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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yes. You need to update all three--AJE, SolverEngines, and RealFuels.
  2. Svm420: Aw crap, I totally forgot about the issue you reported with TL throttling. I'll get to that ASAP. By all means try it, but if it wasn't working before it probably won't now.
  3. License allows continuation. I'd suggest PMing Genius Evil, but if you don't hear back, you can just upload the last download to github yourself and start from there.
  4. Yes, you can clone an existing part's assets by making a new PART{} config and referencing the model you want to use by using a MODEL node.
  5. blackrack: Just for Earth. It's because KSP still demands that the space center be on a PQS named Kerbin, and there are some other hard-coded-to-be-Kerbin things, so I only change the CB name to Earth, and only after everything's set up (i.e. at MainMenu). Other planets are properly different planets.
  6. That said, it *is* good behavior to make any partclones on FIRST.
  7. It's part of RP-0. It prevents you from yaw/pitch/roll (but staging is fine) when you don't have enough avionics for your vessel. You could make a stock version, yes.
  8. Yep. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121896-Real-ISRU-Development-Thread
  9. ferram found and fixed the bugs in SolverEngines and AJE that were killing props and piston engines. Expect new releases of both shortly.
  10. Lilienthal: Not just fine but encouraged! I made the release then fell asleep, then promptly forgot about updating the OP. Fixed now.
  11. Oh crap you're right. I forgot about that quirk of ModuleAlternator :\
  12. Ok, I'll add some debug spam, because that config looks correct.
  13. As discussed on git, the problem is not that it's using the wrong axis; Y is the correct axis. The problem is the order of operations, it needs to be done before the rotation is applied, because the Y axis needs to be the vessel's Y axis, not worldspace Y. CHANGELOG v4.2 * Fixed bug where inputs were being improperly normalized (thanks Starwaster!) * Fixed a bug in applying useThrottle (was being done in global Y not local Y; ditto).
  14. Svm420: You too! Ah, I think I see the issue. do !minThrust = DEL as well as %throttle = 1 If a minThrust is set, it will override the throttle. The code itself looks ok...
  15. RP-0 at present does assume RSS, yeah, sorry. It could be changed over without too much difficulty, I think, however. As to RO career without RP-0, the analogy I use is: imagine a marathon, in which some racers have stilts and some have race cars. That's what RO-with-stock-career is like, because RO changes parts willy-nilly but does not change tech node or price, so you can have hyper-modern engines in the start node for fifty spacebucks and the V-2 engine in one of the late nodes for fifty thousand.
  16. You can try changing the shielded conduction multiplier in Physics.cfg to 0. That will disable conduction between a cargo bay and anything attached to it that is shielded.
  17. Use an alternator module for it, instead of a propellant. If it's a propellant it'll count for Isp, if it's an alternator it'll just consume the resource. Use a negative generation rate to use the resource up.
  18. linuxgurugamer: Can you run the patches on :FIRST instead of on AFTER[KWRocketry] ? Running AFTER KW means it runs after RO (because RO has a plugin and KW does not, so KW, despite coming earlier in the alphabet, runs in a later MM pass) and that breaks most of RO's changes. Since AFAIK KW does not do MM patches itself, FIRST should be safe. This is particularly a problem because the KWR ckan metadata now _requires_ community fixes, which means it's impossible to CKAN-install a working RO+KW install.
  19. Svm420: Woo! Bugs for the bug god. I'll take a look. codepoet: gotcha! And turns out it's the source of the delta V stats being wonky too. We'll get something figured and I'm happy to take you up on the offer...as soon as, as you say, we figure out what it needs to be to work! lurkoholic: See above re: Svm420.
  20. Yaivenov: Given the way the parts look, probably the best bet is to treat them as modern hardware and work mostly off the physical size. To figure out the masses of the structural bits, maybe looking at ISS hardware would be the best? I'm sorry to say that for me, personally, this isn't an area of experience--I know launch hardware fairly well, and some capsule and probe hardware, but not this... Thanks for working on it! Godot: As the OP says, RO does not support career natively, only with RP-0. That said, I do need to fix the pod so it has a hatch--you can't eject otherwise. :]
  21. ModuleAblator affects skin temperature, not internal temperature. So it's not really going to work for this application. Short primer: When part skin temperature > threshold, add a negative flux to the part's skin equal to e^(part_internal_temperature / lossexp) * lossConst * ablator.amount * ablator.density * ablator.hsp * pyrolysisLoss. The loss rate (in units) is all but the last three.
  22. Cronus425: Thanks! codepoet: Ah, I see. Checking in with sarbian now.
  23. Woo, going back a long way. Sorry for the absence. chrisl: to make Vanguard, use some Baby Sergeants. A couple stages worth should equal the GCR solid. The Altair really fits halfway between Early Orbital and Basic Solids... As to Mercury-Redstone, the tank is actually just the Jupiter-C tank with the avionics built in (rather than in a detachable nosecone as in the Juno configuration), so it's in the correct node for its stats. As to Pluto missions: yeah, not sure why the stock satellite contract system is doing that. We plan to replace all stock contracts however... As to spin stabilization: Of course you can! Spin the whole upper stage (via spin rockets or RCS) before separating the kick stage and payload. As to RT: note that RO uses the 'root' rangemodel, where range between two nodes with ranges r1 and r2 is Min(r1, r2) + sqrt(r1 * r2). Since ground stations have incredibly large ranges, it shouldn't take more than 4 Comm16s on a probe to have a signal in lunar SOI. Warp11: Thanks! In the official 1.1 announcement it broadly covers what I'm working on. I'll still be working on these mods, too, although perhaps not quite as much.
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