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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Both Navhud and In-Flight Waypoints make finding those waypoints a breeze. I've never used Navhud's waypoints because In-Flight's are so awesome.
  2. While resetting the game, you really should up that CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT to a more reasonable value. I personally prefer 8.
  3. I barely play anymore except for my YouTube series, and I personally think that's a good thing. I still really enjoy the game but there's not much left to do after over 1.5 years (I think I'll be 2 in... May? June?). It's a bit sad, yes, but Human Beings are wired to find something new. NO game could interest someone to the exclusion of all else forever.
  4. I installed this and for a while thought it wasn't working. Then I checked my log and sure enough, (almost) no exceptions! ATM gets one at load time, and then I never see the window again. Even though I have enough mods loaded to need ATM Cool mod, and proof we have an awesome modding community.
  5. Don't use -force-d3d11, it's known to be buggy and these pink textures are pretty much guaranteed with it. I personally use -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded because opengl has framerate issues.
  6. I called this one E.L.R.O.Y. It stood for something but I don't remember what anymore.
  7. All this minus the cool craft. Not that I'm against cool craft, but I don't frequent (or visit, even) those kinds of threads.
  8. Links would be nice. I've never heard of Ion-Cross I voted "Snacks" though none of the 3 I know up there do I use. Snacks is the closest to what I want in a life support mod.
  9. Open your persistent.sfs (BACK IT UP FIRST!) and look for "ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities" The rest should be pretty obvious. In general, when poking around the persistent file, I suggest just looking for the word "SCENARIO", it's right at the top of most everything you'd be looking for.
  10. Actually I'd rather have either Sandbox (where everything is unlocked) and career (where everything has checkboxes). Then you'd select career and pick what you want to have to do. Train Kerbals, collect money, collect science, whatever. If you check it (and everything should be checked to start then you have to gain it after starting with either none or a little. If you uncheck everything, the game is functionally similar to Sandbox. ...which would make Sandbox not necessary. Maybe just as a button. Or a series of buttons "Full Career" "Classic Science" and "Sandbox" modes. And a "custom" as well of course
  11. Yeah it shoudln't be too hard to make the rocketpart tanks generate rocketparts for free at a high enough rate to refill them far before you'd need to use them again.
  12. The original wasn't powered. I just set it up with a re-entry profile that would kill most anything if DRE was installed, then attached everything to it, and then used what was left of my RCS to tweak the periapsis until coming down I was over land. I've always wanted to do a redo of this with jet engines to see if I could land it on the runway, so maybe this will be my impetus. I'll make one that works in stock, you can try to fly it in FAR. Heck, I may try to fly it in FAR just to see. But in any case once I've made the jet-engine-enabled version I'll try Claw's mod. If it doesn't work I'll Hyperedit what I DID make (and land) into a nice 70x70 orbit for you and leave enough RCS to deorbit.
  13. This is the big problem. Sure you could get a ball bearing to orbit a bowling ball, if it wasn't for that doofus floating in space nearby screwing up the gravitational field.
  14. Haha sadly I don't have the save anymore. To make that bad boy I'd have to at LEAST cheat all the stuff up to an asteroid and rebuild it. ...which I'm not above doing. Not saying I *will* but I *may*
  15. Just a "lock" button so when you adjust the brightness of one color, all colors fade proportionally.
  16. *looks down at his sig* Naaaw. You can't build that in the SPH without mods. You can't even build it IN SPACE without KAS.
  17. I've liked Rowsdower ever since the first time his name and avatar reminded me of one of my favorite MST3K episodes. Good luck in your future endeavors, and hopefully we'll still see you around as a player and forum member!
  18. The wetness of water is inversely proportional to its dryness. Water can't be dry, therefore its equilibrium state is wet. Q.E.D. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
  19. I don't asparagus much anymore. Most of my ships start with solids and end up with LFO rockets to get into orbit and beyond. However, when I DO choose to not go with solids, it's usually more to do with the fact that I'd need like 30 of them than anything else.
  20. Tell me you have "hold prograde" on that probe!
  21. Career mode ends when a save-breaking bug appears or a new version comes out. At least, that's how each and every one of my career saves has ended
  22. Actually if I had my say, it would be: 0.91: aerodynamics, more plane and aerodynamic parts, extraplanetary resources, Female Kerbals, Re-entry heat 0.92: balance, content (contracts, better science tree, more biomes and/or planets), and bugfixes. 0.93: more balance, content, and bugfixes. 0.94: more balance, content, and bugfixes. 0.95: Almost nothing. Everybody wonders why they didn't just put out 1.0 1.0: Almost exactly what 0.95 was.
  23. Actually considering yogurt is live bacteria (EW! I know! It's almost as if all bacteria isn't bad for you!), as long as the dairy products it was feeding on didn't go bad (and 8 hours at room temp isn't the end of the world for modern dairy products) then there's a chance that you actually made your yogurt MORE healthy.
  24. To not exist. Really I never use it. It's just a huge waste of memory space.
  25. Usually between 75 and 80, sometimes as low as 72 or so, sometimes as high as 90. The biggest deciding factor really is how quickly I hit X (or how many times I mistakenly hit Z) when setting my apoapsis. I don't worry about time warping too much. I just set a KAC alarm for whatever I want to do with the ship and then go do something else.
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