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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Doesn't *need* a gui even. Double click to set the waypoint. Double click a set waypoint to unset it. Though some indication of which waypoint is the selected one (perhaps the "distance to" text could float just under it instead of always at the top of the screen?) Not sold on this idea, just spitballing.
  2. I am 99% positive such a slider exists in the current version. I am 100% positive it existed in past versions because I have used it.
  3. No. Oh I have to type more than 10 characters. Maybe if ground stations shot at your rocket while it lifted off? That'd be awesome.
  4. Telling someone to not purchase something that they obviously want is not going to really help them. The question was not "What are the relative merits between laptops and desktops in regards to gaming?" It was "I want a gaming laptop so what should I get?" What if you travel every single day, sometimes more than once, and don't always come home and sleep every night or even every weekend?
  5. That would be nice. Also, "Deactivate Navigation" would be nice as well.
  6. Not for me. The Desktop will falter the moment I try to take it to any of the 3 places scattered around a 50-mile-wide circle that I frequently (Read: At least one change of locale a day and more frequently two) travel to and then stay for many hours. The laptop can come with me everywhere and play KSP just fine.
  7. If you think that's bad, you should try the mods without the base game.
  8. It's not enough. The people who complain about it "breaking mah stuff 64 bit works great except all these crashes" are the exact same people who blow past warnings without reading them. The ONLY way to keep these people from hounding modders so hard that the modders end up quitting is to deprive the entire community from the option to run the mod in 64 bit.
  9. I don't remember ever being able to edit a ship name anywhere other than right clcking on a pod or probe.
  10. This has GOT to be the most time anybody has ever put into justifying MOAR BOOSTERS.
  11. Wow, I'll say. Gilly's worth more than Eve!? What's the definition of "Flight" here? How would I "flight" the Sun, for example? Also, from what I see here you don't actually need to plant a flag on Mun and Minmus to get the full XP available? Just landing is enough?
  12. I assume you reinstalled after updating to 0.90. You need to go into the options and turn all that stuff back on.
  13. Is a video okay? I don't have any screenshots of it anymore.
  14. (I'm not having the EVA report problem anymore so until it comes back, consider it either fixed or not a bug) I have a Kerbal Cloning machine using Science Alert. I made a craft in the SPH that was a rover with an Inline MK1 Cockpit attached via decoupler so I could get out of the cockpit, into the rover, and drive it around the space center. So I got Bill out of the cockpit, boarded the rover's chair, and drove off. As I did so, the "EVA Report" button came up. So I clicked it. I was transported back to my cockpit and sure enough, Bill was there, hanging onto the ladder, ready to do an EVA report. I hit ] to go back to the rover and the EVA button was still there. So I hit it again. A second Bob appeared on the cockpit's ladder. Finally, a way to profit off of that Kerbal Kethane grinder!
  15. That only works if the markers are nearby. The farther away they are the more underground their direction will be and you likely won't be able to see them on the Navball. Of course, if they're sufficiently far you can just kinda eyeball it until you're closer.
  16. One unsung joy of Kerbal Engineer is it puts up a little tooltip when you hover over a part in the VAB/SPH. So, you can just hover in the area until the tooltip says "strut" and then click to grab it.
  17. Can't. That's the first thing I empty from my ships. (when I remember)
  18. Is there a "here's how kxp works" thread/page somewhere? From the first post and other posts in the thread, I get that you get xp from doing specific things on worlds, and once you hit the cap you need not do any more. My question is: What is the complete list of things you can do? What are the amounts you can get per world per thing, and what's the cap per world? Seems the list is: Fly - least points. You get this on Kerbin for just getting to the launchpad, and on other worlds for just getting in the SOI. Orbit - middle amount of points. Plant a flag - most points, can't do on Kerbin(?) Any others? Also, apparently if you want the most points you MUST plant a flag. Period. Except Kerbin, Sun, and Jool where you can't plant a flag. Is this all correct?
  19. Wow. That's totally a first for me. Time for Active Texture Management! EDIT: That worked like a charm. Thanks. I should have realized how much space all those textures took up.
  20. While I agree that FAR is easier than most people seem to give it credit for, I have never experienced this "Looks like a plane but won't fly" thing in stock. So long as the COL is near (preferably a bit behind) the COM and and the COT is roughly (preferably directly) behind the COM, it'll fly quite well.
  21. I'm having a lot of CTDs. I just installed this and Kerbinside, and successfully launched a rocket from KSC2. I then bought Wehrburry's Claim and tried to launch a plane from there and the game crashed. Upon reloading, and trying to launch again to Wehrburry's Claim the VAB locked up and all GUI buttons woudln't work. I alt-f4'd, loaded again, and tested a 3rd time and got Wehrburry's Claim loaded with my plane. I launched, and due to my poor skills had to ditch and retry. On retrying, I got not only a CTD but one of those "your game crashed, here's a crash zip package" messages. I uploaded the contents of that directory (Including the output_log.txt) to [defunct site link removed by moderator]
  22. Haha I'm going to show off both 1.0.3 and 1.1.0 in the same video Downloading now for my 2nd survey mission.
  23. You can't. It appears that a Kerbal's role is determined by his name. In the software they probably run it through a hash to create a number, and then they run the modular of it to get 0, 1, or 2. They also very likely created the hash so that Jeb, Bill, and Bob are 0, 1, and 2 before the modular, so if they add other professions in the future the "big 3" will stay that way. I don't like it. I'd like to be able to change careers or even double up. Why not a pilot/engineer?
  24. Or just a random rep change. Maybe one of the tourists tweeted about how terrible your toilets were.
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