
  10. Sadly, no. In fact, on the latest Squadcast Max announced that they are specifically not announcing anything. :/
  11. In Twitch's defense, the number of views on each video in the KSPTV archives are measured in dozens, at best. Squadcast is the only one that even has a shot at triple digits. Of course, part of that could be that they're impossible to find without help.
  12. Dudbert! Get in this house right now and apologize to your sister Nilfret!
  13. That would only be a fair comparison if the ad that brought you into the dealership said you were buying a car without tires and there was no guarantee they'd have any for you, now or in the future.
  14. Yup. That's annoyed me since day one. I've added a link to the post and think I'll add one to every post from here on out.
  15. Technically. Even zoomed in on a static image, though, they're hard to read. Makes me wonder if that rep bar is dynamically produced (so a mod could increase the numbers' size) or a dds file somewhere (so even a non-modder could replace the texture with something better if they knew its name).
  16. I agree this would be really cool. Like RCS Build Aid I'd like a dry/wet option too, so I can see how it'll dangle full of fuel (for my Duna landings) and empty (for coming home). Also a m/s for each planet would be nice, too.
  17. Steam Workshop is not an option as the game is for sale on many platforms other than Steam. This has been discussed in the past. Here are 4 I found on a quick Google search: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128662- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116346- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118287- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95377-
  18. It's actually exactly as hard as italics, and makes stuff stand out more, I think. While making the notes, I prepend "in game" stuff with ` and append it with ~. I used to then search/replace with [noparse] and [/noparse] but now I search/replace with the color tags.
  19. Every 15 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. Something in "quotes" means it was directly said, though I frequently don't bother with that. [brackets] are those rare times where the accent barrier keeps me from understanding something, or I want to say an aside about something Max said about KSP development. Green text is descriptions of what Max is doing in the game, with asides and commentary by me where I feel the desire. If you want to watch the episode yourself, you can find it at http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts Squadcast was just over an hour. 0:00 Squadcast started 1:45 in to the recording. Max is ill, he was last week as well (why there was no Squadcast) He buys Nuke engines "A thing happened" They won 2 Unity awards! Best Gameplay (by Unity) and Community Choice (from the community) They get the awards on Tuesday. As he's sick, he's just going to do a simple Mun/Minmus flag planting mission. Q: What did you decide about 1.1? A: U5, but "beefier" than that. The more they put into the engine overhaul, the better it gets. They feel bad that it's taken 6 months and it's still not out. They don't want to rush it and make it not as good. He takes his standard Mun/Minmus lander, replaces the middle engine with a nuke, and adds a docking port so his lander can re-dock and be taken to Minmus from Mun. He launches. He's worried about TWR but is at half throttle. He had a family emergency and then got sick. His parachutes go off in his 1st stage. He aborts The parachutes disengage!? That seems like a bug. He EVAs and Val lands on the ground, alive. 15:00 Launch #2, with fixed parachutes. They want a release date, but this is the biggest update ever to the game, so they simply don't know. He gets a space apoapsis before ditching the non-nuke engines, and actually has a pretty good ascent. He realizes the Nuke has no gimbal There are things they are not touching. Graphics, sound. They want to overhaul those, but that's not part of this update. He does have monoprop, so can keep aimed. He needs a 3 minute burn to reach orbit, and is 30 seconds to apoapsis. He's concerned. I'm sure he ca do it, so long as he aims up a bit. Q: How close to QA are we? A: They need to be comfortable with the quality level of the game before it goes to QA. The big stuff is ironed out, then QA can take it. At this stage, it's not ready for that yet. They've decided to NOT split 1.1 into 2 updates. He doesn't make orbit, and instead brings Val back home. He [well, the chat] finally realizes he's carrying tons of O2 that he doesn't need. Val explodes and dies. I'm not 100% sure why. Overhauling the UI has been a goal for years, but there were always bigger things to do. Now, they are doing it because they have to overhaul it anyway. He launches again, now with Nellan Kerman. Short of it: They're not ready for QA, and are not sure when they will be. Max discusses the Mythical Man Month, and how you can't just throw programmers at a project. However, the programmers (modders) they HAVE added have been great. 30:00 He ditches the launch stage, and is burning his nuke right away to hopefully reach orbit. TriggerAU is joining the team as well. He has a mod that teaches you how to use the game from the ground up. KSP has a steep learning curve. Mods like Triggers allow people to learn to play KSP by themselves. Max thanks the modding community "for existing." And the ones they've culled are "modding ninjas." He reaches orbit. He's looking for a term for people who know so little about something that to them it looks very simple. Chat helps him: Dunning–Kruger effect. Max used to be that way, but now that he's in the industry he knows things are a lot more complex. They made a mistake scoping out 1.1, but that's how life works sometimes. He gets a pretty bad Mun encounter. He burned too early in his orbit around Kerbin so is reaching Mun's orbit after Mun has passed by. He "fixes" this by burning more to hit Mun faster. KSP has won awards and is very successful, but "the only reason KSP exists is because KSP fans found us." They don't feel like they've done enough with the game to thank the community for what we've done for them. Max has been a gamer since he was 3. At 15 a friend of his couldn't understand how he could play video games anymore [Now that he was old enough to know better, is the impression I got. I've been there, too. I get that now, sometimes]. 45:00 He played WOW a lot, and was on a WOW podcast even. He was in University at the time. We went into Biochemistry, hated it, went into business and liked it, but didn't think he could ever make a career out of video games. HarvesteR on the other hand always wanted to make video games as a career. He was going to quit from Squad to pursue his dream, and his manager counter offered. Then "you guys came around." He gets into Mun orbit, detaches from the transfer stage, and comes down. Lots of heart-to-heart about KSP, Squad and the community. Everybody should watch from about 43:00 to about 52:00 http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/v/17753697 Q: Any non-KSP plans for Squad? A: Let's wrap up KSP first. He stops 11km of the ground and falls straight down. He wastes a lot of fuel coming down. He ends up with half his fuel gone. He does a very nice landing, though. I don't see how he'd have the fuel to get to Minmus. His transfer stage has no O2 and it was even getting low on LF. Q: Procedural planets like No Mans Sky? A: It would affect the general experience. It would make everybody's experience different, making it hard to relate to your friends. [for "procedural is not random" outrage, see 50% of the replies to this thread] [HAHA right after typing that:] Q: Procedural is not random A: You are correct, but it would be effectively random, [or there's no reason to make it procedural] Q: Will the shader improvements in U5 let you do more stuff with surface details? A: "Strong possibility" but all upgrades are being put off until next update. They keep up with the modding community, and have seen *everything* they have made. "Once we change some things that will help how the game behaves we are totally doing those things we are totally making KSP look as beautiful as it can look." He makes orbit, but is essentially out of fuel. 1:00:00 Max says he has a question for us, but the following distracts him and he never asks it He realizes his transfers stage has no probe core, so to dock he has to go get it. And he doesn't have the fuel to get there. [Also, no oxidizer!] So next stream: Rescue Nellan!
  20. To be honest, I'd have to test (I use KER and its readouts are far more useful, so I usually don't even look at the navball readout anymore) but it seems that if I hit shift, then X immediately (far less than 1 second later) the timer is pretty accurate. I recall in the past having to hit Z then X (again, immediately) to get a good readout, but that can be dangerous with large, spindly ships. One thing KSP doesn't do is guess ahead based on fuel consumption or staging. It goes based of how much thrust you have, possibly also with some calculation based on percentages (If you thrust at 33%, it multiplies it by 3. This would explain why I can just hit shift and then X and get a good readout) but I'd like to test that before saying anything for sure. What I mean by it not guessing is, is if you've got 20m/s2 of thrust and need to go 2000m/s, it will say you need to thrust for 100 seconds, regardless of the fact that your TWR (and therefore thrust) will increase as you burn fuel.
  21. I have an install named "KSP_Stock." It has 9 mods installed. I have another called "KSP_ActualStock" that only has 2 mods installed.
  22. If you have the ability, a youtube video of your launch would do wonders. Fly in map mode, with an eye on the navball. Never deviate from East, and only change your vertical aim from 90 (straight up) to 0 (straight sideways). One problem with being in map mode is you can't stage, so watch your staging in the lower left and when you must stage, hit M, then space to stage, and then M again to go back into map mode. Complain on the forums that this is bad, like we all do When you get to about 50-100m/s, pitch over about 5 degrees, to 85. Hold that until your apoapsis (which you can click on in map mode to get it to stay up the whole time) gets up to about 2000m, and then pitch to 80degrees. Continue to pitch 5 degrees every 2000m until your apoapsis is at 20km and you should have pitched over 50 total degrees, so you're aiming at about the 40 line (still pointing East!). If your prograde marker tends to always be above you and you seem to be pulling it down, you've probably got too much thrust. If it sinks below you you've probably not got enough. A little difference is fine, but if you spend a lot of time outside the prograde circle you're not being super efficient, and (much worse) your rocket could become squirrely and/or flip uncontrollably. Then hold that until your apoapsis gets to 30km, and pitch down to 30 degrees. 40km apoapsis, pitch to 20 degrees. 50km, 10 degrees. 60km and on, hug the horizon line.
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