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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Anybody know how to go to the oldest post in a thread since your last visit please post here. The forum puts a line there, but all the links I've found only go to the first post or the last post.
  2. I'm assuming this is a bug report.
  3. Yeah I just found it and turned it off. I'm a bit worried with all the notifications and stuff. I may have to watch my bandwidth usage when I'm tethered to my cell phone. That is, if I can find where to turn off displaying images. If I can't find that, I'll just have to stop checking the forum during those times.
  4. I would like to know exactly what is making random beeping noises and how to make it never happen again.
  5. I don't remember that being part of the announcement. It's not a huge deal, but it'd have been nice to have known before the changeover.
  6. My first post on the new forums! Every 15 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. Something in "quotes" means it was directly said, though I frequently don't bother with that. I removed all formatting. Until the forum allows me to directly enter tags I'm not going to bother with it. If you want to watch the episode yourself, you can find it at http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts Squadcast was just under an hour. 0:00 Squadcast starts with a screen that says "MAXMAPS" on it. He's doing Sandbox, to build an all-stock turkey. Dr_Turkey adds himself to the title screen at about 9:20 (Nothing much happens before this) He starts playing at about 12:00 He goes to the VAB. He discusses music on Twitch. Decides not to due to DMCA notices. The plan is to take the Turkey to Mun. He asks TriggerAU about what he's working on TriggerAU: Working on 3 things 1) Helping Ted and the QA team, escalating things tothe right people 2) Doing actual testing. 15:00 3) KSPedia. He had to learn a lot, and even what he knew he had to figure out how to explain it so anybody can understand it. Explaining the Oberth Effect can be hard. The turkey rocket is coming along, but so far looks nothing like an actual turkey. He's doing "onion or asparagus layering." He adds extra turkey feet, which the chat realizes means more turkey legs for Thanksgiving. The rocket has 4 mainsails for 5 orange tanks. And it looks nothing like a turkey. Not even a soy turkey. Also his strutting is going to encourage rotation. The video cut to mid-launch. His ship was spinning out of control. I'm not surprised but I din't see what happened exactly. He reverts, and launches again. His 3 outer mainsails are going, but not the central one. He activates it manually. The ship is surprisingly stable. He launches straight up to 10km, then... continues going straight up. He drops the side tanks when they run out, at about 25km going 900m/s straight up. Actually he doesn't drop them so much as explode his whole ship. I think there may have been clipping. "Now it looks like a turkey." Note: The ship looks nothing like a turkey. He decides to try putting the whole thing in a fairing. 30:00 He adds a fairing, but not the decoupler between it and the engine. He also adds 2 jumbo wings. I am terrified. He wants to add more power. For some reason. He adds 6 SRBs. They're giving away copies of the game. He launches. Acceleration is high. The rocket flips over, then flips again. He's essentially hovering 1km up. "It was going so well." Dr. Turkey you have an odd definition of "Well." The Kerbals live somehow. He reverts to launch for some reason. He launches again, and flips over at about 2km. Then everything explodes. Back to the VAB. He opts to start using SAS parts. Because the problem was that he wasn't going fast enough. He remembers the decoupler between the rocket and fairing this time. 45:00 Launch! TWR is like 2. SRBs die, he throttles up. He drops the side tanks, they slide down and somehow don't kill the center stack. He cranks over only after reaching space. They give away another code. He reaches orbit somehow. A better launch would probably get this ship to Jool. I think he'll make it to Mun. Except he burns way too much, and puts his Ap way too high. He's trying to quickly catch up to Mun. He knows it's going to come back around, right? These noises he's making are kinda crazy. He time warps too much and collides with Kerbin at high warp. (Huh. It appears signatures were not transferred)
  7. I was going to do this as a video but have no musical talent and couldn't find a (totally) free version of the music: I am the very model of / a modern Kerbal Space Program I strategize to optimize / my ships down to the kilogram I come in well over budget with / all of the science that I cram into the pods and bays and e/ven tucked into the intake ram. I'm very well acquainted, too / with equations for rocketships Just give me mass, both dry and wet / and watch me crunch numbers to bits. I do flawless gravity turns / with newton's laws I'll match my wits. And sometimes halfway up to space / my rockets even perform flips. (chorus) And sometimes halfway up to space his rockets even perform flips. And sometimes halfway up to space his rockets even perform flips. And sometimes halfway up to space his rockets even perform flips! I know all planets and all moons / from Moho out to wee Eeloo, And some of them I might have e/ven visited a time or two In short, by all ways you can gauge/ by meter, second, joule or gram I am the very model of / a modern Kerbal Space Program (chorus) In short, by all ways you can gauge, by meter, second, joule or gram He is the very model of a modern Kerbal Space Program! I know my delta-V space chart / and can quote Scott Manley by heart Most of the stuff he does asleep / I could quite confidently start. And get close to finish if no/thing needed falls off or apart but truth be told to me this whole / rocket science is just black art. I've mastered rendezvous and dock / my planes take off and then they land My lithobraking's purposeful / my disassemblies always planned Being out of fuel when out past Jool / is well within the mission plan Yet if my rep takes one more hit / I'm worried that I might get canned. (chorus) Yet if his rep takes one more hit he's worried that he might get canned. Yet if his rep takes one more hit he's worried that he might get canned. Yet if his rep takes one more hit he's worried that he might get canned! I can transfer out to Duna and / aerocapture surely and true And you should see the gravity / assists I get way out at Jool. In short, by all ways you can gauge / by meter, second, joule or gram I am the very model of / a modern Kerbal Space Program (chorus) In short, by all ways you can gauge, by meter, second, joule or gram He is the very model of a modern Kerbal Space Program! I have the funds for one more run / and this big launch will have to pay I'll take all jobs both small and large / I'm testing parts and planting flags. This satellite will fit just right / into this massive cargo bay The 3 contracts that it attacks / will fund us for another day With 12 engines and ram intakes / and more than enough delta-V This hundred-ton SSTO / should fly to orbit easily Uh oh I seem to have forgot / to add that wing with symmetry. And now my plane is spinning flat / and heading for the VAB. (chorus) And now his plane is spinning flat and heading for the VAB. And now his plane is spinning flat and heading for the VAB. And now his plane is spinning flat and heading for the VAB! We're closing down, burned to the ground / How could my program go so wrong? With Jeb and Bill and Val and Bob / all MIA since mission one. In short, by all ways you can gauge / by meter, second, joule or gram I am the very model of / a modern Kerbal Space Program (chorus) In short, by all ways you can gauge, by meter, second, joule or gram He is the very model of a modern Kerbal Space Program!
  8. [quote name='Carraux']But the graphics quality could be improved. As I bought the game, the game wasn't finished. Neither was the graphics. What was quite ok for that time. Now with the game being finished, the graphics could get finished too.[/QUOTE] I think the consensus is that the game is not finished and the "1.0" was specifically to get "official" reviews and possibly console ports going.
  9. [quote name='sardia']This mod is crashing my game, it stops crashing when I remove the mod. Crash occurs when returning to KSC command center. I was testing it to see if it would level up to 3. Is anyone else having problems?[/QUOTE] There are 8 mods listed in the OP. Which of those is "this mod"?
  10. Yeah, besides buoyancy, dozens of new parts, a new thermodynamic model with parts, ISRU, a doubling of the Kerbal genders, a revamped editor with new controls, filters, and sorting methods, a brand new aerodynamic model, and fairings to match? That's all they bothered to put in the past 5 updates. The 5 before them (you said "to 10") only added Kerbal professions, biomes, Career mode as a separate thing from Science mode (with all the additions of money, contracts, and upgradable buildings) Vernor and monoprop engines... but other than that what have they added? Asteroids? an entire new size of rocket parts, with engines, fuel tanks, and the lot? Cargo bays? Pfft. I want CONTENT.
  11. [quote name='Red Iron Crown']Bummer about the name change, 5thHorseman, though it would be strange seeing you post under another name.[/QUOTE] I change my online name every 7 years, give or take. This'd be the first time the new name was related in any way to the old.
  12. [quote name='A_name']ITT: A bunch of people saying OP is designing and/or flying his rocket wrong, but not bothering to explain WHY or what would be the "CORRECT" way to do it. Just install KJR.[/QUOTE] Weird. I saw multiple posts - including one of my own - that detailed exactly what was wrong and how to fix it without installing any mods. I've never had KJR installed. Right when I was about to, they strengthened up joints enough that every rocket I few was controllable enough to fly.
  13. I did walk to school a lot though that was mumble decades ago. I do not currently, but I'm in PJs. I have between 50 and 100 in my wallet though. I played the original for a couple hours at a friends house. Not super impressed. Drove the 101 from LA to San Francisco. (in a torrential downpour at night. It was terrifying) Watched all of Firefly in a day (movie included - highly recommended) Watched all of the Director's Cut of Lord of the Rings in a day (Not so recommended. Maybe one a night for a weekend would be a bit easier)
  14. I'm happily surprised at the results of the poll, even though you basically can't trust anything about them.
  15. [quote name='Sequinox']It's really simple to just ban this action.[/QUOTE] It's not. I've been a moderator on a forum before. We didn't have roleplay, but nothing - NOTHING - about moderating other people's actions is simple. EVER.
  16. [quote name='GoSlash27']I've been thinking about this today, and I think there might be a way to use a munar slingshot to reduce the DV requirement. 1) eject to an orbit with half the period of the Mun's orbit 2) wait an orbit and a half 3) do a small prograde burn at Pe to raise Ap a bit and get a new Munar encounter 4) sling around the Mun's leading edge to set up a free return trajectory. It'd take over a week, be a major PITA to set up, and not really save much DV... but it should work. Theoretically... Best, -Slashy[/QUOTE] Yup. Technically you could do it by JUST escaping from Mun, then over multiple orbits do little slingshots over and over. I ain't gonna spend the time on it though :D
  17. [url=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/54662-HMV]I know for a fact that users who have been around for over 3 years with 0 posts won't get deleted[/url].
  18. [quote name='PineCone']They're removing the rep bars, not the rep itself. There aren't going to be any bars anymore, just a green circle that shows the rank when you mouse over it.[/QUOTE] Do you consider this a bad thing? I'm proud* of my rep, not the number and color of the bars representing it. [i]*relatively. I'm not like telling my family about it or anything.[/i] :D
  19. I've only completed the tech tree once, and it was in the final mission of that save. I get bored, complete my goals, or succumb to gamebreaking bugs before I ever clear the tech tree.
  20. I can't suggest a free video editor or recorder (I didn't know of OBS. I'm going to give it a look as FRAPS - while it gets the job done - can be infuriating at times with its total and complete lack of options) but if you decide to record your audio separate from the game audio (and while it's more work I recommend it) the stalwart free audio editor is Audacity. I've been using it for over a decade now, almost weekly for the whole time, and love it. My video editor of choice is VideoPad. It's not free but it's less than the cost of a AAA game and I've really taken to it.
  21. While I return to similar design principals, I in almost every single instance design every single rocket from the top down from scratch. Sometimes for similar missions I'll edit an old ship instead of making a new one but that's rare. In career, the older the ship the older the tech.
  22. [quote name='sal_vager']Unfortunately [U][URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/54662-HMV"]HMV is taken.[/URL][/U][/QUOTE] SQUATTERS! I'll have to give it a think. I opted for HMV over HMV Plays but now I need to weigh the latter vs being able to change to something else later. #PuttingTooMuchThoughtIntoIt
  23. Raise your hand if you tried to click "close" to see the actual picture.
  24. [quote name='RocketPropelledGiraffe']You can already change the drawn conics limit in the config-file, why would you need it in the MM?[/QUOTE] For the same reason you have ModuleManager configs for anything else: So you don't have to change it every time the game updates. The act of copying your ModuleManager configs over magically changes it and the dozen other little things you want to be different, without you even having to think about it. [i]Note: For me, for patched conics, this is actually a moot point. By the time I need more than 3 patched conic lines, I'm using PreciseNode which has a nice override that it remembers forever.[/i]
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