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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I had to put two cats down this year. Those were a pair of most terrible things I've ever done in my life. Many feels at you.
  2. It sounds like you're radially attaching the 2nd port to either the first port or the thing the first port is attached to, or possibly not attaching the first port to a node, and the 2nd port is snapping to that node. I suggest doing this: Hold down ALT. This will force KSP to only attach things to nodes, and won't let you attach radially. This will guarantee your first docking port is attached to the nearby node (if necessary) and also guarantee your 2nd docking port is attaching to the node on th This happens even with correctly placed docking ports. I've never had it happen to BOTH ports, however. Never had this problem, so can't speak on it.
  3. Why restrict raising the periapsis (seemingly for free) just to the Kerbin SOI? What if we start our ship high up in Sun orbit, say right around the orbit of the target planet? I could lower dV to reach said planet to 0 with some luck or planning.
  4. Bumping your own thread with valid info is an art form. I don't get mad when I see "bump" thread, just disappointed.
  5. In my experience, lack of degrees is frequently a bonus. No terrible habits and preconceived notions to unlearn before actually becoming productive..
  6. This is oddly great news, as I'm leaving on a one-week vacation today I hope it's for good reasons, like Max's uncle's in town and buying everybody drinks. (I'll still need someone else to do a write-up next week, as I'll not be home until Sunday at best)
  7. And if you get that (and have a lot of patience) you can (eventually) reach Sun escape velocity.
  8. Like, you'd dislike the game more if they were added, even though others want them and you can opt to not use them?
  9. Not to disagree () but agreeing to disagree is the only way to keep this thread from becoming 1000 pages of "You don't need it" "Yes we do" over and over. After 3 iterations of everybody saying the same thing, there is 0 benefit in continuing the discussion. I (of course) agree with everything else in your post.
  10. @Alshain: We don't agree with you. We never will. You don't agree with us. You never will. @everybody else: Alshain doesn't agree with us. He never will. We don't agree with Alshain. We never will. I for one am done arguing back and forth about whether something almost everybody in this thread wants is or is not totally completely superseded by a button that kinda does something remotely similar, assuming said button doesn't vanish due to any number of things that may occur along the way.
  11. 200+ meters is pretty impressive. I've never seen anything even near that, even on light moons like Minmus. Maybe you could do that on Gilly. Does your base have landing gear or wheels, or are the parts sitting flat on the ground? KSP doesn't like regular parts sitting flat on the ground.
  12. While I think the craft could use some work overall, I don't think a community-culled list would do the job. I think perhaps getting a single community member to make all of them (like they're doing with certain modders) would be a better way to go. Like Slashy said, the purpose of the stock craft is to encourage tinkering. They're also there to show how things go together and give ideas. A bunch of community submitted (and worse yet voted on) craft won't do this like a curated, specifically-designed-for-the-purpose set would. I think what we have is better than what is proposed, and a new set COULD be better than what we have.
  13. I don't think fuel pipes per se need to be stock, but there needs to be a better way for two landed vessels to transfer resources. I'd personally be totally fine with having it abstracted away, into a menu option somewhere (Say, the toolbar, or the resources... thingy*), where you can - if landed - transfer resources to nearby - also landed - ships. I'm not voting, as I don't think it needs to be pipes, think something needs added, and very much do care *What are those things called? Widgets? Screens? UI Elements?
  14. I'll accept most efficient, but you and I have different definitions of "simple."
  15. Allow me to be blunt back to you: Yes. If this is not implemented until 1.56, after Kerbal Mustache Trimming is added to the game, it won't bother me one bit as I will use the mod in the meantime. But that doesn't change the fact that I think it should be part of the game.
  16. I believe this would not only fit the requirements of the contest but would also be awesome. Also, way too much work considering I suspect the ship posted that can escape Kerbin's SOI can possibly also reach Sun escape velocity if it follows a gravity turn.
  17. I think "SAS off, one spacebar hit is the only control input you're allowed" is fair, no? Once landed on Mun, of course.
  18. Personally, the few times I need to do it, I just leave Minmus or Mun at the An/Dn of each (you can find this by plotting an escape trajectory with your ship and then targeting the other moon). Burn to intersect the other moon's orbit, and then when at that intersect burn to raise your Pe (for Mun->Minmus) or lower your Ap (for Minmus->Mun) until you get an encounter next orbit. Do this with a Maneuver node to be sure, and don't be afraid to jump forward an orbit to get a better/cheaper encounter. If you're in more of a hurry, look at the Transfer Window Planner mod. It will tell you when to burn to get a real Hohmann transfer from one to the other.
  19. I'd do a shuttle-type design but with 2 main stacks, one "above" and one "below" the plane. Then I'd turn the plane 90 degrees so you're not launching "to the right" but pitching up and down. Imagine the (US) Space Shuttle, with the engines on the orange tank instead of the shuttle, and another orange tank attached to the shuttle on the cargo bay doors, with engines of its own. Oh and lots of struts Do you have RCS Build Aid installed? I suggest it for tweaking Center Of Mass on non-symmetrical craft.
  20. Totally completely untrue. I use the Holodeck mod, which is simulation mode without the other features of Kerbal Construction Time, and for me the mindset I get put in while having to choose each time I click "launch" if this launch is "real" or "simulated" TOTALLY changes the game for me. Simulations are tests. When I launch, it's for real and any screwup I live with. Also, I'm not going to simulate an entire Jool-5 mission. I could, but no way. I may simulate the Tylo landing and my Laythe ship to make sure they can do what they need to, and I'm sure to simulate launching each part to verify they can get into orbit, but after that I'm going to do "real" launches, and live with the consequences of any mistakes. Simply having the simulation option changes the entire thing for me. It may not for you. But the fact that it does for me makes it not pointless.
  21. You can middle-click drag or alt-right-click drag (which do the same thing) to move your camera off of the COM, but only to a certain extent. You can also install the great mod Part Commander so you don't have to hunt for things to right-click on. But if you're only doing stock, the only solution is to drag your camera focus point as I said above.
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