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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. None, actually. I am using none version of Kerbal Konstructs. I didn't install it or this becasue I didn't see it in the list of features of either I'll give it a try, though, now that I know! EDIT: Okay I'm starting to feel really dense. I've gone over the first post 3 times and I see no link to a download site or download file. I see a link to Kerbal Konstructs and another to KerbTown, and a reference to an "all in 1" zip but no link. EDIT2: AHA. I have inline images turned off for browsing because I'm frequently on a very strict data plan. Your images with urls behind them lose the urls in that case. Turning images on, I was able to grab the all-in-1 zip.
  2. Are there any plans to make the bases locked at first in career mode but with a purchase you can unlock them for launches?
  3. This won't work in KSP because Duna won't start pulling on your craft until you're actually in the SOI. When you enter Duna's SOI you'll go into "orbit" around it but part of your orbit will fall outside the SOI (because you just came from there). You'll swing around the planet and head back out, passing back out of Duna's SOI to be forever gone. This works in real life because we don't use patched conics. All bodies in the Solar System (and the Universe, really) are constantly pulling on all other bodies, which creates some very interesting effects that just won't happen in Kerbal Space Program.
  4. I just installed the 1.0.3 version now IMO, if you've targeted the waypoint it should show up at all times. If you (the player) don't want it on the screen, don't target it
  5. I just tried this, and while I agree it's not a very friendly contract (because it orbits in reverse, it crosses Mun 1 or 2 times per orbit) I was able to complete the contract with 2 major burns and a couple tweaks. Total dV (from where you left me which was about the right altitude heading in roughly the right direction) was about 350 and total time spent was 5 minutes or so. In the actual morning I'll record it with voiceover to explain what I'm doing. Would you like your name mentioned and everything? I'm going to put it up on my channel as a sort of tutorial.
  6. GoSlash, Escape Velocity is the speed you need to go so that, ASSUMING MUN WAS THE ONLY BODY IN EXISTENCE, you would fly away from it and never return. The only body in KSP that you can actually see this with is Sun. Even though its reach goes on forever, there is a speed you can go so that your orbit goes from an ellipse to hyperbolic. At that point, you are at escape velocity.
  7. Sweet. Less than 12 hours before I'll be recording a video where I'll be doing survey contracts. Expect your mod to take center stage of that video
  8. I like the idea of having civilians, but not on your roster. I want a contract to ferry one or more civilians to another planet.
  9. I just put a satellite in orbit around Kerbin out near Mun's orbit. I launched it connected to a manned vessel, sure, but from LKO to completing the contract, the only control I had was through the "useless" Stayputnik. Anecdote =/= Data but come on, it was a frighteningly easy (and cheap) way to bag a $160k contract for under $10k and just about exactly the accrued science to unlock just the Stayputnik and OX-STAT panel.
  10. (Sorry this post was so long, I didn't have time to write a shorter one) This thread that was necroed and closed got me thinking. I've always been annoyed that I can't go to faster time warps at lower altitudes when I as a player know that it'd be safe (or at least, know that I just hit F5 and am willing to accept the consequences of my actions). I understand why the game slows down time warp as you get closer to a planet and then doesn't allow it for fear that you'd be plummeting straight down and warp right through the planet, but I also know that when I'm orbiting at 75km over Kerbin waiting 3 hours for my next maneuver node, it's really annoying to only be able to warp at 50x. It's also annoying to have to go back to the space center or a flag somewhere in order to do the warp, especially if I've not installed Kerbal Alarm Clock to tell me when to go back. We already use the ALT key when NOT at time warp to initiate Physical time warp (1-4x, you can control the ship). However, ALT does nothing special when you are already warping in NON-PHYSICAL time warp. So here's my suggestion: When warping in NON-PHYSICAL time warp, if you hold ALT while increasing warp, the game allows you to go past the normal restriction. It will still slow down if the state changes (like if you pass from 125,000km to 115,000km around Kerbin) but it will otherwise not restrict you in any way. Like the first time you physical time warp, the game should give you a pop-up that tells you that what you're doing could be dangerous.
  11. Actually "we" all don't know the risks of modding, which is why there is no 64 bit support. It's not like the modders who don't allow their mods used in 64 bit chose to do so in spite of having no issues with users who had no right to complain complaining. Also, all you need to do to support 64 bit is to find the spot in the source code that restricts it, remove it, and recompile. Don't distribute it or you're violating the license, but if you do it for yourself there is no legal or moral problem.
  12. Wow, that's a pretty devious file hoster there Anyway, I downloaded the file and will try to do this tonight. I'll catch it on video and upload it to YouTube. Unless I can't do it, in which case I'll just film me eating a hatful of crow
  13. Not quite exactly what you want, but setting starting everything to max and rewards to max, and penalties to minimum, you can blow through most of the tech tree right away and the rest after just a few missions. Also, I did not know about holding down alt in debug menu, so thanks guys for that!
  14. Well, in a perfect world these larger jets would come out in the same update as the stock aerodynamics changes, where (we can hope) the devs won't feel the need to totally OP jets to overcome the massive drag in the lower atmosphere.
  15. I totally agree, OP. Also, seeing orbits? That should be like a tier-4 tracking station bonus at best. Tier 3 should be map mode. Tier 2 should be instruments. And what's with untracked asteroids vanishing? They should stick around. If you don't track an asteroid for a full year, it crashes into your most expensive building.
  16. I believe the suggestion was to get close enough so that the "[F] Grab Ladder" prompt turned into an "[F] Board" prompt. That way you skip the whole "grab the ladder" part and go right from floating to boarded. It's tricky but possible. And I agree. It's a bug. Hitting F should reliably grab the ladder in all normal circumstances. I mean, if you're re-entering the atmosphere or something sure, but floating in space? Should work every time.
  17. The difficulty settings are really mislabeled. "Easy" sould be "Mostly Grind Free" and "Hard" should be "Grindfest." The game isn't really any harder or easier to play in those stages, you just have to do it a lot more before you can get to whatever your personal goals are. I would suggest doing what Levelord said. You can also start a new game (keep reading I know you said you didn't want to do this) and open up that game's persistent.sfs file in order to copy the settings from one to another, if you want to be sure you're playing on the correct settings for "normal" or "easy" or whatnot. Or just to make sure you're putting reasonable values in there.
  18. While I agree with this, I'd also like to see the save file. I can't imagine it's all that hard to match the orbit even with an impending Mun encounter. And if it is, just get past it and try again on the other side.
  19. Weightless (or more accurately physicsless) parts don't have physics act on them, and therefore they cut down on the amount of calculations that need done during flight.
  20. Go back to the ship and have the pilot aim the ship directly north. That way, in Orbit mode, the doors are sideways. Go back to your Kerbal and hit V until he's in Orbit mode. When you move him, he'll orient himself so the ship is rightside up. You should be able to get in no problem.
  21. Yeah but then you get back to the "what do you put in the starting node" question. For what it's worth, the tech tree I started fiddling with had the starting node the same as the current one, then had a "probes" tree (starting with stayputnik and going up slowly through each probe type) a "planes" tree (with a starting package about as fleshed out as the starting rocket package, ie a cockpit, single wing part, control surface, tail fin, engine, intake, fuel, and landing gear), and a few more trees (structural, fuel, engines, electronics, yadda yadda). I lost interest when there wasn't a simple program with drag and drop support to make the tree but hey, I thought it had promise.
  22. Will do. Sadly I didn't really think to report it until I was editing the video afterward and by then it'd been a while. It happened a couple times though so I think it should happen again. I'll check that log and try switching back and forth. And I'll grab the output_log as well.
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