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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. DWS is absolutely correct. Source: Start a new game yourself. Put a Mk1 command pod on the launch pad and click the "EVA" button on Jeb's portrait.
  2. The config could probably just add it to every part. Those that aren't stageable anyway would have the setting, but it (hopefully, probably) wouldn't do anything.
  3. Not without buying it again. There was a window where you could switch, but that window has long closed. Also, I've not got the game on Steam but I'd not be even remotely surprised if Steam downloaded the same big update file you do manually. So if you're trying to save bandwidth, Steam won't help. It'll probably hurt But if you just want to no-fuss-no-muss it, then Steam's a better choice for you.
  4. Not even a little. TE will be "basically stock" for me until pretty much every single thing it does is doable in stock. #IAlsoStillUseEnhancedNavball
  5. Also, Kirk on several occasions told crewmembers (I distinctly remember Chekov, maybe it was only him) that they'd earned their pay for the week by doing something well.
  6. Naaw. Sounds like they Barned it. It'll come up every 6 months or so as in a "where are they now" kind of thing.
  7. This makes me so glad I decided to do $anything_else today. The 1.0 prerelease was the same way.
  8. It doesn't have to put you retrograde. Keep playing with those maneuver nodes. Or, check your resultant orbit, it may not be retrograde at all.
  9. I distinctly remember all the challenge threads had "no clipping" rules, which meant you could do whatever the game allowed without enabling clipping in the cheat menu. I also remember a fairly... interesting time during the sea change from a never-do to what it is now, just another part of ship building. I don't know about the exchange or "show off your craft" threads, as I don't (and didn't back then) frequent those.
  10. As a dummy non-dev I'm probably thinking of this wrong, but why not just use the same occlusion method for both? Seems like it'd save some processor cycles, be more predictable in the VAB, and allow more things that "should" be occluded to be occluded?
  11. Quite literally, whenever two parts share the same space - even a tiny bit - the second part is said to "clip" into the first, and you have part clipping. Before... 0.25? 0.90? I don't remember. When they removed that inane inability to clip that was semirandomly enforced. But before that, part clipping was considered evil. Cheating. Horrible. If you had to go into the Alt-F12 menu to turn on clipping to build your ship, it was not worthy of consideration and likely would summon the Kraken. After they started allowing clipping by default, things got more grey. Most people now consider all clipping okay except fuel tanks, and many consider clipping "a little" (the exact amount varies) of even those to be okay. With the proposed new model for the jet engines, clipping is not only enforced and required, it seems to also most likely entail clipping into a fuel tank, which is the last bastion of taboo in that regard. /history101
  12. Perfect example of "Different strokes for different folks" I guess.
  13. I can sit through 1 hour of Max. I can't do 12 hours of random people not actually talking about what will be in the update.
  14. Now that it's 30 minutes past when Suqadcast should have ended and there is no indication on Twitch that anything is going on, I'm going to assume that there will be no Squadcast tonight and instead they're going to save anything for the showoff tomorrow. I won't be summarizing those, as I won't be watching them.
  15. ENGLISH DOES GRAMMAR How does the Earth keep rotating at the same speed?
  16. Nail your Jool encounter way out. Preferably while still in Kerbin's SOI but at the midpoint or AN/DN should be fine. Burn to pass Jool on the right (so you're going the same direction as the moons) and get your trajectory passing right through Laythe or Tylo's SOI. Laythe's good because it's close and Jool's gravity gradient's more pronounced, and Tylo's good because it has more weight to throw (you) around. Do that burn, and if you're lucky you'll actually get an encounter with that moon, and for a couple decimeters per second you can tweak the encounter (I suggest using a maneuver node to tweak, so you only have to burn once) to enter the moon's SOI from behind, and exit from the side putting you into a Jool orbit. If you're not lucky, no biggie. Just (again, use a maneuver node. Measure twice, burn once as they say) do a burn that is a combination of radial and -grade for - again - a few decimeters per second and you'll get an encounter in no time. Then tweak it as above. If it's too squirrely (it's hard to do a perfect 2-decimeter burn with a massive hulk of a ship) just go forward about halfway to Jool, and the burn will take more dV and therefore be a bit easier to fudge.
  17. Maybe a lot of other games, but not any of them. Rocket League, for example, is a blast. FTL and Invisible Inc can be good to so long as the player keeps up the pace. The problem with KSP - from a streaming standpoint - is that there is a lot of enforced waiting. Just getting to Mun from LKO requires you to wait 4 times in most instances. You wait time warping to the maneuver node, wait through the burn, wait time warping to Mun, and wait during the insertion burn. And unless the ship is particularly rickety all that activity is exactly the same as every other time you did it. Fun to do. Boring to watch live. Most games are better when the slow stuff is edited out but KSP is MUCH better for it.
  18. That's because watching KSP played live is really boring.
  19. When you started the save, you chose if Kerbals would respawn. Check your Astronaut Complex. If it says "Missing in Action" they'll return soon. If it says "Dead" they're dead. If they're "Dead", hit alt-F12 and turn on... uh... I don't know the exact wording. But you're either turning on that dead Kerbals respawn, or turning off that Kerbals die. Then, wait a few days.
  20. Yeah it's how I interact with the forum 99% of the time. I load that page and just load threads that either are new, interesting, or that I've commented on in the past.
  21. I don't understand the argument against using mods being that things are more "legitimate" if they're all done with stock parts, considering the whole anger about this change is it makes the jet engines more legitimately like jet engines. Shouldn't those who are concerned with their designs being "legitimate" be lauding this change? If the above sounds demeaning or anything I apologize. This whole "sharing craft" concept is alien to me. I like to look at craft others use to get ideas, but using them myself in any major way* just seems weird to me. *Other than that series I did where I actually DID use submitted craft, of course. But that was that series' gimmick.
  22. I think it's terrible and ruins creativity /rimshot No I'm looking forward to it, though have no particular plans.
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