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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Aha. I thought those four side tanks were going to be tossed when they ran out of fuel on the ascent from Duna. If you're careful on the way home you don't need a heat shield. Just aerobrake enough to get captured, then again enough to get your periapsis down between Mun and Minmus, and then a final one to actually get captured. This won't work of course if your relative speed to Kerbin is something crazy but if you do a good Hohmann transfer you should only have to bleed off a few hundred m/s to ensure a capture. Quicksave before aerobraking and try some altitudes, but I expect 45 will get you captured without blowing up your ship. Regarding how to get there most efficiently, I highly recommend both the PreciseNode and Transfer Planner mods. For aerobraking/capture I also highly recommend Trajectories. It's extremely hard to describe in general terms how to correctly perform the burns. I suggest you look up some "how to perform an interplanetary transfer" videos on YouTube.
  2. Just eyeing the rocket, lander, and dV stats I'd say it's got a pretty darn good shot, however you seem to have the staging wrong on the lander. Are you tossing the side boosters before igniting everything? I'd expect, with decouplers like that, to have 2dV readings. You should consider running fuel lines from them inward to the central core so when you toss them, the central core is still full. You don't need heat shields for aerobraking at KERBIN, so no, you don't need them for Duna Don't bother with the rover. Assuming you don't break it deploying it, it'll flip in the first 5 minutes of using it. Also, it'll add even more mass to your vessel, requiring an even larger... everything. The Lander is enough to get to Duna orbit, and probably home with the suggestion above. I see it has a docking port and no parachutes on the final stage, though, so I don't know what you'll do when you arrive back at Kerbin. Also, with that docking port I'd suggest leaving some fuel in orbit so you can, once you lift off and come back to space, you can top off the tanks for the journey home.
  3. Have you tried keeping the original :FOR[TacLifeSupport] instead of :FINAL ? I have vague memories of people suggesting not using :FINAL if you could avoid it in any possible way, and instead always use the :FOR clause instead.
  4. Sweet! One potential problem, it'd trigger as you're rising from the surface and just cross the atmo boundary, unless you somehow limit it to only count when you're in space.
  5. I think I'm going to freeze at 1.0.4, at least until the mods I'm currently using all update, and I'll keep playing New Horizons. However, TBH with Fallout 4 coming out I don't think KSP is going to get very much of my time.
  6. I can't see anything syntactically wrong (though obviously there must be something wrong) however I'm wondering why you're setting the maxAmount, and then multiplying it by 2? Why not just set it to the multiplied by 2 amount? If I had to guess, I'd say that's the problem. Maybe ModuleManager doesn't expect you to reference the same variable twice.
  7. Just watch "episode 1" of any random Let's Play out there and you've got a decent shot of seeing it.
  8. The altitude alarm does not do it automatically. Imagine you've a ship heading to Jool with an aerobrake already on your trajectory. You have SOI alarms and Atmosphere alarms set up to automatically trigger. You're futzing around on your Minmus base and Ping! You get an alarm. Jool SOI encounter. You "Jump To" it and follow the ship through the SOI. The moment the ship goes through the SOI, you get a new alarm for the atmosphere encounter. Will an altitude alarm work? Sure. This would just be more convenient and smooth.
  9. I'd love that, especially if you could set it to auto alarm. Though only for non-debris vessels, wouldn't want all your debris to trigger atmo alarms on liftoff.
  10. I'd say reinstall. Back up the saves folder and you won't lose any progress.
  11. This is one of the best things ever. Thank you.
  12. Did the planet IDs change? I left some debris and a flag on Aptur and now it's on Eli.
  13. It's in the Utilities tab. The little thumbnail looks like a ladder to me. Do you have any ISRU parts, like the dish, converter, or ore tanks? My first thought is, are you playing the current version of the game?
  14. There does not appear to be a Squadcast this week, just FYI for anybody expecting a summary.
  15. This is the scalpel to Hyperedit's machete. Both are super useful but neither can replace the other, at least for me. Insta-download.
  16. My KSP memories tend to fade and blur into each other over time, but I'll never forget my first Mun arch sighting.
  17. But where do you find rubber pants your size?
  18. 6500 I do sometimes notice it but have a terrible memory.
  19. There is a saying: Lack of planning on your part does not denote an emergency on my part. You designed the ship to not be able to recover from any problems, and then came across a problem.
  20. What I do in these situations is to pull the slider all the way up. Then, as you're coming down as soon as you get below 250m/s slide them back down. It even works when you have more than 1 parachute, as the first ones you trigger will slow down the craft enough to trigger the others one by one, and each one buys you more time. You can even pull them at about 275-300m/s. You may lose the first parachute but it'll slow you down under 250 first so the others will be safe. It's not ideal, but it's better than slamming into a mountain without ever having pulled the chutes at all.
  21. ModuleManager. Install it and figure out how to use it (It takes some time but lets you do a LOT) and you can add them yourself. Bonus: Every other mod you install will - if you write the config correctly - just get supplies magically.
  22. PMs are also sitting in the database so anybody with admin powers and a bit of knowledge can read them too. If you're planning something THAT secret, though, you should probably find a secluded parking lot late at night under a bridge.
  23. (I need to add this so the forum knows I'm not just spamming a pic)
  24. Haha! I just came back to the thread after trying it. Alt-F12 does actually work, but only because the key is not shift, it's alt. If you hit Alt-F12, then hold alt for 5 seconds, the buttons appear. They also appear if you just hold alt-f12, and I be they'd appear if you held alt, hit f12, and kept holding alt for 5 more seconds. And now I see you actually said that before I posted. I saw "alt-M" in your post and thought that's what you were saying
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