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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. What I want to know is how this information sat for 3 days on SA without ANYBODY mentioning it.
  2. Sadly I'm about to start some non-KSP-time stuff so don't have time to test, but with how much I've edited names in the files I really can't see the profession changing. I've had same names, different names, sandbox mode, career mode, and in every single case if a name string was one profession, it was the same profession in all other saves. Hopefully later tonight (and it may be so much later that it may as well be the morning) I'll have time. I have to add 5 people to my Let's Play game so I can test it then. And I don't have my fingers in the under-the-hood stuff in KSP so you are probably right. I only know careers as they are presented on the outside.
  3. Very weird. 0.90 introduced professions so there's no way it was fixed in it. It was introduced in it! Maybe there's some sort of weird public/private name thing going on but I've no clue where that could be stored.
  4. To get your asteroid elliptical, you MUST do a plane change at the AN/DN. Period. You can fiddle around to make that take less dV, and the best way to do THAT is to use Mun to alter your orbit in any major way. Note: some alterations are so large in dV that you simply can NOT use Mun to do them in one try, but you CAN use one Mun encounter to do half of it, then in the next Mun encounter do the other half. It's a bit of an advanced maneuver but if you fiddle around with maneuver nodes enough you'll see how it works. And as a bonus you can launch a small ship into a very elliptical orbit and practice long before you capture your asteroid.
  5. I got it in by editing the persistent.sfs file directly. I first edited it to have 13 "CrashDummy Kerman"s (instead of the 13 randomly named guys already there) and then added the alt-1 characters to each last name. Then I saved the file, loaded the save, and it worked.
  6. Any ships in flight with SOI changes between when you click "launch" and when your ship is completed will at BEST have their periapses (periapsises?) changed semirandomly, and at worst they'll be flung from the universe at impossible speeds or just deleted. There's a reason there's no "jump to" time and there's a reason Kerbal Alarm Clock has a feature to slow down time warp when any ship undertakes a SOI change.
  7. I had an epiphany, and it doesn't SEEM to crash the game How'd I do it? I used ascii code 1 (In notepad++ you can get it by holding alt and hitting 1 on the number pad. It looks like a smiley face) at the end of the name. The first one on that list in that pic is just "Kerman." The second one is named Kerman:) and the third is Kerman:) and on and on down the line. As I said I didn't test it much, mostly just to see if it worked and to see if the character stayed in the file after viewing the Astronaut Complex. But by all means feel free to experiment with this yourself.
  8. I always think of them as "Small," Mk1, Mk2, and Mk3. I don't know why my brain doesn't like "Mk0"
  9. Awww too bad. I want to be able to set both the names AND professions. Still very cool that this is available but sadly doesn't do what I want
  10. Very cool! How did you do this? Is it something in your mod or did you find a way to change careers while keeping the names using the goofy way stock careers work?
  11. Oh. I didn't know there was a time limit. I'll (obviously) have to bow out. FAR too busy to do this in the next couple hours. I'll probably still try it myself. Always wanted to.
  12. Intercept the asteroid at or before Kerbin Periapsis. At Kerbin periapsis, burn retrograde until you have an apoapsis within Kerbin's SOI (i.e., you have an orbit). Target Mun. At apoapsis, set up a maneuver node that at least crosses Mun's orbit well, and at best gets a Mun encounter. If you didn't get an encounter, go a few orbits ahead until you DO get an encounter. Once you have a mun encounter, at your Kerbin apoapsis make a maneuver node and fiddle until Mun will circularize your orbit. Try to also get your periapsis where you want it, set up your ejection, whatever. If you can't, no bigs. You'll get another Mun encounter where you can do that. In short, do everything you can at apoapsis, and "everything you can" should always involve using Mun to make the big changes. But it'll still chew through fuel like it's water going over Niagara Falls.
  13. I'm still finding mods to add. It's not that long ago that NavHud became a thing, and the new one that adds Kerbal weight to capsules looks pretty cool. Also, a lot of dev work (albeit most of it seems to be head->wall work at the moment) is being done on making the tech trees more moddable. And then there's the meta-modding being done with SETI which has me very interested. As KerBlam said (well, implied), "everything's been done" is a syndrome that any game goes through. This is also why people are complaining that "All Squad does is implement what modders already did." Well, duh. If a modder hasn't at LEAST tried to do it by now, there's a pretty good chance the game doesn't need it.
  14. Yes, but don't drink and fly. Can a fly fly in space?
  15. If it's possible, you may want to try 0.25. I can think of dozens of reasons why it may not be possible but the one reason I suggest it is that based on the frequency of reports of it, it seems the memory leak started or got worse in 0.90. You may be under the memory cap to start but something on your ship causes the leak to run away and crash the game.
  16. This. Is. Awesome. I followed this keenly in the other thread. Glad to see it's now a mod. Too bad you had to muck with the actual ship mass, it feels like a recipe for disaster but the next time I start a new game this'll be a must-install. Does the chair have a VAB/SPH slider too? One of my big gripes in the game is you can't see how seating a Kerbal there will affect your ship's COM (and dV with KER). I know the chair's handled differently than pods.
  17. You may want to change your subject to something more like "Help! My spaceplane is stalling on re-entry and I can't stop it!" so people who know about spaceplanes know you need help with them. I can't help as I've never entered atmo with a plane (well, other than the below. It didn't stall but it came close).
  18. You should also be able to take the fuel tanks off and put them back on with mirror symmetry, and then the fuel lines should work. If not, toss those tanks and put 2 new ones on (again with mirror symmetry) The only thing else I could think is that somehow your no-symmetry-necessary fuselage actually has radial symmetry set, though I don't know how you'd have been able to attach the wings mirrored in that case.
  19. I love this community. "Hey this would be neat." "I think I can do that." "Sweet how long do you think it would take?" "I've got a prototype working right now..."
  20. I have 29 mods installed (though I think that list is out of date and I have a few more than that) and I don't keep track of any of them. I also don't use CKAN or anything else. When I notice they're updated, I update them. It's really not a big deal to me.
  21. I like this suggestion better than the current situation, but can't help but think that someone with a keener eye for design (Say, someone with a job at a marketing company) could come up with a more elegant solution than the default Unity right-click menu.
  22. Note: You can build your lander only (with wheels) and put it on the launchpad, then check the contract. If the clause that contains "with wheels" is green or checked then you know your base satisfies that condition. Granted it's too late for that, so yes, I'd like a screenshot taken during the day* that shows the base clearly and the contract window with the complete contract listed. *Sorry to specify that but so many people posts black images with a note "sorry it's so dark" instead of time warping 3 hours into the future
  23. VERY interesting. Mine says the same thing. I don't care *that* much because the only reason I'm using it is for the memory savings and it is doing SOMETHING that's saving memory without sacrificing frame-rate. But still. That's weird.
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