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Everything posted by TimePeriod

  1. I just use less parts, since my computer does not handle KSP really well. It became my playstyle.
  2. Sorry but this just reeks of show-off. This belongs in the exchange.
  3. Bah, its marginal so who gives a damn. I'll continue to use them unless I have some kind of fanatical need to gain a few m/s. My designs always have +1k d/v leftover because I don't like my kerbals getting stuck somewhere.
  4. I was working on some kind of rapid accent rocket, when I realized my TWR was exceeding 3 with a payload of 32t. Ooops.
  5. I've generally found that 2-300 parts is more then enough to do most stuff in KSP.
  6. While I could use SSTO's or a shuttle type rocket, I can build a rocket which is half or even 1/4 the prices and just design it to save the most expensive parts. Sure its not a 100% recovery but it is a whole lot simpler, cheaper (pr launch), less part consuming, less part clipping and a whole lot of other things. In my eyes rockets can do everything that the other two types do to a far better degree with acceptable loss.
  7. 38.000. I do believe I can top that, thou I don't have the rocket in question at hand. 21k, 5t to LKO, around 30 parts or so. (edit: To be fair, the rocket could only do that by the width of a hair, only some 5-8m/s left.)
  8. "Cheating" is biased towards everything and nothing, thus the conversation turns philosophical in tune with religion. Pfff just let these topics die.
  9. One. Which turned into 1325 after it collided with my second launch. Doh
  10. Another key question I've asked myself over and over would be who should be in charge of said project, in terms of controlling the actual laser system, AKA what kind of targets should be picked first, what orbit should be cleaned up, who owns what satellites etc.
  11. A little question which has been bothering me today, could you potentially use a laser to cause an object to move? My logic is most likely flawed but I wouldn't mind being disproved. My question is this: If we took a laser of desired size and power, focused the beam on one side of the object in question, would various atoms from the said object begin to evaporate/burn on the surface? If yes, would it be enough force to be considered a type of propulsion? My idea continues with multiple laser satellites orbiting the Earth, with each satellite slowly 'pushing' the object into a lower and lower orbit. The general jest here is not to destroy the object in question but rather get it 'close enough' to our atmosphere, from there the object could de-orbit on its own via atmospheric drag.
  12. I only see the final component into LKO as the payload.
  13. 180 games on steam. Ever since I got KSP, it has never left my fav list, clocking in at 968 hours. I have several 60$ games on steam and none of them come even close to the same duration of play.
  14. Okay, so you got yourself some cargo but suddenly realize that you can't make that window of opportunity. Your in luck, we here at DFT have developed a new launch system for just such a need, I present: Weighting in at 1000 tons (ironic) this massive behemoth will keep true to its namesake with a t/w ratio of greater then 1! (Cases specific, see manual for more information, manual sold separately, limited stock, consult your doctor before use.) DFT is proud to be the lead designer of express delivery systems at discount prices. Costs: 400.000 Spacebucks.
  15. Steamrolled or cursed. That's how it works out sometimes.
  16. I made a fully functional SSTO with no cargo capa- capaci - capacity?(Swedish and English don't mix) anyway, my SSTO got into space in a stable 70km orbit and didn't even catch fire. To be fair, it is not a jet fighter at all. It turns very sluggish, lands like a soggy bread on tin foil and has a very limited payload but...but but but! It gets into orbit!
  17. If you have that much science, you should probably have increased the difficulty. There is not one clear answer to what should be the end-game content in this game. Maybe some kind of contact with aliens?
  18. Ehhh.... Not sure if this 'should' be called science.
  19. My first venture into the unknown territory of warfare, this is what my came up with. I called it "Warpig". Comes in two distinct types, a un-armoured troop carrier and a 'Katyusha' rocket launcher. Both of them are equally lousy. Troop Carrier Holds 4 kerbals, unarmoured, slow and fragile. Lousy fuel economy, poor driver visibility and outright engineering failures. However, its sturdy as concrete. Rocket Launcher Only holds 4 rockets which cannot be aimed or fly straight. The launch platform is exposed and nobody even knows where the launch button is located on the missing instrument panel.
  20. How come I think of Portal 2 right now?
  21. It has been said before and it will be said many more times over. This is a single player game. I swear, the universe is getting dumber by the second.
  22. This is 1000 tons. (1047T in specifies) How on earth am I going to get that into orbit without part clipping? My computer is beefy but it would never be able to handle all those parts without some massive clipping.
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