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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I can't tell WHAT sets the default control, except that if it's the first thing you put down that's it. Seems semirandom what happens after you delete that or reroot. I'll admit, I haven't tested it in any way.
  2. Well not "boring," but 99% of people's lives wouldn't make an enjoyable read.
  3. Which is why writing about that isn't the best idea, unless your story is about something else and that's not central to it. But real life tends to be boring.
  4. Comparing what we can do now and what a spacefaring civilization with the capability and infrastructure to wage war can do is like saying Pacific islanders can't row to Los Angeles, so it must be impossible.
  5. Totes agreed. It should be a secondary function of the Root tool. Every time you "make root" a part with a control module, that part becomes the default control module.
  6. Not true. I don't remember exactly how but I figured out how to attach radial decouplers in any way needed. I did it for my second attempt at my astro-glider. The original had decoupler struts poking around all over. The second I used the root tool to flip the decouplers around so they all stayed with the original core, and didn't stick to each part. As it's one of the last beautiful days of the year I don't have time to re-figure it out right now but I'll take a look later tonight or tomorrow.
  7. I think this is a reasonable thing to expect to be "realistic." Not the actual temperatures involved, but how the ablator acts. If we (Humans) sent a returnable probe to Mercury and it had a heat shield for the return trip to Earth, would it ablate away just for being so close to the Sun? I don't know. If it would, then we're fine. If it wouldn't (and I'd like to know why ) then we have a problem.
  8. Very much this. Optimizing for dV is like that trick car companies use sometimes where they say their car goes farther "on a tank of fuel" than the competition... not mentioning of course that their car has a 3-gallon larger tank.
  9. I voted 0-25, though IMO 0 should be its own category. And I'd have picked it
  10. I almost never construct in orbit of anywhere. If I can't launch it, it's not efficient enough Though if I ever do another Jool-5 mission, I just may construct that bad boy in LKO, which is how I've done all of my "in space" construction so far.
  11. For the record, I was using "technically" the same way that Yasmy did: As a synonym for "not." And yes you can be in orbit while deep in atmosphere, but practically speaking you're just flying really fast.
  12. Two suggestions: Make the link a bit easier to find. I read through the post twice before I saw it Make dV a variable the user can put in. I can land on Minmus with 4700dV and some luck.
  13. Actually you're *technically* in orbit ON the pad. You're at apoapsis, with a free (cheaty?) 1g of constant radial thrust.
  14. The stock right click method is so bad I feel the need to have this AND Part Commander installed to fix it.
  15. I'm not saying "there's a mod for that" just to say it. I'm directing you to the USI Life Support mod to show what kinds of problems, loopholes, and workarounds this causes and good ways around those.
  16. Yup, which is why I didn't care about it. I hate live streaming and want to never watch it. Maybe for some tournament or something but just for people watching games? Video editors were created for a reason, and the 50% of most games that are B.O.R.I.N.G. is one of them.
  17. Those two sentences actually have nothing to do with each other. The first is my opinion about how crappy Twitch is, the second is a summary of a non-ksp conversation that I felt should be mentioned, but didn't need documenting. If I'd added 'Though if Squadcast were on YouTube I'd be able to download the video and use a decent program to watch it.' (which I almost did) you'd have a point.
  18. There was probably an uproar when fire was ported to torches. "Torch never hold fire! Fire need pit!"
  19. I recorded 48 minutes of audio without recording any video palm -> face.
  20. That was about 90% of the <long answer> - - - Updated - - - Oops. That's what I get for posting and going away for 5 hours Fixed. Also fixed a couple spelling errors that were real words so passed spell check.
  21. It doesn't matter. NASA is a huge drain on resources* and 40% of all that waste is just waste of waste. *I know and you know it's not, but we're already in the throes of the next presidential election cycle and can you imagine how much mileage the politicians (who are spending more to get elected than NASA does on all projects combined) would get out of "thanks Obama"ing a 40% failure rate?
  22. Note: Twitch hates letting people watch their videos conveniently, so the time stamps may not be great. I'm trying here. 10 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. Something in "quotes" means it was directly said, though I frequently don't bother with that. [brackets] are those rare times where the accent barrier keeps me from understanding something, and italics are descriptions of what Max is doing in the game, with asides and commentary by me where I feel the desire. Squadcast was just over an hour. 0:00 He's going to try to rescue 2 Kerbals in a 3-pod ship with a pilot (Val) on the launch pad. They have an internal date for 1.1 but no public date. QA should start up next week, "if everything goes right." Q: 1.1 before Christmas? A: It's not that far away. He launches, low throttle 1.2ish TWR. I am glad I trimmed my nails because they'd be digging into the desk. Granted, his rocket is wide and short and has 5 swivels and 4 solids, so maybe it's better he's keeping it slow. Q: How does QA work "these days"? A: Bugs go into the private tracker. They decide what needs to be done, prioritize... Gravity turn over, he's got an apoapsis, no side tanks, and needs to burn 1300m/s to circularize. Q: Integrated Graphics Chips, how well will it run? A: There are limits. It'll definitely run better than 1.0 did but "integrated is harsh." 10:00 Q: What about N-body errors? A: Max (and I) doesn't understand the question. KSP does not use N-body physics. If you're talking about floating point errors, there just are floating point errors in computing. He sets up his first encounter. It's hours away and he time warps at like 50x the whole way Q: Are there frequent cries of "what was I thinking?" as they go through old code. A: <long answer> Yes. 3 UI systems, have been completely redone. With 2 burns, he gets a 3.2km encounter. His orbit is wonky though. 3rd burn, he's 2.1km. They are in general doing a pretty extensive "buff pass." NathanKell is familiar with old bugs, and bugs that involve mods. 20:00 Just making sure each update has more polish than before. He gets within 2.1km, flips the ship around, burns retrograde to slow down relative to the rescue Kerbal, then goes towards him at 12m/s. He's in the physics bubble, I'm not sure why he's not just jumping to it and going 2km EVA. He comes to a relative stop at about 100m, then EVA's over. He decides to - because he's not got solar panels, to go for the 2nd Kerbal. I would have done it He burns retrograde, but relative to the target not his orbit. Actually he burns prograde by accident He realizes he's in target mode as well. Squad was up for golden joystick and golden [cube?]. These are Unity awards. People can apparently vote on these. Any links would be appreciated. Graphics are not where Squad wants them to be. They're always running out of space to put stuff. With 64 bit, they're going to do a graphics overhaul. He burns off a ton of speed, and has a pretty steep re-entry. But he's only going 1500m/s so should be okay. Plus he has a heat shield. Q: Will PorkJet be doing the stock parts? A: They want to complete the spaceplane stuff. After that, he may be moving to rocket parts. He runs out of charge, but the heat shield is keeping him going the right direction. He lands whit no problems. The first parachutes tried to behave like cloth. If you think part count hurts FPS, cloth on top of that "wasn't good." 30:00 He edits the ship to remove a capsule and add solar panels. RealChutes does a better job and is more realistic, but doesn't do cloth simulation Q: Supersonic parachutes? A: Max does not know if that's reasonable. Q: Mach 2 on Mars. A: The atmosphere is very thin on Mars. He launches, tilts, I pay more attention to this text file than the video to maintain my sanity. He burns his Ap too high, but otherwise has a decent intercept. He goes for it, burning at the intercept point to circularize, so he intercepts at the AN. He does this burn kind of by burning retrograde relative to target, and then AAAAGH I CAN'T WATCH THIS HE DECIDES TO AIM AT TARGET. Okay I'm better now. He burns prograde, but is still relative to target. So he aborts and lands. It would have been so pro if he'd just burned retrograde relative to target to begin with. Q: Images? A: No. Bugfixes don't translate into images. He poses to chat if he should start allowing reverts. Ironman you're much more involved. Reverts has less waiting. I vote Ironman, personally. 40:00 Splashdown, recover, he adds a battery. Launch. I again ignore it. Though I can feel it eating at my brain from my peripheral vision. I notice when his side engines stop burning because his G meter drops. Note to self: If using stock, that's a good trick. He notices eventually He gets another decent encounter. He tries to burn relative to the target on purpose, but burns prograde relative to target, not retrograde. He quickly realizes it's wrong and decides to just go for circularization first. During this time he's talking about Twitch vs YouTube streaming. It's not directly related to KSP so I'm skipping it. 50:00 He burns, gets a good encounter. Max plans on modding KSP to the brink when 1.1 comes out, to show off how well KSP can handle it. He gets very close, relative stops, and gets the Kerbal. He then hits the spacebar, ejecting his fuel and engines(!) The rescued Kerbal gets out and pushes. 4 units of fuel gets the Pe to 71. Max goes around an orbit to Ap again, then one more EVA retrograde burn. Q: 128 bit? A: Come on, now. 4 more units of fuel, Pe is now 59. He does one more 4 unit push, Pe is now 49. Next week, re-entry!
  23. "Stupid" is a harsh way to put it, but it is jarring and I personally don't like it. It goes against common Internet convention. 5thHorseman and I really hate it when people do this.
  24. That's too high for public opinion. Look at Tesla. One minor engine fire that was handled by the car automatically and as designed, and "OMG electric cars are fire hazards let's keep using GASOLINE instead." Though I personally would prefer it. When Curiosity was in the planning stages one of the late contenders for a mission was to send - instead of 1 large rover - dozens (perhaps hundreds) of tiny rovers. The idea was that if you lose one (or a dozen) of those, no big deal, so you can take risks.
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