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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. You can aim for the least difference, sure. It may even save some time. One nice thing about a polar orbit though is that as you orbit and Mun turns under you, you can more easily predict visually what spot will be under your ship on the next pass. It gets a bit muddier (though still predictable, and maybe even not any more difficult for others but my brain won't do it) when your ship is also going prograde relative to Mun's rotation.
  2. Perfect example: My Video thread. Also, my ModMan Configs thread. I reply to the video one every time I start a new series and the config one every time I write a new config. It's easily months for the videos (I tend to start a new series every major update) and I don't even know the last time I posted on the other one. But if I start a new series or write a new config, I'll update those threads without a thought and I can't imagine the moderators even considering that bad. Even if it's years later.
  3. I don't know of any guides, but what I do is set up a polar orbit around Mun and do a combination of just waiting, and doing small (<100m/s) burns to tweak as I get close. And whatever you do, don't get into an equatorial Mun orbit and then burn into that polar orbit. Set up your maneuver node in LKO to hit the Mun's SOI in such a way that you pass over the North or South pole, and then when you burn to slow down there you'll just naturally be in a polar orbit. And it won't have cost you any more dV. The next thing I suggest is to do these contracts on Minmus instead. Minmus is so dV friendly it won't matter much how you get from one reading to the other.
  4. Actually when 1.0.5 comes out I'm thinking of trying my hand at a Contract Configurator config that will set up a bunch of auto-complete contracts that just give you science points for reaching certain milestones with science gear on board, and coming back if that's a possibility (I think it is). Note: This will be the 2nd config I've started and the first is in limbo because I got buried in minutiae... I agree that there's a line between "mini game to reload" and "the game shoots for you" but I think we disagree on where that line is, and where (comparatively) it is in the science mini-game vs just-play-sandbox spectrum. I personally think that, by choosing to bring those science doodads and a scientist, I've fulfilled my role and Bob should get on with what I'm paying him for, once I get him to wherever I'm sending him. I guess for you, doing science is like shooting the gun, while for me it's like reloading the bullets.
  5. I'm pretty sure you can only breathe out space. What temperature is this coffee warmer? (This was actually a question my coworker and I had today)
  6. Because you don't see the benefits the science brought you until you go to that place and do it. In $FPS_OF_CHOICE you don't have to right click each bullet and select "Load into clip" and then right click each clip and select "Reload gun with clip." You also don't have to do a mini game where you hold your gun up, do some sort of click or shake or whatnot to unload the current clip and then load the new one. No, you hit "R" or - in some games - the gun just reloads. In what way then is reloading important? It puts a constraint on the player and gives that player something extra to think about. Do I reload now and risk someone coming out of that door, or do I kick down the door and risk running out of bullets in the next firefight? The important thing isn't that you accurately mimic reloading. It's that the player must make a choice and do the FUN part of the game with interesting challenges and side effects. Likewise, the important part about getting a surface sample on Laythe is not right clicking your Kerbal. It's getting that frickin' returnable vessel to Laythe.
  7. It'd be easier to recreate it in Space Engineers, I think. That way you don't have to worry about physics ruining your fun. Just like the movie did!
  8. Haha YES. Exactly that. I wonder what it says about me that I never even considered suggesting this for the stock game.
  9. I just realized that something I've wanted for a while may make a perfect Modlet candidate. When you're in the VAB or SPH and are assigning crew to their seats, it'd be really nice to know which one you're putting each of them in. I was thinking it'd be perfect if, whenever the mouse was over a capsule in the list on the left, that capsule would be highlighted in the VAB/SPH (like how decouplers highlight when you hover over them in staging).
  10. Compared to the problems I had with Trajectories, that was nothing. Don't worry about it. I've got the ship built for the next mission. It's a 3-person ship, is named "The Bird Of Laythe" and gets into orbit just about every time I've test launched it. Which, in my space program, means it's ready to go on a full mission.
  11. I have one foot on this hype train, and one foot on the Fallout 4 hype train. Luckily, I have multiple [time span]s of experience navigating hypespace, so even though the trains are in different places and traveling at different speeds in different directions, I can maintain my position at least until one of them crashes reaches its destination.
  12. ...I don't know. I don't want to have to play mini-games. I don't want to have to do something over and over again. I don't even like right clicking parts to run experiments and collect results. Honestly for me the current system, if all the science gathering happened automatically, is fine. For me KSP isn't a game about simulating science experiments. It's about going to places where the experiments need to be run.
  13. Thank you, and I appreciate that but I'm going to stick with what I have. It's just a flag and some debris in my case so no biggie. Hopefully this will help others though.
  14. Agreed. I actually want checkboxes for stuff. [ ] Funds [ ] Science [ ] Kerbal Experience [ ] ... uh... other stuff too. All checked would be full career. All unchecked would be sandbox. Various in-between alternatives would match things like Science Mode and "Funds Mode" that you're talking about, and anything else.
  15. This (and the inevitable adding of a boat launching dock if there isn't one already) is just another reason to install KerbinSide when 1.1 comes out and I can use all the memory in my computer.
  16. Actually it'd be far more efficient to launch directly into the target orbit's inclination. Time warp until the launchpad is directly under the target orbit, and launch that direction. The total cost of this will be (normal cost to orbit) + (a trifling amount). Really. A couple hundred dV at most, and dependent on how far off of equatorial the launch is. You can find out surface orbital speed by going into orbit mode (click "surface" on the navball) on a landed vessel. It's somewhere around 200m/s IIRC. That's the "boost" you get when launching east. To launch North, (so you get no boost) it should cost you that much more dV to get to orbit. To launch west, you need 2x that amount more. So your 3500m/s booster will need 3700 to launch into a polar orbit, or 3900 to launch retrograde. I won't have time to write this up right now, sorry again. That's what I get for trying to post at work. It suddenly gets busy!
  17. I believe you can see if this particular clause of the contract is met in the VAB while designing your base. But I'm with the Alt-F12 crowd. It ain't cheating if it fixes a bug.
  18. Wow I never thought of ARP as intrusive or unlike stock. Most KSP updates, I wonder why they changed the resource panel until I remember ARP is a mod I have to install. But to each their own I guess. Like I said, it'd still be nice to have because I frequently am not watching that panel and instead watching the navball or map or whatever, and a little ding would come in handy.
  19. I am almost positive I got them from the "WAC dV Maps" thread (not the actual name. I just can't remember what the actual name was. I know WAC is right )
  20. While I would like this too, you can use Alternate Resource Panel to get similar functionality. The "current stage" meters will go to 0 when the drop tanks are ready to drop. I think auto staging will also drop them, but I've had enough auto staging accidents to just not bother using it.
  21. I like these two, both updated to 1.0. They don't agree on all the numbers but hey. http://i.imgur.com/IBToMY4.png http://i.imgur.com/O7nlSLC.png
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