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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. You didn't ask a question so I'm going to pretend this is Jeopardy for a round. What is a large lasagna noodle?
  2. Based on this I'd say the latter. I should say, I voted "Don't care" but it's more like I don't mind but would prefer different. I like the idea of separate intakes, turbines, and nozzles. You could even do cool things like having 1 big turbine and 3 small nozzles. For... reasons. But I prefer what was presented to nothing. I feel the turbines should be represented and any even semivalid one is better than none at all.
  3. All the brouhaha about the new turbines gave me an idea. Put a jet engine on the bottom of your rover and rotate it around do it's facing up. The COM of the jet engine will push your rover's COM down, possibly underground.
  4. Interesting. Does this do anything on its own, or will - for example - Kerbal Engineer need to be updated to show things by section? Also, do (or can) the names of the sections carry over into flight? It'd be cool do undock my lander from my mothership and have the two ships actually be named what I want, instead of the game picking one at random and calling it the lander.
  5. Could you make the engines and turbines rotate independently of each other? It'd be nice to place the engine so the turbine is inside the plane and then - maybe when and only when using the gizmos - rotate the engine to aim however you want it. Then you'll be forced to follow basic physics while still being capable of thrusting down without a huge turbine sticking up.
  6. Okay, so taking the temperature of the Mun won't give better engines. What WILL it give? "Satisfaction" isn't a good answer. How about ca$h? Then you use the cash to fund research and ... get better engines. Wait...
  7. What if the ships are 8m wide, so you cannot physically get their centers 15m apart? I don't think you can (easily) determine if 2 ships' edges are 15m apart. I was leery to come up with a distance that was both restrictive enough to cause interesting gameplay, and generous enough to not cause inanity when you park your large fuel lifter next to your large drilling base.
  8. I mainlined all of Trek for about 2.5 years, starting about 5 years ago. I started with S1E1 of TOS and watched everything - TV and movies (including TAS) - in almost perfect production order until the final episode of Enterprise. TOS is fantastic considering when it was produced, but it has super groaner moments. TAS is TOS as a cartoon with some real oddties and a couple shining episodes, but is otherwise pasable. TNG got off to a really rough start, but still has a dozen or more of some of the best TV ever produced. DS9 takes a long, winding path but ends up in an amazing place. VOY is the most like the original series, but the groaners are harder to stomach because they're not quite as fogged by time. ENT starts out meh, wanders into boring, and then explodes into awesome in season 3. And, having used up every bit of creativity and ability in that season, season 4 meanders and the series rightfully dies. I don't know what I want in a new series. Hopefully it'll be good. I'll watch it for sure, in most any case.
  9. I'd be happy if you could transfer crew and resources around between any landed vessels that are a certain distance apart. Personally I'd be fine with "both in the physics window" but people would probably call that time saver "cheating."
  10. While I personally would not do this, I think by now it's mostly due to the fact that I'm old and stodgy in my ways. However, I'd at least try it if it was complete and waiting and who knows, maybe I'd like it. I do like some of the ideas, but the more complicated things get the harder they are to figure out. If my mission fails because I screw something up that's one thing. If it fails because on 3 separate occasions the mod didn't do what I thought it would or I didn't do what I thought I needed to do but the mod actually wanted me to do something different, then I'm going to uninstall. Especially if the mod doesn't tell me what I'm supposed to do. Also, I hear "100 experiments" and I think "right click 100 things" and it makes me shiver involuntarily. If you have to land the seismometers in 3 places, right click them to turn them on, then right click each in turn to take readings, and then right click something else to store them then I'm gone before you can even put them on my ship. If you just land the seismometers, do an impact, and get better/worse science based on where you put them (without ever right clicking a thing) I'm far more likely to be into it.
  11. This was already answered, though not directly.
  12. If you have a d: drive on your computer, then put it in d:\ I have all my KSP installs there. d:\ksp_stock, d:\ksp_stockish, d:\ksp_newhorizons, etc. If you don't, I'd create a folder off of c:\ named ksp, and then put your installs there. c:\ksp\ksp_stock, c:\ksp\ksp\stockish, etc.
  13. The mod works fine in 1.0.4 and while I understand the desire to limit the number of mods, functional mods like this are like 1% of the footprint of a single part mod. Or less. GPOSpeed won't just allow you to correct the problem you describe. It will cause it to never happen.
  14. If you find TAC clunky for that purpose (I did) give GPO Speed Fuel Pumps a try. You can set everything in the VAB and your ship will just do it all flight. And balancing tanks is just the tip of a very large iceberg of uses for the mod.
  15. I'm pretty sure when they come they'll just want us to show them this thing we call... love. (ellipsis mandatory)
  16. Oooh it's perfectly clear here, too. I haven't seen an aurora since ... geez I think 1990 or so.
  17. "Meesa Darth Binks, dark Gungan a da Sith."
  18. If I can print, it's fine. Especially all uppercase. I used to letter a comic (nothing impressive, trust me. But I did it and that skill has stayed). I can even do block letters without any sort of pre-planning. If I have to write cursive, it's horrid. You may as well just scribble up and down as you move your hand slowly across the page. Which is essentially what I do.
  19. If you want to eyeball your craft without doing a ton of math, you can see your TWR on launch. The G meter on the right side of the navball has a tick for each 1G of acceleration your ship is under. On the launchpad, it's a 1G. When you launch, you want it to be about halfway up between that and the next tick.
  20. I was going to suggest the verifying of the cache. Tyler, I'm not sure why what's happening to you is happening, but it strongly sounds like something is either deleting files on the KSP install, or perhaps the files are being marked Administrator instead of for anybody. I don't have KSP on Steam so can't help with any specifics, that's just what it sounds like. If you can get the game installed on another drive (lots of computers these days have a D: drive. See if you can install it there. Or at least move it to c:\ksp\ or something) and see if that helps.
  21. Note that you can test out certain aspects of your contract (like physical requirements of your ship) without ever launching the ship. Some things even check off in the VAB for you while building. If you're curious, just send the thing to the launchpad and see if the contract likes it. Note this can be tricky with full ships and probes that need to "generate electricity" so you should always test JUST the thing you'll be leaving at the location to complete the contract. Once you know it's good, THEN build the delivery vehicle.
  22. I would go to as many houses as I could and turn all the furniture around.
  23. I understand you're frustrated, but the unhelpful answers are entirely your fault. I literally did not understand what you were asking for. When mabarry3 explained it, I still wasn't sure that's what you wanted. How hard would it have been, instead of copy/pasting your vague question 3 times, to just ONCE say "in the VAB"? Or say "When I click staging, it grabs part of my ship"? Nobody calls anything in the VAB (or the rest of the game) "select part" or "move part" so using that terminology confuses us. Hopefully next time you need help, you'll both ask better questions and we'll not remember you. Because I for one don't feel the need to help you anymore.
  24. Check out my AblatorConverter or MulchConverter configs on my Simple Modman Configs page. It should be pretty easy to edit one o them to instead allow for water conversion.
  25. Are you talking in the game or in the VAB? And what are "EVA items" and "inventory"? KIS things? You may want to post in that mod's thread if so. In the VAB, Ctrl-Z undoes mistakes. In flight, F5 makes a quicksave so you can revert when poor UI choices cause you to misclick.
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