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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I think we're all a pretty vocal group that has repeatedly brought up all the game-breaking features.
  2. ESA Hax. No way we can get anything that would actually need a fairing inside a fairing that small without major part clipping.
  3. The only way this would work is if they had a crash tolerance of about 4m/s. Otherwise, all you need to do is get one with about a 30km periapsis (which is usually easier that pretty much anything else you can do with an asteroid) and it's free money.
  4. Squad could implement some sort of AOE refueling. Like, any fuel tank within 50 meters of the "drill" or "converter" or whatever gets filled. This would remove the little fiddly bits involved in ISRU but would eliminate the need to land right on the docking port at my Minmus ground base, something I think everybody should try at least once
  5. Actually, in general, adults understand that once you pay for something and use it for years, you don't get to demand a refund.
  6. It's not. I ignore all the markers except maybe the AN/DN to make sure I'm within a few degrees. It's very likely neither. I would be willing to wager a dollar that if you check your AN or DN they say "180" (or close) instead of "0" (or close). i.e., your orbit is perfectly set up except it's backwards. You don't even need to check the AN/DN, just look at the little dots on the target orbit and see which way they're going.
  7. I and the two other people I know personally are drawn to KSP because it is realistic but wrapped in fun, childish whimsy. So out of the four of us, only 25% of people agree with you Not sure how that fits in this thread but it sounds like something a "Hard" mode should do. Me too. I've a feeling this is something I'm going to be saying a lot from now on. :-/
  8. No, it didn't, but the public (at least for my little one-man section of it, and several others from I've read) instantly noticed that. Kind of like how version 1.0 doesn't mean "we're totally done and happy with the game as-is" even though the vast majority of the public will assume that. This would be valid if Squad was known for releasing non-buggy code. Are they going to hire a dozen beta testers? The ones they have now (which I believe do the job for free) just don't seem to be cutting it. A beta version of an early-access game can have a memory hole as wide as the Mississippi. A released game can NOT. In Beta, you're supposed to report that bug. In a released game, you toss the game aside, never play it again, and likely never buy something from the developer again due to their shoddy product.
  9. In short, no. In long... what you all said. The game is buggy and not ready for release. If the release game has even one of: Tundra biomes next to KSC Collision courses with Mun not even showing up as SOI encounters Conic sections with no periapsis (which is impossible) No Female Kerbals A huge memory leak Radial decouplers with no outward force (and those are just off the top of my head) ...then the game is not even remotely ready for 1.0 release because those are BASIC things that need fixed. Not modified. Not changed. Fixed. They are bugs. Yes. Even Female Kerbals. I defend most of Squad's decisions because the game is still being actively developed and they specifically say on the box that they're not actually releasing it yet. That defense is out the window the moment this game hits 1.0. I figured out what Project V is. |V|ojang. EDIT: Okay I was out all night and just read this before finding out that they both ARE adding Females to the game AND revealed what "Project V" is. So I rescind both of those. And I can't even comment on the Project V thread about how shocked I am that they called it that, because the thread was locked
  10. Holy cow that's exactly what I said, 8 days before I said it. Not only did Luke Munwalker steal my idea for Kerbal experience, he also stole Doc Brown's time machine! No seriously, that's freaky that we had the exact same idea.
  11. Actually this fits the "experimental" descriptor and they are fiddling with asteroids for the upcoming "deep space refueling" thing. Though why wouldn't it be "Project A" for Asteroids or "Project B" for belt? Or even "Project C" for Ceres, the first discovered and largest asteroid? Now I want to think up asteroid-related project names starting with all the other letters.
  12. Valdez. As in Juan. Kerbin is getting a makeover and the whole planet will be covered in coffee fields.
  13. Actually that's a great use for those higher tiers. When a Kerbal reaches level 4, you pick a field for him to also be level 1 in. When he reaches level 5, that field becomes level 2. You could even - at level 5 - give him level 1 of the third (or one of the others, if they introduce more than 3 total) field. So Jeb could one day be a level 5 pilot, a level 2 engineer, and a level 1 scientist.
  14. Once the magnets "turn on" they should stay on until you're docked or get too far away. If you get too far away, they should turn back on when you get close enough again. If you actually get docked, and then undock, they will stay off until you get far enough away (to keep them from just snapping back in place every time). But if you DO get far enough away (and it's on the realm of a few meters) and come back, they should again dock.
  15. We may personally disagree on the definition of "easily" and "some." I prefer to just unzip the upgrades into each folder. It may take a bit longer each time but it saves a LOT of front end work and having to remember stuff. (And I still don't trust Windows symlinks. Or maybe I'm too old to change)
  16. The ability to abuse a mechanic that makes the game run better doesn't seem to be a problem with physicsless parts, why not with anything landed?
  17. Yeah symlinks wouldn't really help a lot in this case, and on Windows they're not nearly as clean as on *nix. And the whole point of having all the different installs is for different mod cocktails so I'd have to have every single mod installed somewhere and links to each one. No, hard drive space isn't exactly at a premium (each install takes about the same amount of space as 2 minutes of uncompressed video, of which I record hours at a time) and sometimes straightforward is the best way.
  18. Hm. There is nothing wrong from what I can see. Those are docking ports and they are aimed correctly. As Steelsunoa suggests, right click the (undocked) ports and see if they have an "undock" option. We've seen some rare nasty situations where the ports think they're docked when they aren't and vice versa.
  19. I can check it out, though you'll have to upload it somewhere. Or just the craft files if that's easier. One possibility: You got the docking, were so tired from doing it that you just quit the game by hitting alt-F4, and now when you load the game back up it's going back to the last autosave which was a few minutes before the actual docking. And note: All that time you spent was NOT wasted. You are training yourself to dock. What took 30 minutes will take you 15 next time. 10 the next, 5 the time after that, and soon you'll be docking in under a minute.
  20. How about if doing contracts for a certain company raises your rep with them at the cost of rep from other companies? So the total average rep from all companies is a flat 0, but if you do 10 Rockmax contracts in a row your rep with them goes up to - say - 100 while everybody else drops 10 (assuming there are 10 other companies). Then the cost of parts can go down when you have higher rep, or up when you have lower rep.
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